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<SGautam> I've been thinking how to implement scroll history in my terminal because right now it just erases the top column in the buffer and scrolls.
<SGautam> Everything I'm coming up with seems to be extremely inelegant. Right now the term is just a large array of W*H characters that is rendered every frame on the screen.
<ThinkT510> does the size of the array change when you resize the terminal?
<zid> SGautam: I know what my first attempt would look like
<SGautam> ThinkT510: Yes
<zid> terminal is a buffer that is taller than the screen, bottom-scrolling with \n forces it to scroll. Cursor moves that don't edit the final line just edit the 'history'
<zid> so things like vim should just draw 'over' itself constantly
<zid> and scrolling up should still work to see your command line from before you started vim
<zid> (which seems to be how my terminal emulator actually works)
<SGautam> Ah, you mean push to history only if a "\n" is found on the last line?
<zid> scroll the screen only if
<SGautam> Right now, I've two conditions to increment y, the first is \n ofc, and the second if X overflows.
<SGautam> Wraparound
<zid> does a vt actually do that? I wondered what it did yesterday, I *assume* it scrolls
<zid> The code for this is really simple if you're prepared to memmove everything, but gets kind of grotty if you use a ringbuffer :P
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<SGautam> Yeah I think I get it, have an int called "startidx" that is an index in the buffer to start drawing from, rather than scroll, do a startidx += width, and decrement startline if the user wants to scroll up. Finally, if you exceed the buffer, then you do a proper Scroll().
<SGautam> Ofc, error checking and have something called lastline so that startline doesn't exceed lastline - height.
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<moon-child> who needs scroll history?
<moon-child> just remember everything 4head
<GeDaMo> Why bother even having a display in that case? :P
<zid> you need to see it once
<zid> so you can commit it to memory
<GeDaMo> So just one letter then?
<zid> yea
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<moon-child> moar pixels = more bandwidth
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<gog> nya
<sham1> hi
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<gog> hi!
<Ermine> hi gog, may I pet you
<xenos1984> If you transmit characters from computer to brain, there's better ways to get more bandwidth than a screen. 25*80*60 characters per second is still low compared to such methods: http://xkcd.com/644/
<bslsk05> ​xkcd - Surgery
* kazinsal hugs gog
<sham1> Vista-ready :P
<xenos1984> I wonder which *HCI he implements.
<sham1> Nothing yet, anyway
<sham1> Still waiting for the software update.
<gog> Ermine: yes
* gog hug kazinsal
<kazinsal> nya~
<gog> nyaa
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* Ermine pets gog
* gog prr
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<sham1> Diskette!
<zid> They prefer the term "trans woman disk"
<kazinsal> disk, mommy edition
<gog> transfem storage medium
<kazinsal> formatted storage capacity: 1.44 million "good girl"s
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<gog> eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
<sham1> 1.44 million 9 bytes
<sham1> Or maybe 10 bytes, depends on if that string is zero-terminated
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<zid> You guys get 1.44MiB? I get 360KiB :(
<kazinsal> all "good girl"s must be delivered in slow, sensual, breathy whispers
<gog> staaaaaaaaahhp
<gog> you're making me behave stereotypically
<zid> isn't that your life goal
<kazinsal> contemplating turning up the good recording gear
<zid> lol, just got five 1/100 drops from killing 80 dudes in my game
<gog> nya
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<kazinsal> sittin here at 0430 with the whole audio rig up trying to record my best "good girl"
<kazinsal> damn technology
<gog> lmfao
<sham1> A worthy cause
<gog> i kinda want to play train sim world but i don't wait to wait for nearly 50gb of download
<gog> maybe i'll download it at work
<kazinsal> you ever record something and think it's great but after listening to it a few times for editing you go "oh no I should not"
<zid> imagine editing
<kazinsal> the editing decision is mainly whether to go full comical or full effort
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<gog> full effort
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<kazinsal> okay but it's your fault
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<gog> i'll post a pic of me flexing to repay
<kazinsal> gog: https://vocaroo.com/1mUlY60HrHL6 I did my best lmao
<bslsk05> ​'' by [idk] (--:--:--)
<gog> ee
<kazinsal> lol
<bslsk05> ​i.imgur.com <no title>
<kazinsal> oh my goodness
<gog> :3
<zid> gog hench
<sham1> Interesting
<kazinsal> now I really gotta win the eve online congress vote so I can get a free trip to iceland
<kazinsal> clearly they are a league above the rest of the western world in good girl energy
<gog> yes
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<mcrod> hi
<gog> hi
* gog hug mcrod
<gog> omg it works
<gog> omg
<gog> i found my problem
* mcrod hug gog
<gog> i should have disassembled the actual location it was #ud ing
<mcrod> i didn't realize my hugs could solve real problems
<gog> they can
<gog> and they did
<gog> but also i forgot to set up for syscall
<gog> it worked perfectly
<gog> except it #gps
<sham1> Nice!
<gog> maybe nice
<gog> idk i'm doing weird shit
<gog> just so i can load a program in efi and pretend there's a kernel
<gog> this might be another dead end in this little quest of mine
<gog> i think i need to mask RFLAGS.IF during the syscall
<zid> It'd help if you don't wanna take interrupts during it
<gog> yeahhh interrupts during this homonculus of a procedure is not good
<zid> 0x7202 springs to mind, lmk if that ends up right :P
<gog> be cool if i could see the contents of STAR from qemu monitor
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<zid> yea it'd be nice to have an info msr 0x800023 at least or something
<zid> (as in, something at least janky)
<gog> yeh
<gog> do any other cpus have a similar concept of msrs?
<sham1> That's the kind of feature that to me sounds more like an Intel Special^TM than anything else
<zid> ehh I think implementing it in specific that way is very intel
<gog> yeah
<zid> doing things more like how the LAPIC works is more typical I feel
<zid> mmio that doesn't leave the cpu
<gog> x2apic
<zid> I mean, they even look like addresses
<qookie> gog: aarch64 has system registers, which are a mix between what control registers, cpuid, and msrs do on x86
<gog> interesting
<mjg> ey
<gog> how are they accessed? specific instructions per register or an instruction thtat takes an index?
* mjg hugs gog
* gog hug mjg
<mjg> how you doin folkz
* mjg high-fives zid
<zid> MSR just an internal array with a special access mov, after you subtract 2 billion
<mjg> someone is in a good mood today
<gog> or are they mmio? that'd make more sense for what i know about arm
<qookie> special instructions (msr/mrs)
<gog> ah ok
<zid> don't trust gog, she anti-juices at the gym
<gog> can you imagine how i'd look if i juiced
<mjg> did youy know people thought arnie was not on juice
<zid> not even just didn't anti-juiced, properly juiced
<mjg> he was probably sluring more stuff than liver king
<mjg> and that's off cycle
<zid> gog "Hafþór" nyancat
<gog> hey you learned how to þ
<zid> I have always been able to copy paste a thorn
<gog> we'll make an icelander of you yet
<zid> I'm not signing away my rights to know what a tree is, sorry
<sham1> Þ
<gog> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<sham1> Ð
<zid> Thuhhhgh
<zid> I'm not sure it's possible to write voiced vs unvoiced things using onomatopeaieiae
<mcrod> i am having fun with my eval board with a screen on it
<gog> ooh
<gog> fun
<sham1> Ugh, today has been a very slow day for me
<sham1> And like I know that Sundays are like this, it annoys me
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<gog> me too
<gog> i also found that a gift card i had was already used so we can't really go to the mall as planned
<sham1> F
<mjg> gift cards are for the lower middle class and lower
* vdamewood gives gog a 1-fish gift card
<mjg> should not be applicable gogs
* mjg pays off his watch in installments
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* gog buys a fish and chomps it
<gog> i'm lower-middle class
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<mjg> lmao i 'm watching osme fucking twat on youtube saying if you want work-life balance
<mjg> you don't care about work
<mjg> born CEO
* mjg turns it off
<sham1> Oh they do want work-life balance. Work 100%, life 0%
<sham1> Or more like work=life
<mjg> pro tip: the more you work, the more work will be given to you to do
<mjg> without any benefit
<sham1> yes
<Cindy> sham1: you know there's people who actually LOVE to work than living
<sham1> Of course I know those people. I'm those people
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<mjg> we call them "lonely"
<Cindy> workaholics
<mjg> "best" part about it is that without maintaining sensible balance you are *hurting* your productivity
<Cindy> they work at night, work at the office, work when everyone's already off to their home
<Cindy> work work work
<gog> i'm working but it's work on something i enjoy rather than something that produces economic value
<gog> i'm more "fucking around and trying to find out" than working really
<sham1> My employee being the state, it's nice that they force me to not work too much
<mjg> dawg
<mjg> go to ig corp
<mjg> you will find people just slack around 80% of the time
<mjg> unless you are unlucky
<Cindy> sham1: force you?
<Cindy> like what
<Cindy> if you work too much they'll kick you out?
<sham1> I'm not allowed to work too much
<Cindy> like what happens if you work too much
<sham1> Well I could do it, but I don't get overtime pay or anything, they just tell me to "go away"
<sham1> "Chill out, have some holidays"
<mjg> "producing too much output makes the rest look bad"
<Cindy> sounds rude
<Cindy> you work overtime for free?
<sham1> Well that's an embellishment
<sham1> And well, it's more that you don't get overtime
<Cindy> what if i just wanted extra money
<Cindy> and i wanted to work overtime for it
<mjg> if you want money you don't work "for the state"
<sham1> The university says "no". And yeah, that
<Cindy> meh, it's good that i'm not working for the stat
<Cindy> state*
<mjg> i thought that a part time gig teaching would be interesting
<mjg> cured myself real quick from that idea
<Cindy> i would be in charge of taking care of the pentium 3 computers used to host their websites that gets ovewhelmed every month
<mjg> [without even trying :]]
<Cindy> budget cuts! :D
<mjg> i know a guy who is a sysadmin at a university, for 3 decades
<mjg> earns enough for modest living and does next to nothing
<gog> i feel like i'm doing something illegal with this syscall thing
<mjg> you could easily get 3 x that at corp and do the same amount of work :S
<gog> but it works
<mjg> watcha doin
<gog> syscall during efi boot services mode
<gog> so i can load a program that doesn't know it's not running in a hosted environment
<gog> because it eventually will be
<sham1> As far as money is concerned, unless you're like a professor or something, academia is quite pessimal as a workplace
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<mjg> for me the most PESSIMAL aspect is the status game
<mjg> you get old fucks faking the same old "research"
<mjg> with new grant money
<mcrod> i wanted to do academia
<mcrod> but i never went to school
<mjg> for me this just look like a social club
<mcrod> so that'd be a waste of time
<mcrod> these days, one can't afford to be pessimal when it comes to money
<sham1> Right
<mjg> i had a friend who became an assistant to a professor while still graduating
<Cindy> mjg: "research into why people breath air"
<mjg> and by that i mean she would run his errands
<bslsk05> ​github.com: sophia/loader/syscall.S at kc-entry-refactor · adachristine/sophia · GitHub
<mjg> even though officialy it was all about participating in the faked research
<bslsk05> ​github.com: sophia/loader/main_efi.c at kc-entry-refactor · adachristine/sophia · GitHub
<sham1> I'm thankful that the research I work with is actually something that is valuable and actually has real-world impact and such, but yeah, perverse incentives ruin research
<zid> see this is why you should write it in inline assembly
<mjg> i called it faked because it's 1. probably stupid 2. ... already been done to death over decades by people he coerced
<zid> so you don't need that cs thunk
<gog> maybe
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<mjg> sham1: i had a friend doing a phd, he shared a funny story
<mjg> they were told to attend a class about statistics
<mjg> which ended with a short quiz
<mjg> lecturer was genuinely surprised they already knew the stuff
<mjg> :s
<sham1> Hmm
<mjg> now, i'm not gonna point fingers, i but i got my share of absolute SHITE phd code
<mjg> cs phd
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<gog> i'm gonna go get my phd in cs
<sham1> And hopefully write good code
* mjg cries for gog
<gog> i will never write good code
<gog> clearly
<gog> you all saw it
<mjg> it is quite franlkly perplexing how lol misconceptions persist at all levels
<mjg> of education
<sham1> I'm not planning to get a PhD. My masters' is already taking its sweet time
<mjg> :]
<mcrod> a phd would be cool, wouldn't you want people to refer to you as dr. sham
<mjg> there is a prestigeous cs course at a certain uni, i knew quite a few people who studied it
<mjg> it is super common to just "fuck it" and not graduate
<mjg> at some point people just can't be bothered
<mjg> i htink the main demotivator is that nobody will read the damn paper anyway
<sham1> I actually just got my bachelor's degree like a month and a half ago. It's only been like 6-7 years since I started uni. Good times
<gog> i still don't have my bachelor lol
<mcrod> i don't have anything
<mjg> are you trying tho
* mjg only has a high shcool diploma
<mcrod> i was a substandard student in high school because i didn't care
<gog> i might go back, my union will pay me
<mcrod> so all I have is high school
<mjg> the furthest i got in college was 4th semester
<gog> but i need a couple more years paying dues to get a grant
<gog> and i'm not taking out any more loans
<gog> but also after a year in the profession my employability is like 100x higher now
<sham1> Ugh, I've sat around watching people trying to get grants for our project and it seems annoying
<gog> at some point i might find a job where my low-level coding knowledge is valuable
<jimbzy> Gonna hire you to help me port sosig to my air fryer, gog.
<mcrod> gog: i'm beginning to believe that low level coders are basically evaporating, because everything around is web dev garbage
<gog> so you can air fry some sosiges?
<jimbzy> :]
<gog> i think people think low-level coding is harder than web dev
<gog> and in some respects it's more challenging
<gog> and requires a different mindset
<sham1> I'd say that webdev is more difficult, but that's mostly just because of all the BS around it
<gog> but i find web dev to be harder work in general
<gog> yes
<jimbzy> It's all computer Lego.
<gog> and how everything changes every few yeras
<gog> a thing you make now is going to be obsolete eventually
<gog> or the source of an exploit
<gog> because you can't audit it end to end
<mcrod> source of an exploit?
<mcrod> you mean installing any npm package evevr?
<mcrod> ever*
<sham1> Gotta make $THING work on $BROWSER that does $FEATURE just a tiny bit wrong or just doesn't implement it even though it should
<gog> basically yeah
<jimbzy> import * from *
<mcrod> I remember my first time using npm
<gog> hhhhhh
<mcrod> and installing a very common package
<gog> god
<sham1> leftpad?
<mcrod> "40 vulnerabilities were found"
<gog> yep
<gog> i see that message every day
<mcrod> and no one cares
<sham1> One annoying part about the node packaging ecosystem is that people insist on updating package dependencies just for the hell of it
<jimbzy> I'll write my own bugs, thanks.
<gog> we don't store sensitive data thankfully
<gog> it's somebody else's problem
<mcrod> if 20 years ago you saw "vulnerabilites were found" it would be taken quite seriously
<mcrod> now, no one cares
<mcrod> there are blog posts telling people not to worry about "vulnerabilities were found"
<gog> it's because everything in the js ecosystem is brittle as fuck
<gog> you update that package and it might break something subtly but seriously
<jimbzy> I can't wrap my mind around web development.
<sham1> Which is lead to this: <https://fossa.com/blog/npm-packages-colors-faker-corrupted/> No one checked their deps to see that this guy had gone rogue
<bslsk05> ​fossa.com: Open Source Developer Sabotages npm Packages ‘Colors,’ ‘Faker’ - FOSSA
<bslsk05> ​www.voitanos.io: Don't be alarmed by vulnerabilities after NPM Install
<mcrod> take this for example
<mcrod> "You have a few options, but what I advise my students to do is just ignore these warnings on a new project."
<mcrod> and thus, idiots are born
<sham1> TBF, the problem there is that a lot of those vulnerabilities are from transient dependencies. And if they're found in things like tools you just use for building your app, let's say, then eh. At least it's not user-facing
<jimbzy> Full stack, brah... You don't have to understand it. Just use it.
<sham1> You'd still want to fix them, but whatever
<gog> sham1: zalgo
<gog> i'm the fully-stacked full-stack dev
* gog flexes
<sham1> gog: yeah, the guy printed zalgo on peoples' screens
<gog> brilliant
<sham1> Was angry for companies using his code without compensation
<mcrod> i dunno. i just hate computers now.
<gog> computers suck
<sham1> An understandable stance in some sense, but my brother in christ, you chose MIT license.
<gog> but they put a roof over my head and food on my table
<jimbzy> I hope you have a permit for those guns, gog.
<mcrod> i like programming
<gog> :3
<mcrod> but
<mcrod> i live on the eastern seaboard of the US, and getting an embedded job was a unicorn
<sham1> I'm glad to work in what is essentially just an Enterprise Java codebase. None of this BS. The most I have to interact with webdev is some (relatively ancient) jQuery stuff
<mcrod> and I will hold onto this for dear life for the next few years
<sham1> I embrace legacy and legacy embraces me back. I don't have to deal with all this webdev bollocks
<gog> honestly i have respect for people who maintain legacy codebases. you're doing a thing i advocate for: fixing code we already wrote instead of writing it new
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<sham1> Fixing code and then upgrading it to less ancient stacks
<gog> (she said, while reimplementing unix poorly)
<mcrod> there's a reason I boot up my packard bell with windows 98 on it every now and again
<mcrod> what a terribly inefficient slow piece of shit
<gog> hot take: windows 98 is good actually
<gog> jk
<mcrod> but fuck, it worked. things had to be simple.
<sham1> I have my little netbook as a hobby computer. Can't even browse the modern web properly because it's so slow and shite. And that's a feature
<mcrod> people had to make complex things
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<gog> and what did faster computers get us, really? cryptocurrency?
<gog> pfffff
<sham1> machine learning
<gog> more "realistic" graphics in vidya?
<gog> machine scamming
<sham1> yes
<mcrod> my kinda first real attempt at a gameboy emulator compiled on windows 98, and worked
<qookie> bigger factories in factorio running at 60ups
<mcrod> and i was so damn happy
<gog> qookie: that is actually good tho
<sham1> Yeah, factorio is worth it
<gog> everything else is bollocks tho
<gog> and it's also a case study for not needing good graphics to have an outrageously addictive game
<gog> see also dwarf fortress
<gog> see also rimworld
<mcrod> i'm serious though, people.
<zid> That's why we have faster computers
<zid> dwarf fortress
<gog> yes
<mcrod> nothing is a fever dream than making something work on older shit
<gog> dwarf fortress system requriements: octa-core i7 or better. graphics? who cares
<zid> no
<zid> It does not give a flying fuck about cores
<gog> oh it's single threaded
<zid> You just need RAW POWER
<gog> nice
<gog> xeon it is then
<zid> my E5-1650 did very well on it
<sham1> Could also be unicorn power, but unicode works better for this
<gog> may it rest in peace
<sham1> unicore*
<zid> It works, mobo doesn't :(
<zid> probably just needs new flash though is my guess
<gog> and the mobo is probably more expensive than a new pc
<gog> at least finding a replacement
<zid> yea it was
<zid> that's why I have a 5800x instead
<gog> RYZEN
<sham1> RYZEN
<gog> mmm ryzen so fast mm ryzen soo fast gang gang gang gang
<bslsk05> ​www.ebay.co.uk: ASUS Rampage IV Gene (LGA 2011) + Intel i7-3930k + Corsair H80i Liquid Cooler | eBay
<zid> dang, that's like.. a free mobo with an AIO purchase
<zid> https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/115859985981 if you want a new one
<bslsk05> ​www.ebay.co.uk: Asus Rampage Iv Gene X79 Motherboard Intel Ddr3 Lga 2011 Uatx R4G | eBay
<gog> dang 3 x16 slots
<zid> yea 2011 is intel's best ever platfor
<zid> fully unlocked quad core xeons with 48 pci-e lanes for £20
<gog> i removed the get_current_cs() thunk per your suggestion zid
<gog> makes more sense
<gog> it's not used anywhere else
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<zid> Imagine how good my suggestion would have been had I actually read any of it
<zid> the % distracted me
<mcrod> ziddy
<mcrod> hi
<gog> good news you get more %'s with inline asm
<zid> no I get equally none
<zid> cus I -Mintel
<gog> i will not
<zid> live fast or die in a morass of %
<gog> besides i'm pretty sure some of my inline asm would break if i rewrite it in intel
<zid> why, are you bad at intel
<gog> i can't remember but at least one thing i do is not possible
<mcrod> wait
<mcrod> gog you don't use intel syntax?
<zid> .byte
<zid> is intel
<gog> no, i'm pretty sure lgdt or lidt has broken behavior with intel syntax but maybe i misremembered
<gog> or it was fixed
<gog> idk icr
<zid> at&t just rots your brain
<mcrod> no hugs for you until you've cast aside this sin and repented
<zid> makes you think call needs a dereference etc
<gog> you should know me well enough to know that i will cast aside no sins
<gog> i'm a sin collector
<zid> I am a kin selector
<zid> You have not been chosen
<zid> renounce AT&T
<sham1> Reject proprietary AT&T. Embrace architecture-specific syntax!
<gog> hhhhh
<sham1> Or use an actually interesting syntax like s-expressions or forth
<zid> (I thought the spoonerism was pretty witty)
<gog> i don't want to rewrite my assembly code
<zid> (apparently nobody else did, rip)
<sham1> RAX
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* gog patpat zid
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* zid hums a bad salad
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<mcrod> i am sleepy.
<gog> i am not
<mcrod> i am jealous
* gog transfers some of her energy
<mjg> drink some energy
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<gog> i'm having more coffee
<Lian> anxiety juice galore
<gog> tasty bean water that makes oyu go brrr
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<gog> ok so why does typedef (*blah_func)(); make the param list implicitly void? i need it to be an arbitrary param list
<gog> how do
<gog> arbitrary param list but not ...
<gog> oh ok
<gog> dang what do i do now
<bslsk05> ​en.cppreference.com: Variadic arguments - cppreference.com
<gog> i suppose but then i need to write more boilerplate
<gog> oook linux just uses 6 long params
<gog> i guess that's fine
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<sham1> gog: protip: typedef void blah_func(/* your six params here */); blah_func *func_ptr;
<sham1> You don't need the star within the typedef
<gog> since when
<gog> oh wait is eee
<gog> ok
<gog> ehh
<gog> that might be a better way to declare them
<gog> but if i declare it that way do i need to * when i call?
<sham1> Well you never need to deref a function pointer when you call it
<gog> ok
<gog> it's too late now though i have so many places where i declare things of a defined function pointer type without the *
<gog> because i typedefed with the star
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<gog> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<gog> the convention is set
<gog> there's no going back
<sham1> Sure
<sham1> Just for future reference, and for everyone else as well
<gog> future dereference
* gog fingerguns and disappears into a puff of bad pun smoke
<sham1> std::future_ref<Whatever> _M_gog;
<sham1> Btw, that's a weird naming convention
<gog> what is?
<mcrod> hi
<sham1> _M_this
<sham1> I mean, I already disagree with this kind of Hungarian notation where a field is notated as being a member of a class
<gog> yeah that's kinda nonsense
<gog> because liek it's being declared in the body of a class
<gog> so it's obviously a class member
<gog> and if you're worried about name collisions then maybe the symbol's visibility is wrong
<gog> noooo cppreference is down
<gog> rip
<kof123> (*blah_func)(); make the param list implicitly void? i need it to be an arbitrary param list k&r had arbitrary params...i thought c89 and beyond var args needed at least one always before the var args?
<kof123> this is not to say i know modern stuff, just why such things might be
<Ermine> () can take any arguments
<kof123> :/
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<Ermine> You won't be able to use anything you pass, but compiler won't complain about passing anything
<kof123> yeah i screwed around with k&r function pointers once ...no complaints no matter how you invoke
<nortti> kof123: c23 removed the requirement for a parameter before the varargs, and aiui it was because in practice no implementation required that anymore
<kof123> ah
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<gog> i really should have committed when this worked :|
<gog> oh well must forge forward now
<gog> nvm i did phew
<gog> ok
<mjg> > Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson recently engaged in a Twitter debate on programming languages with Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.
<mjg> i'm pasting this to annoy some people
<Cindy> lol
<Cindy> even CEO and founders are dumb enough to engage in the types of debate an average 4channer would
<GeDaMo> Is a cardano like a warm jumper? :|
<gog> elon being a self-taught programmer makes me cringe because i also taught myself programming
<gog> i don't want to be like him in any respect
<gog> even if it's mere coincidence
<Cindy> gog: same
<gog> i did, however, formally study software engineering and do have half a clue so
<GeDaMo> I think I read somewhere that he wrote some code for one of his early companies; when it was bought the code was dumped because it was so bad
<gog> yes
<gog> i think it's just a manifestation of my imposter syndrome
<gog> https://i.imgur.com/8oteHbY.png i think i did something wrong
<bslsk05> ​i.imgur.com <no title>
<GeDaMo> Wrote beyond the end of a buffer?
<gog> yessss
<gog> oh
<gog> because i didn't multiply the number by the size of the type
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<gog> off by one
<gog> also
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<Ermine> is it icelandic
<gog> yews
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<mcrod> hi
<Lian> hi
<gog> hi
<gog> mcrod: may i hug you
<mcrod> yes
* gog hug mcrod
* Lian !
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<gog> Lian: do you want a hug too
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<Lian> sure
<Lian> :)
<Cindy> can i have: a hug
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<sham1> I have to do a code review to our intern tomorrow
<Lian> rip
<sham1> This kind of milestone kind of thing so we can just see the progress
<sham1> Because intern/trainee
<Lian> now wheres my hug gog >:(
<mjg> so it is hugs instead of pets now?
<mjg> nice change of pace
<Lian> well they asked :D
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<kof123> of course it is not a real debate without mark cuban
<Lian> i want to contact thomas zander and motivate him to continue working on kword >:(
<Lian> outside of a seance i dont think i can find him tho
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* gog hug Lian
* gog hug Cindy
<Lian> finally >:D waiting has paid off
<gog> i was making dinner :P
<Lian> all good x)
<Lian> whats for dinner
<gog> tofu stir fry
<Lian> delicious!
<gog> with zuccini, cauliflower, eggplant and mushroom
<Lian> that sounds like a dream come true
<gog> and a sriracha soy honey garlic sauce
<gog> yes it's very tasty
<gog> i'm especially proud of the sauce. it's simple and easy but it's really really good
<Lian> im glad its good!
<Lian> my roommate loves making these things
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<geist> oh my seattle is being invaded by taylor swift this weekend
<geist> the fans are everywhere
<gog> swifties are dangerous
<gog> be careful
<Lian> i think theyre called swiffers
<geist> yeah i’m hiding here with my back against the wall, ready for an attack
<gog> if they get too close start playing beyonce really loudly
<gog> they'll flee
<Lian> or talk about consent
<gog> hhhhhhhhh
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<gog> i used to work in retail and the PA music was always this mix of adult contemporary and t swift was regular on the rotation
<gog> i developed a strong distaste for her music
<gog> the music rotation was generally bad. occasionally you'd get some whitney houston or billy ocean tho
<geist> they are definitely getting Schwifty
<gog> heh
<geist> lots of shiny clothing, probalby intended to blind and confuse us normies
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<gog> yes
<geist> gosh it was so much easier to get dressed for grunge concerts when i was in high school. just wear your shittiest clothes because it’s probalby going to get ripped up anyway
<gog> the last concert i was at was uhhh
* gog draws a blank
<Lian> my last concert was a punk gig in a club in Düsseldorf, Germany called The Tube
<geist> i lost a shoe once at a Nirvana concert, due to crowd surfing
<gog> nice!
<Lian> it was basically a pub thats long instead of wide, like a tube
<Lian> very narrow
<gog> i think the last real concert i've been to was donna the buffalo in syracuse
<geist> dunno what city it was in though
<geist> there was some early vids of the beatles playing in germany at what looked a bit like that sort of place
<Lian> i dont think its that old
<geist> yah i only really go to small gigs nowadays, like 200 person clubs or so
<Lian> me too
<geist> or outdoor festivals
<Lian> i never really liked clubs or big concerts
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<Lian> other than seeing roger waters live
<Lian> with The Wall
<gog> no wait! about a week ago i was at a big outdoor party that had a concert
<geist> last large concer i went to was Foo Fighters in about 2010. bnut it was in really awesome seats as part of some company perk
<gog> i don't remember the name of the band
<gog> and about half of their songs were originals in icelanid
<gog> icelandic
<gog> also i was pretty faded
<geist> reminds me, recently discovered Low Roar (due to playing death stranding) great stuff, but the guy died. hate that when youdiscover a band after there’s no more
<geist> icelandic
<Lian> im gonna go to a punk & post punk gig at my local favorite blues bar soon
<Lian> cozy basement kinda deal
<Lian> run by an old couple
<geist> yeah that sounds fantastic
<geist> i should go to one of the seattle jazz clubs more often
<gog> my friend's band is gonna be playing at a local club next week
<gog> i should probably go, i promised i would last time but flaked
<geist> well gotta go represent the fan club
<geist> do it!
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<geist> i was in a band once, it was really nice when your friends showed up
<gog> yeahh i will
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<Lian> ill have to go to bed now!
<Lian> was nice talking to yall again
<gog> nini
<Lian> good night
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<gog> hi
<gog> liam on wtypp just said he's a bsd guy BOOO LIAM
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<mcrod> I think I'm going to try and get my dad to use GNOME
<gog> booo gnome
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<mcrod> you say boo, I say "with the proper extensions, it's fire"
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<gog> i say booooooo
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<kof123> have i taught you ppl nothing? > i want to contact thomas zander and motivate him to continue working on kword >:( (04:50:14 PM) Lian: outside of a seance i dont think i can find him tho
<kof123> boy that gnome sure is great. too bad kde has nothing to compare
<kof123> this is how you seance