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<geist> indeed, but last i checked that file wasn't update
<geist> looks like last generated november 2023
<kazinsal> chase really needs to hand the keys over to someone who isn't afk for nine months at a time...
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<Ermine> Random question, are there arm versions that are thumb only but have mmu?
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<dostoyevsky2> Isn't arm a fabless chip, meaning it can be anything you want. You give arm a list of modules you want, and arm gives you the blueprints/makes sure it can be produced in a given fab... Arm Cortex-A9 has Thumb instructions and I've seen it use a MMU
<heat> afaik the changes you can make to the architecture are limited
<heat> at least if you don't pay extra
<dostoyevsky2> Well, Apple made it quite far with custom modules it seems
<heat> apple is one of the special ones
<dostoyevsky2> But yeah, you also need those spots at the 4nm plants
<heat> also ermine said thumb-only
<heat> not "with thumb"
<dostoyevsky2> The only arms I know usually support both... I guess that's also customizable
<Ermine> armv7-e is thumb only for example
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<dostoyevsky2> Isn't ARMv7-A also thumb-only?
<heat> no
<heat> armv7-a was their main armv7 line
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<Ermine> They have announced it here
<dostoyevsky2> > MPU is a trimmed down version of memory management unit (MMU) providing only memory protection support
<dostoyevsky2> > The MPU on ARMv8-M processors supports up to 16 regions <- still no MMU but at least something
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<geist> MPU doesn't *translate*, only protect
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<lukflug> geist: I think you asked me how I got a dump, just after I disconnected yesterday. The zip archive wasn't of much use, I obtained an XML dump of every version of every page via https://wiki.osdev.org/Special:Export instead.
<bslsk05> ​wiki.osdev.org: Just a moment...
<kazinsal> yep. we really need chase to hand the keys to someone who regularly sucks down oxygen...
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<nikolar> Don't we all
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<Ermine> my fedora failed to wake up after sleep...
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<Ermine> And it has something to do with amdgpu this time
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<heat> good luck debugging that
<nikolar> Was there an update
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<Ermine> no way
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