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<mcrod`> hi
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* gog hug mcrod`
<gog> i'm having a terrible day lol
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* mcrod` hug gog
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<Ermine> Is it good idea to run stuff in production with ASAN on?
<sortie> I generally would say no
<sortie> It's not built to be a hardening mechanism
<sortie> It may give attackers additional access and attack surface
<sortie> The sanitizer libraries are full of scary things and the memory protections are less than ideal
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<Ermine> Ok, thank you
<heat> ASAN has high overhead and LLVM's ASAN is not suitable for runtime usage
<heat> prod usage I mean
<heat> you can run linux with KASAN on in production, you just eat the overhead
<Ermine> so, it's better suited for debugging
<Ermine> or testing
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<mjg> run 2 kernels at once
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<mjg> kasan vs no kasan
<mjg> crash if there is a discrepancy
<Ermine> There will be discrepancy obviously
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<mcrod`> hi
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<gog> hi
<heat> mjg, don't use kasan
<heat> kasan is PESSIMAL
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<heat> ngl sometimes i want to disassemble something and KASAN kinda fucks with me with the checks
<heat> but then i just run addr2line and all is well
<mjg> use ruts
<mjg> no need to disam
<mjg> disasm
<heat> ruts poggers cargo
<gog> gogo
* gog dab
<heat> go? how about you GO fuck off
<heat> this is a rust channel
<gog> that's my secret heat
<gog> i'm always fucking off
<mjg> this is rust/ia64 channel
<Ermine> heat: I see you like go
<Ermine> mjg: ia64 is going to be dropped so rust only
<mcrod`> yay I fixed my sine wave LUT issue
<mjg> that's some going backwards!
<Ermine> well, go is definitely offtopic for #osdev
<mjg> pft!
<mjg> now that i pft'd
<mjg> since G is adopting rust, i wonder if they are going to migrate away from go
<heat> ia64 is getting dropped by who?
<mjg> i'm literally contribuint freebsd/ia64 as we speak
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<Ermine> heat: by linooks, no?
<heat> i dont care about that amateur system, i use netbsd
<mcrod`> it's cold
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<mjg> no, it's vliw
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<Ermine> oh, BSD pros entered the chat
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<Ermine> Now that #intel-gfx weirdo dumps his conciousness on me XD
<heat> nice
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<heat> fwiw i suspect it's the same estonian guy that cursed this place for some time
<Ermine> I also think so
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<Bitweasil> mcrod`, sine wave LUT? I have a random project that needs one of those. What are you using it for?
<mcrod`> speed
<bslsk05> ​github.com: libsame/src/libsame.c at main · mcroddev/libsame · GitHub
<Bitweasil> Sure, I get that it's for speed, just wondering what you're doing that needs high speed sinewave LUTs.
<mcrod`> generating possibly 2 million samples maximum
<mcrod`> on a shitty microcontroller
<mcrod`> and I don't want `call sinf` in the critical path
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<Bitweasil> I was asking a rather higher level question about "What needs sine waves?" Audio generation for encoding data on a RF link is the answer I was looking for. :)
<mcrod`> oh oh
<mcrod`> sorry :p
<Bitweasil> np. Neat little library!
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<heat> mcrod`, stop using const so much
<heat> thanks!
<mcrod`> no
<heat> what's wrong with your comments?
<heat> ///
<heat> //////////////////// This is a comment
<mcrod`> /// is doxygen
<heat> have you heard of /*?
<mcrod`> who the fuck uses that
<Ermine> me
<Bitweasil> *waves*
<heat> // Initializes...
<heat> void libsame_init(void);
<Bitweasil> I like my /* style blocks 8?
<heat> cheers bud, thanks for the comment
<Bitweasil> */ even
<mcrod`> oh lol
<mcrod`> i forgot that was there
<mcrod`> libsame_init() doesn't have to be there
<Bitweasil> I generally use // for short in-function comments and /* */ for comment header blocks.
<Bitweasil> For no particular reasons.
<heat> if im feeling very C I will use /* */ for everything
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<mcrod`> i hate lines 201-216 though
<mcrod`> pure ugliness
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<geist> yah over the years i've moved more and more towards // even if in pure C
<geist> but i still tend to mix it up
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<Ermine> I've got used to C so I use /* */ for everything
<heat> fwiw // has been standard since 1999
<Ermine> we in uni had compiler with -ansi coded into its spec file
<acidx> -ansi? I'm sorry
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<Ermine> Ah, actually I'm lying, because it was -std=c99 with a bunch of -Werror='s which made it -ansi with a few exceptions
<heat> ez solution, pass -w
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<Ermine> not working if you compile your assignments code in front of professor
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<heat> tbf
<heat> building your own toolchain with 1989 defaults and distributing that to your students is a great effort
<heat> more effort than learning C99
<zid> I use /* only
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<Ermine> our lecturer sometimes wrote main() { ...
<zid> and stick to c89 unless given a strong reason not to
<Ermine> without int
<zid> hate that ^
<zid> implicit types on function decs was a mistake
<zid> should be -werror'd
<heat> main() argc; char **argv, **envp; {}
<heat> hm, this doesn't compile I think
<heat> main() auto argc; char **argv, **envp; {}
<heat> this should
<zid> no it shouldn't
<nortti> I think you need to declare the names inside the parameter list, then give the types afterwards
<Ermine> main(argc, argv, envp) int argc; char **argv; char **envp; {}
<nortti> main(args, argv, envp) char **argv; char **envp; {}
<nortti> argc defauls to int unless overridden
<Ermine> Well, but I didn't see this thing used in code
<heat> OH RIGHT
<Ermine> And I believe I've looked at many K&R definitions
<heat> damn i fucked it up
<Ermine> auto is c++11 btw
<heat> auto is also C
<heat> K&R C, to be exact
<Ermine> woah
<nortti> it's a storage class specifier
<bslsk05> ​en.cppreference.com: Storage-class specifiers - cppreference.com
<Ermine> not the type inference
<bslsk05> ​godbolt.org: Compiler Explorer
<heat> god i love C
<nortti> iirc so is typedef
<nortti> unsigned typedef foo;
<acidx> auto is the static dual
<Ermine> What's wrong with that code?
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<Ermine> Btw in ksh code (and probably in minix code, idr) K&R definitions were used line func(a, b) type1 a; /* doc on a */ type2 b; /* doc on b */ {}
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<heat> probably
<heat> gog
<gog> hete
<heat> when gog transition into rustr
<heat> rust pog go bad!
<gog> i'm done with transitionings
<mjg> node.rs
<heat> lets rewrite gog in rust
<mjg> 's what i need
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<gog> rewrite me in f#
<heat> mcrod`, f# and the f stands for fuck you
<gog> why are you being mean to mcrod`
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<mcrod`> gog protect me
* gog` protecc
* zid gets on hands and knees behind mcrod` and waits for heat to notice
* gog` slaps zid with a fish
* Ermine does cheerleading dance for gog`
<gog`> what in cod's name are you doing
<gog`> get it
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<bslsk05> ​'GENSHIN IMPACT RAIDEN SHOGUN.EXE' by Rawfler (00:05:23)
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<heat> scoped_guard (raw_spinlock_irqsave, &p->pi_lock) {
<heat> oh hey look it's budget C++ in linux
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<Ermine> still better than full-fledged c++ I guess
<zid> using the preprocessor == budget C++
<zid> k
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<heat> when you paper over C's lack of features using 150 lines of obfuscated macro horrendousness and a GNU extension, yeah, it's like budget C++
<heat> who need language features when you have #define
<heat> somehow mirrors the C++ committee's "who needs language features when you can shove shit down the standard library and pray"
<Ermine> we are missing C+
<zid> I'm bored for a change
<zid> someone entertain me
<aosync> for what kind of change
<Ermine> And rust is like ...
* childlikempress gives zid a kaleidoscope
<heat> Ermine, CARGO
<Ermine> no
<Ermine> who needs language features when you have CARGO
<Ermine> this way
<zid> who needs language features when you have FACTORIO*
<aosync> what's wrong with cargo
<heat> no Ermine
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<heat> for rust it's "rost cargo async"
<heat> rust people cannot form coherent sentences
<Ermine> this way you're breaking the template
<aosync> rust memory blaze
<childlikempress> who's aosync
<zid> no idea
<heat> template?? Ermine have you been around C++ people again
<zid> I whois'd them earlier, none the wiser
<heat> yeah idk either
<aosync> i use irc only rarely
<aosync> i asked a question here once
<heat> new people would be less confusing if everyone stopped changing nicks
<zid> pot kettle black
<aosync> i never changed nick
<zid> noody said you did
<aosync> clarifying
<heat> i only change from heat to heat_ to heat to heat_ and rarely to heat__
<childlikempress> is being a three underscore irc user like being a three star c programmer
<zid> and notheat, mjg, mild-warmth, gog, goggers, grog
<Ermine> heat: I'm working with Qt at $dayjob
<Ermine> So, yeah, I'm being contaminated by C++
<zid> why do my sshs keep disconnecting
<zid> putty doesn't have this issue
<zid> oh, oppenheimer is out
<heat> the star c programmer thing is wrong anyway
<heat> the true rating system should be leading underscores
<kof1231> > who need language features when you have #define #define is just budget my little #pragma
<zid> Do we think 39GB is too much
<zid> or is it just about right
<heat> 39GB of what?
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<zid> space
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<heat> yea but for what?
<heat> oppenheimer?
<zid> yes
<heat> i liked it a lot, so IMO it's probably worth it
<mjg> you all suck
<mjg> sortie: geist: is there a publicly available google guide how to rust
<mjg> i'm not asking about the initial tutorial
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<Ermine> heat: C programmers with 2 underscores are Reserved Programmers
<heat> mjg, none of the people you tagged actually rust
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<bslsk05> ​google.github.io: Welcome to Comprehensive Rust 🦀 - Comprehensive Rust 🦀
<acidx> 39GB of space: yes ' ' | dd of=39gb-of-space bs=1M count=39936
<Ermine> if they happen outside of C compilers and libcs, UB happens
<zid> fuck is up with my internet rn
<mjg> that's the initital tutorial
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<heat> i remember i tried to follow that rust guide but gave up very early
<sortie> mjg, I use Dart :)
<zid> ping is 20ms all the time, but my connections just stop for a while sometimes
<zid> time to reboot.. everything?
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<Ermine> maybe rust is not a bad choice for android apps
<heat> yeah, it's probably a horrid choice
<Ermine> why?
<heat> you probably want java or kotlin or dart
<heat> rust is a systems programming language, not an app programming language
<heat> android people use it for internal system stuff, not apps
<mjg> sortie: i use node.rs
<Ermine> I don't treat it as systems programming language
<heat> but it is
<Ermine> for such stuff I'd prefer C
<mjg> it is slower to develop with than, say, python
<mjg> and the end result is not necessarily justified either
<Ermine> I see rust mostly as something that is better than c++
<heat> C++ is a systems programming language
<mjg> c++ is a crap systems programming language
<mjg> 'crap' binding both ways
<Ermine> ^
<heat> it's not
<netbsduser`> heat: it's an apps programming language that has tried to reinvent itself as a systems language
<netbsduser`> rust that is
<heat> i don't agree with that assertion either
<heat> it's perfectly fine and usable in a "systems" context - whatever that means
<Ermine> You regret using it though
<childlikempress> yeah I think it's more the other way around
<heat> do you? rust ppl seem very happy
<sortie> I think heat should use more Sortix
<mcrod`> hi
<childlikempress> it was created for firefox no?--and then was a bunch of webdevs' first introduction to a language with an actual type system
<heat> sortie, sir we use onyx in this household
<sortie> heat, no you don't
<sortie> heat, but I do use Sortix in my household
<sortie> This is where you cry
<heat> 2nd day in a row getting roasted by sortie
<sortie> It's okay. One day you can daily driver Onyx on your laptop too
<heat> this is one of the weeks of all time
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<zid> why does w10 take 15 mins to 'shut down' :/
<heat> childlikempress, tbf i think "systems programming" is a bogus term that has no real definition except, idk, to sound low-level
<childlikempress> why are you using w10
<childlikempress> heat: agreed
<zid> cus I had to stop using w7
<zid> cus I had to stop using xp64
<heat> use w11!
<childlikempress> use a real os
<zid> seems to have fixed my internet issue at least
<kaefer> I'm in dire need of help.
<childlikempress> like chromeos
<heat> but rust is clearly more "systems" than "app"
<zid> nah rust is app
<zid> but for cli app like libpng or whatever
<heat> you can write a whole stack in rust, you'll eat shit writing an app in rust
<zid> where the lack of abi isn't a problem
<heat> right, i mean app as in "android app"
* zid does his 38 discord updates
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<Ermine> I ate some shit by writing stuff in java
<Ermine> I was complete noob though
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<zid> ah yes, this is how internet should work, I am getting 8kB/s download now
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<Ermine> hopefully I've hypnotized that weirdo enough to stop spamming
<gog`> hi
<gog`> i will never stop spamming
<zid> Ermine: you can try
<nikolar> zid: that's why you're on irc now
<zid> what is?
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<nikolar> ah yes, this is how internet should work, I am getting 8kB/s download now
<nikolar> you ^
<zid> okay but, I'm struggling to connect it to what you said
<zid> I saw all the lines, don't understand how they're connected
<nikolar> i am joking
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<zid> oh, Invicible S2 is started
<clever> yep
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