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<kof123> or, if you don't even care for it to show the window anywhere, there is xvfb IIRC...something that gives an equivalent of dev null for the "display" but still lets you run programs
<kof123> i don't remember the name, but there is a null-type x server too
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<kof123> well, tinyxlib is enough to forward over ssh, if you then compile xauth from x.org against it and patch some things :D
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<geist> HELO
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<clever> EHELO
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<geist> hello osdev
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<kazinsal> the time is early o'clock, and it's a tuesday once again
<geist> yep, early o clock is the best oclock
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<mjg> y u up geist
<mjg> larping being in your 20s again?
<geist> it's only 1:30
<childlikempress> wait do i not get to be up at this hour when i get out of my 20s
<childlikempress> fuck
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<mjg> childlikempress: what's your local time
<geist> heh, well, if you get kids then it all stops. from what i can tell
<geist> solution: dont have kids
<mjg> kids are overrated
<childlikempress> mjg: i'm at the centre-of-the-world timezone, like geist
<kazinsal> for the rest of us, there's weird 80s machine hacking and rewatching Cowboy Bebop while drinking gin
<geist> yeah on some pino grigio tonight
<geist> because the best time zone means wine
<kazinsal> nice nice
<mjg> #functioning-alcholoic-osdev
<geist> gotta get a little buzzed, then admin some old machines
<zid> marry geist and become a dinky, childlikempress
<kazinsal> tanqueray and OJ in respect for snoop dogg faking us all out on pretending to quit smoking weed
<geist> that makes it more of a fun challenge
<geist> gin & juice is pretty good stuff
<geist> for gettin lit
<childlikempress> i don't drink a lot but i need booze to work on concurrency stuff
<geist> propa
<mjg> do you coke yourself up for sparc assembly?
<geist> ah it's just moon-child
<geist> i thought someone new was de-lurking!
<geist> hi moonchild
<mjg> ye what's up with people not sticking to their nicknames :thinkingface:
<kazinsal> yeah I might be telling my morning meeting crew that I have Other Business to attend to and cannot make said meeting
<childlikempress> 'just' :<
<childlikempress> also y'all need more quality german books
<kazinsal> said other business being another couple hours of head on pillow action
<geist> yeah?
<mjg> like int main(int kampf)?
<geist> i have the rest of the week off, so it's start of a 6 day holiday (including the existing weekend)
<kazinsal> nice nice
<childlikempress> gfd lol
<sham1> Non-standard!
<mjg> oooh that explains it you being past bed time
* geist murders you all with Falkor
<mjg> (seirously though my own sleep scheduler would use some improvmeent)
<kazinsal> I've got the last week and a half of the year off
<geist> godddamn they should name a new fighter jet something like F-42 Falkor
<kazinsal> 23rd of dec to the 3rd of jan
<geist> kazinsal: ah not like, one of these rest of the year beaus eou have no job sort of thing
<kazinsal> much as I keep hoping I'll wake up one monday and get a layoff notice
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<geist> well, time for a road trip to seattle right?
<sham1> Sleep schedule? What's that
<kazinsal> honestly keep expecting it considering my long time boss got laid off on nov 1
<kazinsal> and I'm one of the last people connected to his team pre-acquisition
<geist> the trouble with being too useful is that never happens
<geist> you just get getting stuck with more shit to do
<kazinsal> honestly at this point I'd eat the layoff happily, severance + employment insurance + three months of nothing to do = god mode for me
<geist> word.
<mjg> that causes trouble for getting next job tho
<geist> like maybe it sucks for a few days and the you settle in to, shit this is great
<kazinsal> plenty of time to relax and then start poking SEA companies for jobs
<kazinsal> see who's willing to offer me a green card
<mjg> explainign a whole in your cv is sometimes a massive problem
<mjg> hole
<kazinsal> furniture aside I can load my whole life into my car and be in seattle in three hours
<geist> but then you wont be able to afford anything here
<geist> it's hella expensive
<geist> not bay area or NYC expensive, but pretty hella expensive
<childlikempress> vancouver is also hella expensive
<kazinsal> not much cheaper here
<geist> hmm, fair
<geist> i forget that vancouver is that way
<kof123> hella hella hella -- eric cartman
<kazinsal> I'm an hour and fifteen from the city by public transit and I pay $2k/mo in rent
<childlikempress> i should move somewhere cheaper but it seems like a total pain
<geist> bay area folks used to say hella actually. i would ironically say it and then it became somehting i'd actually say
<kazinsal> with average seattle tech pay I'd be half an hour from downtown seattle on similar cost of livin
<geist> the risk of ironically saying something
<childlikempress> oh man
* childlikempress just 20-30m from downtown
<kazinsal> I'd happily go to the land of no free healthcare for the pay and such
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<kof123> also relevant to the layoff conversation, "i love you social distancing" -- eric cartman
<geist> i guess i'm technically 35m from downtown because that's how long the ferry takes
<kazinsal> working and living in seattle or the sfbay are both goals for me
<geist> but realistically that means 45 min, since i need to get to the fery a few minutes early, and then moving around from te ferry dock takes time, etc
<geist> OTOH, looking off the ferry and seeing a volcano ispretty rad
<childlikempress> geist: that was my situation when I lived near seattle
<geist> ah took the BI or bremerton ferry?
<childlikempress> bainbridge
<geist> the bremerton is i think more like 50
<geist> ah so you know what i'm dealing wif
<geist> i'm about 2 mi north of the ferry, just outside of winslow
<childlikempress> i was small at the time though--having to commute every day doesn't seem super nice
<geist> yeah i only commute a few days a week
<kazinsal> ages ago when I lived in victoria there was a daily ferry to port angeles
<childlikempress> (could usually just stay in bainbridge and saquamish/poulsbo)
<geist> noice
<geist> both nice places to live
<kazinsal> these days in the far reaches of vancouver it's easier to hit the 539 near sumas and meet up with the I-5 at at north bellingham
<kazinsal> a route I am very familiar with
<kazinsal> I'm about six miles north of the Lynden crossing
<kazinsal> gmaps says 10 so I'll call it ten
<geist> well, when sumas is not underwater
<kazinsal> ha, yeah
<childlikempress> man I'm getting nostalgic now
<kazinsal> 10 ish miles when sumas is above sea level, 20 when it's not
<childlikempress> wanna go visit that faux boat near waterfront with the dick graffitid on top
<childlikempress> (graffiti'd? graffitied? idk)
<geist> i still need an excuse to go visit vancouver
<geist> aside from driving through it to get to whistler
<kazinsal> you definitely do
<geist> i think theyre running the train again
<kazinsal> Once Upon A Time in the 90s my folks and I would do day trips down to Lynden as an excuse to get cheap gas and hit up Edaleen Dairy
<kazinsal> far back as I can remember
<kazinsal> go to the dairy farm, get ice cream, go to the Lynden park, go back for milk, grab gas, go home
<geist> ah i see, on the 539 crossing
<kazinsal> yeah, or as we called it, 264th and 0
<geist> not sure i've ever done that crossing. only the blaine one and the one at sumas
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<kazinsal> the 26th crossing doesn't have NEXUS iirc
<geist> oh hah it literally is 0th ave
<kazinsal> 264th*
<kazinsal> yep, 0th ave in canada is specifically the border
<kazinsal> or like, three feet noth
<kazinsal> north"
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<kazinsal> most traffic goes through peace arch at blaine, being the 99 on the canada side and I-5 on the US side
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<kazinsal> or 15 north/543 south for trucks
<geist> blaine the train is a pain
<kazinsal> I haven't been down south of the border by car in probably ten years lol
<kazinsal> all been through YVR
<kazinsal> my NEXUS card doesn't even look like me
<kazinsal> on account the photo having been last updated when I was 21
<kazinsal> I got pulled aside on the canadian side last time I was through YVR because of that
<geist> yah drove to kelowna last year was last time drove over it
<geist> i remember the crossing being such a nothingburger it was even more surprising than i thought
<kazinsal> at least with the magical canadian passport it's just a glare on the way back in and a "yeah we'll figure this out later"
<kazinsal> but even at the airport on the way back in the kiosk told me to take three photos
<kazinsal> weirdest thing
<gog> hi
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* kazinsal hugs gog
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* gog prr
<kazinsal> mrr
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<heat> i don't understand people that have like thousands of starred projects on github
<heat> or thousands of followers or some shit
<heat> like what the heck is your end game there? github influencer?
<sortie> heat, Sortix!
<sortie> Don't forget to like & subscribe
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<heat> don't forget to advertise your patreon
<sortie> press F to install
<zid> heat: SEO for their linkedin
<heat> this kernel was sponsored by audible.com
<mjg> let me know in comments below the repo
<sortie> more on our sponsors later
<mjg> thanks to the GNU Foundation for sponsoring this video
<mjg> have you tried GNU/Hurd yet?
<heat> mjg, the GNU Foundation is not a thing
<heat> checkmate BSDumbass
<mjg> go to hurd.com/PESSIMAL to get 10% off your first install
<sortie> This was brought to you by GNU VPN
<mjg> hey vause it's mateusz
<mjg> vsauce :X
<heat> wait
<heat> isn't this matthew garrett?
<mjg> what did i say
<sortie> Pretty sure it's matthew garrett
<mjg> IOT
<heat> <heat> matthew garrett?
<heat> <mjg> no, that's my real name
<heat> so this is matthew garrett
<zid> I thought he made ultima
<mjg> little everyone knows heat is al viro
<zid> 44670 starred your repository
<sortie> Don't forget to read the manual page for 'engagement'
<zid> amg I got a star
<mjg> i'm surprised people have readme.md instead of readme.html tbh
<heat> hey vsauce, bryan here
<heat> have you kissed a girl? *music starts*
<mjg> have you kissed a girl? REACTION
<sortie> Today we're going to be installing Sortix. Kids, I'm a highly trained professional, don't do it at home. Youtube requires me to say that wink wink
<zid> I have 98 stars on my repo now
<zid> 2 more to go and I get a centistar
<sortie> A warning, Sortix installs are the leading cause of OpenBSD attacks. Maybe hobbyists have succumbed like this.
<mjg> Onyx install [GONE WRONG]
<sortie> Onyx v. Sortix REVEALED [LEGAL UPDATE 2023]
<zid> Onyx Class Action Lawsuit [Fitness for purpose]
<sortie> Onyx BUSTED: Actually reskinned Haiku
<mjg> Sortix developers DESTROYED by flamegraphs & logic
<mjg> bro i got wr, like few seconds
<mjg> if you recall :X
<heat> yeah and i fixed it for ya
<heat> np
<mjg> NOOOO
<zid> onyx crash% speedrun stymmied by rampant cheating via modified hardware, sending portogoose keystrokes from an english keyboard
<sortie> HEY GALS SO UH there's been allegations that Sortix is actually just a sucky and lightly reskinned Linux fan fiction, made to be intentionally annoying and underpowered. YOU CANNOT CANCEL ME
<mjg> My problem with Pedro
<sortie> Sortix ANY%
<zid> heat: i'm honestly impressed someone can be so pretzel brained as to be capable of typing on it
<heat> çame
<heat> *same
<heat> i have no idea how anyone can ever type on an en_US where ç is ;
<sortie> ;)
<heat> yo sortie im writing a linker
<heat> one up and write a compiler
<sortie> lol
<sortie> I have successfully sabotaged heat
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<zid> I keep meaning to write a compiler
<zid> I got as far as an expression parser
<netbsduser> what sort of compiler?
<zid> but I still need to make it support.. like.. fucntions and declarations and shit yo?
<zid> then do the compileringbit
<heat> netbsduser, ANSI C
<heat> the only correct C
<zid> zid C
<heat> just kidding, the only correct C is K&R
<zid> zid C is way better
<sortie> Is it pronounced sid
<zid> it supports dereferencing pointers to structs with incomplete members
<sortie> Or zid
<zid> zid
<zid> wakely refuses to add it for me, says he only knows the C++ parts of the code
<zid> dirty bastard
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<heat> <heat> subseq(c,a,b) {
<heat> <heat> extern getchar, peekc;
<heat> <heat> if (!peekc)
<heat> <heat> peekc = getchar();
<sortie> Can someone explain the difference between libc, glibz, zlib, libg, glib, and libz?
<heat> if zid C can't do this, i don't want it
<heat> glibz isn't a thing, neither is libg
<heat> try again later!
<heat> well, libg is a thing in the meaty skeleton, so it might be a sortix thing
<heat> but certainly not standard AFAIK
<sortie> heat: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libg.a
<heat> wait what the fuck
<heat> what is that for?
<sortie> That'll teach you to under estimate me
<heat> oh ok libg.a is just a stub
<netbsduser> glib: (of words or a speaker) fluent but insincere and shallow
<sortie> heat, now explain libc, glibc, zlib, libg, glib, libglib, gnulib, and libz!
<mjg> so i'm taking another stab at getting helpful ide
<heat> ez
<mjg> found out about "nvchad", looks promising desipte the name
<zid> heat: zid c's libc is just glibc but calling a function whose name starts with w is UB
<sortie> libc.so.6 AKA mozilla/4.0
<mjg> :)
<sortie> zid, how is that different?
<heat> libc is the standard C library, glibc is the GNU C library, zlib is a library for inflate/deflate by a guy whose name I forgot, libg is a stub, glib is the GNOME library, libglib is the GNOME library, gnulib is a hodgepodge of random files for portability on GNU projects, libz is a fork of zlib by well-known rockstar jonas termansen
<heat> next!
<heat> <sortie> libc.so.6 AKA mozilla/4.0 <-- fwiw bumping symbol versions is well less disruptive than shipping a whole new .so version
<zid> sortie: different to what?
<sortie> heat: klibc-D67x9cQZJoe6j863VWhTpYmFGDU.so, ld-linux.so.2, libc.so, libc.so.6, crt1.o, crti.o, crtn.o, gcrt1.o, grcrt1.o, Mcrt1.o, rcrt1.o, and Scrt1.o
<heat> oh
<sortie> heat: libpthread.a, libpthread_nonshared.a, libpthread.so.0, libpth
<sortie> ld-linux.so, ld-linux-x86-64.so, ld-linux-x86-64.so.2
<heat> klibc is hpa's minimal libc, ld-linux.so.2 is the name of glibc's linux dynamic linker, libc.so is a linker script that redirects to the correct libc.so.6, libc.so.6 is glibc, crt1.o is the startup objfile, crti.o has a stub for ctors and dtors, crtn.o has a stub for ctors and dtors, gcrt1.o is crt1.o for gprof, grcrt1.o is gcrt1.o for PIE, Mcrt1.o is a weird variant of gcrt1 IIRC, rcrt1 is for PIE excutables, Scrt1.o is for relocatable executables
<heat> IIRC?
<sortie> Don't look at me. I swear they've making this up as they go along
<sortie> Please everybody, if you have anything to spare, let's help heat
<sortie> DONATE NOW
<heat> give me USD DOLLAR
<sortie> We may be able to restore his eyesight but sanity is gone
<sortie> heat is never to be trusted with anything but abyss management
<heat> actually now im not sure what the difference between rcrt1 and Scrt1 is
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<heat> oh, rcrt1 is for static-pie, Scrt1 is for pie
<heat> cuz static PIE needs to relocate itself
<heat> mjg, have you tried vscode
<heat> or would that kill your pride
<mjg> i think i did, it was fucking with my ssh so i dropped it
<mjg> i need remote editing
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<heat> i have lazyvim installed and my experience is kinda shit
<mjg> here is a trade secret: most kernel devs have a STUPID setup which they can't be arsed to fix
<heat> autocomplete is all sorts of fucked and i can't get tabs/spaces working correctly, neither does it have sane defaults
<mjg> most notaby lack of completion
<heat> linus has a whole emacs fork
<heat> like, clangd works fine on my end, but its *all the other completions* that fuck me up
<nortti> wasn't the linus thing not a fork of emacs but a reimplementation that doesn't have any of the lispy bits?
<heat> like having the cursor right after a , prompts it to give me a snippet of a small hello world program with a #include <stdlib.h> and everything with a return EXIT_SUCCESS;
<heat> and as you may imagine, i linebreak a lot after a comma
<nortti> looks like it is a fork of microemacs, which is the said reimplementation
<heat> i have no idea what garbage plugin is trying to give me that shit but i hate it
<heat> like neovim is absolutely tedious to set up because there are no sane defaults ever
<heat> everyone expects you to pop in to a lua config file and do some random shti
<heat> like, bud, i don't want to write my text editor
<heat> if i did, i would be klange
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<bslsk05> ​docs.freebsd.org: Use Language Servers for Development in the FreeBSD Src Tree | FreeBSD Documentation Portal
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<mjg> wut
<mjg> so i got LSP for C operatinal after all
<mjg> clangd likes to eat cpu though
<netbsduser> i like clangd but they really need to get basic refactorings implemented
<netbsduser> they don't even have Extract Method
<mjg> some rustards were implementing this
<mjg> or some other non-c
<mjg> after typing a_func_name( i get docs (nice), except they list return value *last*
<netbsduser> it's the fashion now
<mjg> i can live with it but pretty weird
<mjg> i guess not doing it would require special casing by language
<netbsduser> they won't stop until C is modified to instead write `void fun(void)` as `fun(void) -> void`
<mjg> lame, does not complete goto labels
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<immibis> type last has significant parsing benefits, but it's still lame
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<heat> mjg, goto considered harmful!!!!!!!!
<mjg> OH OK
<heat> recursive make considered harmful
<heat> programming considered harmful
<mjg> ONYKKZ
<mjg> considered ok
<mjg> i just learned openbsd has their own rsync clone
<mjg> and they claim something about performance, l o l
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<heat> onyx considered meh
<mjg> you are still overselling it tho
<heat> 9/10 doctors say onyx is better than cancer
<mjg> at killing people l ol
<mjg> 8/10 doctors on our payroll smoke Lucky Strike
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<zid> heatolith
<heat> mjg, do you have a static binary on your fbsd system on hand?
<heat> i read some vague stuff where ifunc explicitly created a GOT even on static binaries, and now i'm curious
<heat> i don't think it's true
<heat> but glibc static lolinking
<mjg> can't be FUCKED to check
<mjg> i'm busy patchin llvm
<heat> OH
<heat> look at you mr userspace
* mjg feels like a peasant ngl
<heat> you're patching sea plus plus
<mjg> 2 fucking space indent
<mjg> my vim kept looking at me liek "wtf bro"
<mjg> and i was like " i know man"
<heat> 2 space indent files can only be opened on netbeans
<mjg> lemme tell you something
<zid> heat: You need to work heatolith in somewhere, maybe the name of a tool in onyx
<mjg> there is something incredibly stupid going on when linking llvm
<mjg> erm anythiing by llvm
<heat> OH that reminds me, for some god forsaken reason the particular combination of random plugins and configs i have for neovim defaults to 2 space indent
<mjg> ya
<mjg> i think that or 4
<mjg> i tried that shit
<mjg> but most importantly wtf is up with grey comments with dark background
<heat> i like grey comments with a dark background
<mjg> fucking genz
<heat> it's less cluttery visually
<mjg> i'm not that fond of comments
<mjg> but i like to see them
<heat> average freebsd developer
<mjg> not just that they are there you know
<heat> mjg: MY MAN
<bslsk05> ​github.com: freebsd/lib/libc/ia64 at master · lattera/freebsd · GitHub
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<mjg> nothin'
<mjg> apart from my itanium cluster
<heat> i can't believe there was an ia64 port for freebsd
<mjg> why not
<netbsduser> that's because freebsd is made for iron (ia64 = iron architecture, 64-bit words)
<mjg> i was told it was a major PAIN
<foudfou_> hi all, can someone explain why xv6's freevm(), which frees up mem for a process, needs to free user pages first (i.e. deallocuvm())?
<bslsk05> ​github.com: xv6-public/vm.c at eeb7b415dbcb12cc362d0783e41c3d1f44066b17 · mit-pdos/xv6-public · GitHub
<heat> idk
<heat> you could easily do both things in one shot
<foudfou_> heat: can you elaborate on "easily"? xv6 does iterate over PDEs, but that doesn't free user pages…
<bslsk05> ​gist.github.com: xv6-vm.c · GitHub
<heat> it's algorithmically doable, they just preferred not to do so, for some reason
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<mcrod> hi
<mcrod> i’m going to play with fbsd 14
<mjg> lol
<mjg> mcrod: lmk if there are problems
<mcrod> ok
<mcrod> bazinga
<gog> hi
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<Ermine> Hey, someone, please add one more star to Onyx
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<Ermine> Love fedora: https://i.imgur.com/OscHh5c.png
<bslsk05> ​i.imgur.com <no title>
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<gog> kek
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