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<nikolar> ok can someone tell me why i can ping my local network, but whenever i try to ping something outside it, all my packets start getting dropped
<nikolar> this is the pdp thing
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<kof673> well there is whatever simh is doing, whatever the host os is doing, and whatever the guest os is doing (does route/arp/etc. look good?)
<kof673> i assume "something outside" means interwebz
<nikolar> yeah
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<nikolapdp> so i am not sure if there was something missing
<nikolapdp> but i managed to connect now
<nikolapdp> though now that i've enabled the serial multiplexer, i keep getting this
<nikolapdp> coremap: overflow, lost 67 clicks at 016556
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<nikolapdp> trying to run vmstat, but i am getting: no /vmunix namelist
<nikolapdp> same story for iostat: dk_busy not found in /vmunix namelist
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<kof673> makes me think the kernel was not compiled with some needed option
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<nikolapdp> well now it's working
<nikolapdp> and to get it working i had to add a line to netstart which initialized the inteface
<nikolapdp> for some reason
<nikolapdp> didn't have to do it before i changed the bus/network card
<kof673> what does the c compiler look like there? is it c89-ish? k&r only?
<nikolapdp> pre ansi
<kof673> does it have struct surely?
<nikolapdp> well yeab
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<azonenberg> So I'm trying to design a consistency self-test for a key-value store. Trying to figure out what makes sense for the actual test algorithm
<azonenberg> Specifically, the goal is to ensure that if I abort midway through a write, I won't ever get corrupted or invalid data back
<azonenberg> i always get atomically the old or new value
<azonenberg> So i need to design a sequence of (name, value) tuples that I can write to the KVS repeatedly such that it's possible to determine, given only a snapshot of the KVS, whether any corruption has occurred
<azonenberg> My initial thought is to have two objects A and B that I initially write with the values 0 and 1 respectively, then i ping-pong increment each one by 2
<azonenberg> so you have 0/1 then 2/1 then 2/3 then 4/3
<azonenberg> then repeat the value a few times within the object to pad it out to a larger size so 4 would actually be say 0x00000004 00000004 00000004 00000004
<Mondenkind> azonenberg: maybe do a simple perfect hash (sth like the murmurhash finaliser should be fine) to get a lil more entropy in there
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<geist> nikolar: oh woot. what was the key thing that had it working?
<nikolar> Well first I switched to unibus
<nikolar> And 11/70 like you suggested
<nikolar> Set up dz0
<nikolar> Also realized that you need to update netnix along with unix
<nikolar> I kind of forgot that it's not a separate kernel kek
<geist> yah
<geist> yeah it's sort of like process 1 i guess. it must do some sort of thunking style context switch between it
<nikolar> Another thing is that I had to switch to a unibus Ethernet card
<nikolar> Which didn't just work (tm)
<nikolar> I could ping withing my lan but not outside (ie internet)
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<nikolar> So I added the ifconfig line to setup the interface to /etc/netstart
<nikolar> And that finally got it to work
<nikolar> Though when I am not throttled, I get the `coremap: overflow, lost 67 clicks at 016556` type of lines all the time
<geist> ah yeah. that's right. been a while since i configured mine
<nikolar> Presumably related to the serial speed
<nikolar> When I throttled, those seem to go away
<geist> which network eth did you end up using?
<nikolar> And I couldn't get vmstat and iostat to work :(
<geist> i'm using qe0 on my physical one
<nikolar> it's de0
<nikolar> qe0 just worked out of the box
<geist> but it's qbus, i guess
<nikolar> After setting the hostname and default route and network mask in the netstart
<nikolar> It is, yeah
<nikolar> I might need to recompile vmstat and iostat for them to work with the current kernel, I'm not sure about that
<nikolar> They don't work after enabling the option that specifically references them
<kazinsal> ah for the days when networking was "simple" and you didn't have to worry about a bajillion threats. just give your pdp-11 an internet address and start calling up other institutes
<nikolar> Kek yeah
<kazinsal> sometimes I wish I were doing the job I do now, but 40 years ago
<geist> yeah i dunno. my vmstat/iostat work, but i also updated mine to version 481. what version are you on?
<geist> read /VERSION
<nikolar> Lol yeah kind of feel the same
<nikolar> It's unpatched, or at least should be
<nikolar> I'll check in a bit, not at my computer right now
<nikolar> I'm just curious why qe0 worked without adding ifconfig to netstart but de0 didn't
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<nikolapdp> geist: actually
<nikolapdp> Current Patch Level: 195
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<nikolapdp> ls
<nikolapdp> well i got the vmstat to work
<nikolapdp> the config script for some reason didn't work
<nikolapdp> so i hardcoded the define in the makefile
<nikolapdp> oh no
<nikolapdp> i was being silly
<nikolapdp> i was overwriting the generated makefile lol
<nikolapdp> every time i checked, the new and old were the same, so i stopped checking :)
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<zid> I pluged a usb hdd in and now my mouse is totally ass
<zid> not sure if windows is just lagging to fuck, or if the hdd is kicking out so much EMF that the signal has gone to pants
<zid> okay it's the latter, weird, and lame
<nikolar> kek
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<vin> Is there a way to explicitly hint the kernel (say linux) to swap out a particular set of pages to SSD?
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<mcrod> newlib sucks
<mcrod> jesus fucking christ
<nikolapdp> lol
<mcrod> for some strange reason it’s insisting on using a coprocessor instruction on my cortex-m0+ board
<zid> that's the mcrod we know and love <3
<mcrod> no matter what’s going on
<zid> rust also insists on using sse on x86
<mcrod> i can’t believe ARM shipped this
<nikolapdp> kek
<mcrod> i call _start
<mcrod> and it dies on _fini which is to handle destructors
<mcrod> and the first instruction isn’t valid for m0+
<mcrod> i have to now compile my own newlib to resolve this
<nikolapdp> to be honest, that doesn't dound like a newlib issue
<mcrod> you say that
<mcrod> but I’ve pumped -mthumb and -mcpu=cortex-m0plus everywhere
<mcrod> and STILL it’s giving me shit
<zid> linker script filling .fini with dross?
<mcrod> what’s dross
<zid> an english word meaning.. crap
<zid> but aren't you supposed to erm
<zid> treat .fini as an array and call each pointer
<zid> not run .fini
<mcrod> ask newlib
<zid> but you're doing the former
<zid> you said you called
<mcrod> my only crime is calling _start();
<mcrod> that calls __libc_init_array()(
<mcrod> phone sucks
<zid> nikolapdp: good news, once I finished putting the 800GB of serbian goat porn onto that hdd my mouse started working again
<mcrod> you’re supposed to call _start()
<nikolapdp> oh nice
<nikolapdp> some string emf
<zid> I assume it must be a shitty usb3 cable
<nikolapdp> eh could be
<zid> cus the hdd itself should be just a standard wd inside a plastic tub
<zid> and standard wds don't have bad EMF issues
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<zid> so I guess the usb3 cable is just completely lacking the tinfoil shield
<nikolapdp> does usb3 even run at speeds that cause emf issues at those frequenceis
<nikolapdp> i guess there's always ripple in the signal
<zid> look at the transfer speed
<zid> it's in the gigabits range
<zid> so it nicely intefers with wifi
<nikolapdp> nice
<nikolapdp> i forgor what speeds usb3 runs at
<nikolapdp> or whatever they are calling it these days
<zid> pa5bit
<zid> 5gbit
<zid> exactly 5ghz wifi :P
<nikolapdp> kek
<zid> or a very strong 2nd harmonic of 2.4
<nikolapdp> yeah that too would do it
<nikolapdp> but for some reason, i remember that usb2 is 480mbit/s lol
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<mcrod> now i can’t connect to the evil board
<mcrod> eval
<mcrod> close enough
<nikolapdp> kek
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<bslsk05> ​github.com: setuptools/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/fastjsonschema_validations.py at 5cbf12a9b63fd37985a4525617b46576b8ac3a7b · pypa/setuptools · GitHub
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<dostoyevsky2> Ermine: that Jason dude likes his one-liners