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<immibis> many taxonomic terms have no real definition. What is object-oriented programming?
<immibis> what is a bird?
<immibis> what is a chair? is a horse a chair?
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<childlikempress> I am a bird!
<zid> really?
<zid> I thought you were some kind of beetle
<geist> birds aren't real
<zid> statistically, it's the most likely
<childlikempress> I am a cat!
<zid> that was fast
* childlikempress delivers dead bird at zid's feet
<zid> already got one thanks
<immibis> reals aren't bird
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<zid> My pencilcase is PACKED with them
<zid> never go anywhere without a few
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<kof123> > many taxonomic terms have no real definition > some kind of beetle > Scientific name : Dynastes hercules
<kof123> well, even the modern names can still have old stuff in them
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<heat> gog
<gog> heat
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<mcrod`> hi
<mcrod`> is that too spooky
<gog> EAS?
<gog> why would it activate EAS?
<gog> or is that a joke
<gog> or am i using the wrong initialism
<heat> whats up with your text
<gog> what's up with _your_ text?
<mcrod`> gog: no, it would activate the EAS
<gog> ohhh
<mcrod`> heat: it seems like word wrap is a fucking disaster on the default ubuntu terminal.
<heat> gog, my text is fine
<heat> mcrod`, i'm not talking about the word wrapping
<mcrod`> then wtf are you talking about
<heat> it looks like someone spilled green sauce over the letters
<mcrod`> oh
<mcrod`> ubuntu bug
<mcrod`> screenshot only
<heat> desktop linus kernal year
<mcrod`> too bad fedora totally shit the bed on me
<mcrod`> the greatest distribution that doesn't fucking work
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<heat> mcrod`, have you
<heat> have you tried arch linux
<heat> which i do use, btw
<mcrod`> yes
* mcrod` slap
<geist> mcrod`: hmm, what sort of display is that?
<mcrod`> what do you mean?
<geist> CRT, LCD? OLED?
<mcrod`> oh
<mcrod`> this is an LCD
<mcrod`> gigabyte M32U to be precise
<geist> it probably has sub pixel antialiasing set different
<geist> i usually turn that shit off
<geist> is that a standard font?
<mcrod`> yes
<geist> i dont mind antialiased fonts, but i hate the sub pixel rgb stuff, so i usually set it to b&w antialasing only, and then i usually disable antialiased stuff in the terminal
<geist> for some reason that looks more legit to me
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<gog> hi
<heat> geist: bazinga
* kof123 .oO( osdev wiki font test page "the quick bryan cantrill jumped over the lazy bazinga" )
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<mjg> i have to say i'm puzzled
<mjg> where tf does linux keep total numa domain count
<mjg> in ze kernel
<mjg> now that i asked, i found it
<mcrod`> usually, when I ask how to do something on IRC
<mcrod`> I end up finding out within 10 seconds
<mcrod`> so, that's my magic trick
<geist> yah duck debugging
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<sham1> hi
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<geist> hola
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<kof123> https://www.mit.edu/~xela/tao.html "Is the Tao in the DOS for a personal computer?" asked the novice. The Master coughed and shifted his position slightly. "The lesson is over for today," he said.
<bslsk05> ​www.mit.edu: The Tao of Programming
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<zid> *overly dramatic learning physics montage*
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