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<bslsk05> ​github.com: MDN can now automatically lie to people seeking technical information · Issue #9208 · mdn/yari · GitHub
<mjg> loller]
<bl4ckb0ne> mcrod: sleep
<zid> ibuprofen and water
<bl4ckb0ne> is it caused by cmake
<mcrod> no
<hmmmm> cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .
<hmmmm> make my_headache_stop
<hmmmm> make -j16 my_headache_stop
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<Mutabah> mcrod: Water/electrolytes, or resting your eyes (if it's eye strain)
<bl4ckb0ne> hmmmm: cmake --build . --parallel
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<mrvn> "What did yoda say when he watched himself in 4k?" "HD am I"
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<sham1> :3
<Reinhilde> e
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<gog> hi
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<mcrod> gog
<mcrod> hi
<Ermine> gog: hi, may I pet you
<gog> Ermine: yes
<gog> mcrod: hi
* Ermine pets gog
* gog pr
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<bslsk05> ​'Red Dwarf - Cat Fish' by Rob Gaffyduck Gaffney (00:00:29)
<Mutabah> classic
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* zid hexas your decimals
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<zid> that's cool, there's a bike race across the UK where you leave the east coast at 4:30am at sunrise and make it to the west coast before 9:30pm at sunset
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<gog> hi
<Ermine> hi gog
<zid> ff12 is weird
<gog> hi Ermine
<zid> oh I'll go die then
<gog> hi zid
<zid> The user you are trying to contact is dead. Please try again later.
<bnchs> zid: is it a momentary death?
<GeDaMo> Spending a year dead for tax reasons? :P
<gog> zid
* gog feeds zid phoenix down
<zid> ff12 is weird, it's a "tuft of pheonix fur" or something instead
<gog> wha
<Ermine> gog: may I pet you
<gog> yes
* Ermine pets gog
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<zid> The king of all cosmos has summoned me, katamari ost time
<sham1> Naaa nananananaananana
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<mcrod> hi
<zid> Fugue #7777
<zid> (nana nana nana nana)
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<zid> Bitweasil: was it you who cared about 5150?
<zid> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7LJDmuHOlw Just dropped, made me think of you bb, anyway
<bslsk05> ​'Repairing a completely dead IBM PC 5150 motherboard' by Adrian's Digital Basement (00:42:24)
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* sakasama discards her ego barriers.
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* geist yawns
<geist> good late morning folks
<mjg> you may be interested to know that i asked for some flamegraphs from windows, heat volunteered
<geist> is that where heat went off to?
<mjg> aand he is no longer present
<mjg> it's few days now
<geist> immolation by flamegraph
<mjg> could it be Bill himself shows up to punish you for looking
<mjg> i installed win 10 in a vm on my laptop, dtrace installed and then did not work. running the installer again erroed out saying this version is not supported
<mjg> kwality right there
<mjg> i also learned visual studio or whatever the name is over 4G in data to download
<mjg> :S
* mjg pets vim
<geist> aaaah upside down
<geist> i knew i recognized sakasama the word
<geist> the upside girl anime
<zid> potema inverted?
<zid> patema*?
<geist> yah the japanese version is patema no sakasama
<geist> or something lke that
<zid> 逆さま: inverted
<zid> til
<geist> yeah i always use it as an example to non anime folks of how crazy a lot of anime setups are
<zid> I mean, EVA exists.
<geist> that and of course the giant hole in the ground
<zid> ohhh that's the gyoku kanji
<zid> docchi docchi ~
<bslsk05> ​'DOCCHI DOCCHI' by Rusty Vix (00:00:40)
<zid> (ayame got lost in minecraft and made up this song to sing to herself, lyrics are basically "which way, which way? other way!"
<zid> and the 'saka' in 'sakasama' is the 'gyoku!?' in 'other way'
<zid> cus japanese is dumb
<geist> looks like it's サカサマ
<zid> that's katakana
<geist> which i guess is sa-ka-sa-ma
<geist> yeah i know
<zid> just spelling things out phonetically
<geist> i really should actually *watch* this anime. i've just known bout it for a while but never actually sat down to watch
<geist> similar to the made in abyss movie, which is surprisingly hard tog et here in the states (legally or otherwise)
<zid> sakarau = disobey, sakadara = handstand, gyoku = opposite, sakasa = inverted, gyokuten = oh how the turns table
<geist> fun, i have this creepy juvenile owl like 20 feet away in a tree having an argument with a bunch of other birds that are clearly upset at the owl being around
<zid> I randomly watched it after grabbing some random things from the top of MAL's ratings that I'd not seen before
<geist> juvenile owls have this creepy sort of breathy screech
<zid> I'm not allowed to bother owls :( They're all protected
<bslsk05> ​'Juvenile Barred Owl Call (Video)' by bgcNfriends (00:01:22)
<zid> I feel called out
<geist> that's pretty distressing the first tmie you hear it like 10 feet away while walking in the woods at night
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<zid> My tiny garden gets foxes in it
<zid> I'd argue that's worse
<geist> funny though, even a juvenile barred owl is pretty darn big bird
<geist> oh yes. foxes are insane
<geist> we dont really have them here
<zid> my mother kept chickens in the bottom of this garden, until one day she forgot to lock up and there was a fox banquet
<zid> now there's foxes in the garden forever more
<geist> yeah, another nasty chicken eater we have here that's hecka protected: mink
<geist> those little shits can get into anything
<zid> weird, mink get farmed and they're still protected?
<zid> ecosystem balance thing maybe
<geist> hmmm, they seem to be least concern here in the states. maybe they're not protected?
<zid> time for some mink pie, comes with a free stole
<geist> but either way i have a coyote that lives in my yard, probaly keeps other things at bay, like rabbits
<geist> and the coyote is pretty chill, so i'm fine with that
<zid> we don't have any predators bigger than the viscious killer rabbits
<zid> we shot them all 200 years ago
<zid> no rabies either, at least
<zid> they keep talking about reintroducing wolves to the forests
<geist> yah so the story goes that a lot of europe and whatnot have no large animals because everyone already hunted them
<zid> UK is europe x10
<geist> whereas i have large deer in my yard too. like large rats
<zid> they're just rarer in europe than ever before
<geist> they will chill under the tree like 15 feet from my door
<zid> in the UK we flat out extinctined a bunch of things
<zid> bears, wolves, etc
<geist> also there are apparently 3 bears on the island right now, sigh, no walking in the woods at night
<zid> Good news, we're currently running under no-night conditions for the next 3 weeks
<zid> so I can't go out at night
<geist> why so? the blitz again?
<zid> no, we just ban night time in the summer
<zid> something about axial tilt
<geist> oh that. yeah. we almost get that bad. seattle is level with about the northern coast of france
<GeDaMo> The sun dips below the horizon but not by much
<zid> Just be taller GeDaMo
<geist> end up with like 3 hours of night, since twilight goes well into 10-11pm hours
<geist> but, we're over the hump, days are getting shorter!
<zid> 3 hours? Luxury
<geist> i do not like long days
<zid> we're past the hump
<zid> 26th july is the last day we have no night
<zid> (started on 18th of may)
<geist> though of course if you were living near a city you have no night anyway
<geist> we actually have darker nights here in the summer because it's less likely to be overcast and the moon is lower
<geist> so you can actually get a proper dark sky. in the winter it's almost always overcast so you get some sort of reflection off a nearby city
<geist> and the moon is higher in the rare occasion that it's not overcast
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<gog> hi
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<zid> Here's your bf
<heat> hello
<zid> junon: did you fix your iretq yet
<heat> every time i stop using linux my social life gets 5x better
<zid> understandable
<heat> mjg: IDIOT what do you want me to try out in windoze
<heat> let me see if I can get dtrace
<heat> UIForETW probably works just as well if not better anyway
<heat> lmao it has a .msi installer
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<zid> heat: was it a self-immolating msi
<zid> You said "aha it comes with an msi" then disconnected
<heat> nah it asked me to reboot
<heat> i'll need to reboot again anyway cuz of bcdedit
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<heat> ok lol dtrace doesn't install itself in PATH but makes no mention of that
<heat> ok it works brilliantly
<heat> poggers
<mjg> the binary should spawn no problemo if you just go to program files\dtrace
<mjg> aight mofer
<mjg> let's start ez, run getppid from THE DEAD TETS SUITE
<heat> ur out of luck cuz i gtg
<mjg> i'm starting to think you don't even windows
<mjg> have*
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<heat> i do have linux
<heat> and windows
<heat> it sure as hell feels good to not use a UNIX
<heat> fork() my ass
<heat> CreateProcessW!!!
<mjg> WillItScaleEx
<zid> how long does createprocessw take these days
<zid> still tens of ms?
<mjg> what are semantics of that?
<mjg> is it anything like fork?
<mjg> is it posixy_spawn-ish?
<mrvn> zid: do you think createprocess / posixy_spawn has to take longer than fork + close loop + exec?
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<heat> mjg: posix_spawn
<heat> but yeah good question, it used to be pretty slow
<zid> they keep making it slower, with fancy shadow stack bitmaps and stuff
<zid> cfi
<heat> but that's on the kernel side
<mrvn> If you don't have shell scripts coming out of your ear spawning a process isn't somthing you do often.
<heat> i don't recall there being a CFI bitmap in userspace
<sham1> posix_spawn
<heat> PosixSpawnA
<zid> saposix_pwn
<heat> linox kernal stucks
<heat> windoze nt kernal best
<mrvn> heat: because every microkernel should have a font rendere in the kernel?
<sham1> Take your LPWSTR and shove it somewhere
<zid> CON
<heat> since when is nt a microkernel lol
<heat> microkernal* typo sorry
<mrvn> heat: it used to be
<zid> since microkernel lost all meaning
<sham1> Yeah, NT ain't a microkernel
<bl4ckb0ne> whats in the cr3 register at boot? garbage value?
<zid> 0
<zid> or something
<zid> you'll never see the cpu at boot
<zid> only post-uefi
<bl4ckb0ne> well during uefi
<zid> in pe32+ it should be "some address", in pe32 probably nothing, why does it matter/
<bl4ckb0ne> still doing my pagung setup, theres definetly an address
<zid> cr3 could be write-only and almost nobody would care
<bl4ckb0ne> dunno if i should do a allocatepages at the address or replace it with mine
<zid> erm
<zid> if paging is enabled and you start messing with the memory cr3 points to, that's called updating your page tables
<mrvn> bl4ckb0ne: obviously replace it
<zid> Just make some page tables then put the address into cr3, like we all told you
<mrvn> .oO(you only need one :)
<bl4ckb0ne> yeah thats what im doing
<zid> not by the sounds of it..
<bl4ckb0ne> but i found some code that reads it then i got curious
<mrvn> isn't reading cr3 horribly slow?
<gog> hi i'm the linux kernel
<gog> you can't modify the UEFI page tables
<gog> you can steal the identity mappings from the PML4 and use it for your own
<zid> ooh saves a good two seconds that
<gog> idk if it's a good idea but i do it
<zid> you get to reclaim all that memory anyway right once you exit, so whatever works I guess
<mrvn> zid: do you?
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<mcrod> hi
<gog> mcrod: hi hi hihiihih
<gog> u hi
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<mcrod> gog may I pet you
* zid hexas mcrod's decimals
<mcrod> :(
<zid> hey some people pay good money for that
<gog> mcrod: yes
<gog> zid
* mcrod pets gog
<gog> hihihihhihihh
* gog prr
<mcrod> i am getting a samoyed and a cat
<zid> the latter to feed to the former?
<mcrod> no...
<gog> :o
<sakasama> Both will be hybridised with the neighbours.
<gog> a shoober
<zid> sakasama: I don't think letting your neighbours molest your pets is a wise idea
<mcrod> i'm stoked
<mcrod> hm that might've been bad timing.
<zid> I'm down one cat atm
<zid> I blame heat
<mcrod> also I hate code reviews
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<mcrod> maybe I should give less of a shit
<sakasama> zid: After this, they'll be the pets.
<zid> after the neighbours molest the pets, the pets will be pets?
<sakasama> Negative. I can't promise there will be no molestation, but that's usually not part of the process of hybridisation.
<zid> I mean, it totally is
<zid> You take one of them on a swab, and you.. swab the other one
<sakasama> Let me guess... you saw this on CSI?
<zid> on what
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<bslsk05> ​'Chernobyl dubbed with Half-Life SFX' by TheMostUpset (00:02:28)
<sakasama> A mundane American crime drama series.
<zid> I prefer the emasculation technique
<sham1> Emacsulating
<zid> who is
<mcrod> it is very hot in here.
<zid> mcrod: You're welcome bb
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