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<zid> heat: Empadão time, it's cold
<heat> no, i don't want empadão :(
<zid> no, for me
<zid> you're making it I don't know the recipe
<zid> ngl though it looks kinda shit
<zid> catfood
<heat> fuck you
<heat> that's a personal insult
<heat> empadão is poggers
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<zid> ah it was mainly DE FRANGO that was coming up on GIS
<zid> no wonder it looked like cat food
<heat> i like empadão de carne
<zid> MEAT PIE
<zid> yea found a normal looking one
<zid> I found it existed because I was checking the shepherd's/cottage pie wikipedia page
<acidx> +1 to empadão
<acidx> although I prefer empadinha :P
<zid> I prefer enchilada
<zid> heat: I'll serve you some weetabix
<zid> or maybe dinosaur nuggets
<zid> with chips ofc
<geist> heat: it's not desirable
<geist> tats a bit too heavy hammered
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<geist> two or three writes back to back to a device it should be able to batch, which is fundamentally the difference between 'device memory' and 'strongly ordered'
<heat> but isn't device memory usually nGnRnE?
<heat> hence strongly ordered?
<heat> for batching you'd use something like device GnRnE for WC semantics, I think
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<geist> no, nGnRnE is strongly oederd
<geist> device membery is usually nGnRE iirc
<geist> right, that's generally how you map mmio, though it causes the need to then do barriers, but it's faster
<geist> basically no merging of trahsactions, but transactions can be posted and move on
<geist> ie, the cpu does not stop the word and wait for the device to ack that it got the write
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<heat> geist, yep, i guess it makes sense to get early acks in most cases
<heat> why do you say only *that* needs barriers?
<heat> as far as I can see, you need barriers here for the ordering of reads/stores against earlier stores (on normal memory or *other* devices)
<heat> since nR, all accesses to the same device are serialized
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<geist> to the *same* device
<geist> since the cpu isn't waiting for an ACK from the write, but otherwise the ordering to a single device is maintained, you need to barrier if switching between devices, basically
<geist> or between device and main memory
<geist> but yes. that's right. with strongly ordeed i dont think you have to barrier at all, becase i think it'll effectively serialize everything (though i may be wrong on that, but no one really uses strongly ordered)
<geist> so you end up with this between device/device/memory barrier stuff
<clever> after working with somebody else for a day, i got a copy of the RP1 boot rom, and it seems to support booting from SPI flash
<clever> thats good news, for the idea of having an RP1 on a pcie card, and using it outside of the rpi
<clever> but ive heard elsewhere, that a pcie device needs to be able to enumerate within something like 5ms of power-on, or your typical bios will just treat it as an empty slot
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<heat> geist, nah, you still need the barriers. efi is using nGnRnE and even then had the multi-device store vs load problem
<heat> i think the difference between nGnRnE and nGnRE is that E just gets a faster ack when it comes to actually doing the store
<heat> like a store that ends up as a transaction on the PCIe bus may end up getting ACKed at the PCIe port vs the device itself
<Matt|home> hihi
<Matt|home> snuggles <3
<geist> yah or the pci bus in this case is not behaving properly
<geist> yah, oh yeah that's whatyou said yeah
<heat> here's a funny detail: the M1's SoC ignores nGnRE transactions
<heat> "As we found out, the M1’s internal bus fabric actively enforces that all accesses use nGnRnE mode. If you try to use nGnRE mode, the write is dropped, and instead the system signals an SError (System Error)."
<geist> oh fun
<geist> yah i suspect the M1 is pretty hacky, since they have no real incentive to follow all the rules, just enough to run one OS
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<vai> hi
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<geist> hols
<geist> hola
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<heat_> hola geisto
<geist> whats up heat underscore?
<geist> i hope heat is well
<vaxuser> sup fuckeren
<heat_> who's heat? i'm heat_
<vaxuser> some wanker
<vaxuser> glad you are different
<vaxuser> no stroboscope inside
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<bslsk05> ​i.imgur.com <no title>
<heat_> seriously i refuse to believe that 9 fans is not counterproductive
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<Ermine> What about 9 only fans
<geist> well, my case last 6 intake fans. basically the same as that except no side fans
<geist> and though it looks excessive, each of them spins fairly slowly (same corsair brand actually) and it's surprisingly quiet
<mcrod`> bottom, front and sides are intake
<mcrod`> top and rear is exhaust
<geist> yep, exactly the same setup as mine, except i dont have side fans
<geist> works great
<mcrod`> what's unfortunate is I can't hook them all up to the fancy commander core module
<geist> the 4090 barely breaks 70C at full tilt
<mcrod`> I have 2 commander cores
<mcrod`> 12 ports only
<mcrod`> not 13
<mcrod`> so instead of buying another commander core for... 1 rear fan, "fuck it" has been my response
<geist> yah mine are all just running off plain power
<geist> what does commander core do?
<mcrod`> RGB control
<mcrod`> it's the iCUE crap from corsair
<geist> ahh okay, yeah no lights in mine. actually pretty thick side door with soundproofing
<mcrod`> it's the most complex build I've ever done, and the most tedious
<mcrod`> been on the floor in about 40 different shapes
<mcrod`> can't risk leaving this anywhere near the cat with all of the panels off
<mcrod`> ugh
<geist> yah somewhat agree. big complex builds like this i dont particularly find that fun anymore
<mcrod`> i would find fun with it if I had a better workspace at the moment
<geist> maybe that's why folks put glass sideson them and light them up, at least that way you get some reward for your effort
<mcrod`> but, I'm more or less interested in my fancy 128GB RAM and my 7950X3D
<mcrod`> and the 3090 I have
<mcrod`> 3090ti*
<geist> all right! beefy computers unite!
* mcrod` ring touch
<geist> 5950x 64GB + 4090
<mcrod`> i don't plan on upgrading this machine for _years_
<geist> yah ausually with a big build like this i can keep for 5 years or so
<geist> actually it was already upgraded once since i got it in 2019. AM4 had a long run
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<gog> hi
<sham1> hi
<moon-child> yes
<sham1> good
<gorgonical> any of you have experience writing zig? the docs say you can just drop zig code into a c project and the compiler handles the cross-language object linking
<gorgonical> I was thinking about writing a module for my kernel in it as a laugh
<zid> I don't have a beef PC :(
<gog> i only have a chicke pc
<zid> mine is poltato
<gorgonical> my main laptop has an i5-3320m from like 2013
<gorgonical> my desktop is just an i5-4590 lol
<gog> i have RYZEN
<gorgonical> the only thing i have going for me is this desktop has like 7 hard drives in it
<bslsk05> ​'Nene and her Beef PC' by Kopla Vtuber Clips (00:00:43)
<gorgonical> the next time i put together a desktop I really want to get a beige tower case from my youth in the 90s and put it in there. I have a lot of nostalgia for those 90s/00s beige rectangles
<heat_> sorry, but ew
<heat_> beige computer parts are very ew
<heat_> and i do realize i'm upsetting many people here
<gorgonical> my introduction to computers was my grandfather in the 90s who was into them when you still had to know electronics like in the 80s. He had four separate computers on a physical kvm switch in what was an incredible battlestation and I used win95
<gorgonical> loved it
<gorgonical> A dedicated machine that he only used for taxes and household accounting
<zid> beige computers fine
<zid> modern PCs are actually supposed to be hearing-aid brown, ask noctua
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<gorgonical> oh man a great great find would be a sun workstation case
<gorgonical> such a classic look
<heat_> noctua fans are fugly
<gorgonical> they really are terrible
<gorgonical> the brown golfball blades
<heat_> "Noctua's premium fans are internationally renowned for their superb quietness, exceptional performance, thoroughgoing quality and extreme fuglyness."
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<gog> yeah wtf is with the colors
<gog> fucking beige and tan
<zid> hearing-aid brown*
<gorgonical> I'm just reminded that I had a computer case long ago with a door-front on it and hot-swappable drives
<gorgonical> That was the shit
<zid> yea so did mine
<zid> it was a prebuilt by OMEGA
<zid> not the watch company
<gorgonical> one expensive prebuilt lol
<zid> This kind of omega
<gorgonical> please be real
<gog> meow
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<sham1> gog: may I pet you
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<gog> sham1: yes
* sham1 petpetpet gog
* gog prr
<sham1> \o/
<gog> i pet an orange kitty today
<gog> he hangs around one of our sales offices
<sham1> Did the orange one have the one brain cell
<gog> that boy has half a brain cell at best
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<zid> orange cats use the same brain cell on rotation
<zid> so you have to catch them at the right time for them to have it
<sham1> Yeah, it's timeshare
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<zid> heat_: roberto carlos out of 10 for onyx?
<heat_> wot
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<geist> heh yeah i do still have a late 90s beige pc case
<geist> still would work fine
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