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<mcrod`> hi
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<gog> i
<Ermine> gog: may I pet you
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<gog> Ermine: y
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<zid> gog: f
* Ermine pets gog
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* geist yawns
<heat> geist!
<geist> hola
<heat> olá
<zid> heat: w
<zid> geist: v
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<heat> very funny fact: linux has a bullshit hidden filesystem for block devices
<heat> why? block device dirtying/flushing
<clever> i hadnt noticed that one
<clever> related, i saw a blog post, where somebody was wanting to stress test linux, for the lulz
<clever> he used qemu and virtio to add 1000's of block devices to linux
<clever> and past 26, it goes from vdz to vdaa
<heat> yep
<clever> but he also found, that the entire list of block devices, is scanned linearly
<clever> so if you have 1000 block devices, and try to open the 1000th one, it takes 1000x as long to open
<heat> yeah
<clever> and he just kept adding more, to see when it would break, and what would happen along the way
<heat> wait
<heat> really? linear block device table?
<clever> i forget the exact impelmentation (linked list vs array)
<heat> as in open(/dev/sda) just scans a linked list for the dev?
<clever> but the scan was linear, checking each item in the array
<clever> yeah
<heat> yuck
<clever> when you only have 4 devices, who cares?
<clever> when you have 1000 devices, it only matters at mount time
<clever> so, who cares?
<clever> also, who has 1000 block devices?? :D
<heat> it matters whenever someone opens a block device
<clever> and how often are you opening one?
<heat> probably rarely
<clever> exactly
<heat> but still, my kernel shares the block device register/lookup logic with char devs
<heat> which are opened a lot more (still rarely though)
<clever> i can only see it really being an issue for rare cases like zfs mounting, where it has to open every block device, and check for headers, to discover the right ones to use
<heat> i have a 256-size hashtable for each kind of dev
<clever> now that you mention the device#'s, yeah, that makes me wonder what the heck linux is doing.....
<zid> some idiot will come up with some stupid reason they need 10k mount points eventually
<heat> so onyx is OPTIMAL
<zid> and I'll have to have a b-tree instead of a list for my "sda, sdb"
<clever> brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 0 Oct 20 10:10 /dev/sda
<clever> the first layer, would be within the devtmpfs, to map sda to an inode, that says "block device 8 0"
<clever> then its just 2 ints, and it could look it up in an array...., why was it as slow as the blog post claimed.......
<heat> fwiw it seems to use a hash table
<heat> so
<heat> they use the pretend blockdev filesystem i mentioned!
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<geist> gasp, maybe something on the internet is WRONG?
<clever> or it was right, at the time of writing (say, linux 2.6, lol)
<clever> and linux has since changed
<clever> id have to find the blog post again
<zid> heat I'm thinking maybe it's time to play Spore again
<zid> were you alive when that came out
<heat> yes
<heat> clever, fwiw block devices were using the inode hashtable back in 2.6.0
<heat> so either they O(n)'d on something else or this myth is officially BUSTED
<heat> in very few cases would linked lists be used for a lookup-heavy thing
<heat> even if in this case it's ""heavy""
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<geist> but either way even f it was a linear list, it's not the worst sin you can do
<geist> since 1000s of block devices is pretty insane
<gog> hæeeee
<gog> hvað sögum þá
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<clever> geist: yeah
<Ermine> finally, optimal onyx
* gog prr
<heat> wdym finally? it has always been optimal
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<heat> geist, MTE on the pixel 8!
<Ermine> MTE = ?
<geist> interesting
<puck> memory tagging
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<Ermine> puck: thank you
<puck> "pixel 8 mte" would've worked :p
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<Ermine> Dumb me
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<Ermine> I still prefer hardware without all that luminous stuff
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<jjuran> There's a little screen inside the case?
<jjuran> So in the same way that there's a little 486 running MINIX or whatever to help power on the real computer, I just had this vision of a tower case where you open it up and there's a little screen and keyboard in there.
<jjuran> And you can use it to edit config files that control the startup environment. Or play DOOM.
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<heat> mcrod`, fyi firmware people did warcrimes for that shit
<heat> you should feel responsible
<mcrod`> i don’t
<mcrod`> let them burn
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<Ermine> jjuran: do it
<zid> I swear I've seen people do that
<zid> and I've definitely seen like, fan controllers that do it
<zid> sit in a 3.5" drive bay and have a touchscreen for controlling fanspeeds and stuff
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<jjuran> I made a mounting bracket out of Lego for placing a smartphone above a laptop screen, though I don't have any software taking advantage of that yet
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<zid> good news, lego has their own programming language
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