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<SGautam> I'm probably missing something trivial again, vim is glitchy in the terminal because it appears to scroll up prematurely. You can see that "INSERT" is supposed to be on the bottom, but is actually one line up. https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/XoWsshHT/image.png
<SGautam> nvm I narrowed it down the probel tm an issue with the scrolling in the terminal
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<zid> You're welcome, glad I could help
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<SGautam> just observed a weird phenomenon
<SGautam> When the user input goes beyond the screen width, the shell sends a newline
<SGautam> But only if the input row is the last row
<SGautam> Generally, I'd expect the shell to not send newlines in middle of user input and that's why I handle the issue when X >= screen_w but when the prompt is on the last row, I'm getting a newline.
<zid> it has to send a newline to cause the scroll I assume
<zid> otherwise the VT will happily just walk forwards in memory
<zid> inserting new characters
<zid> The question is what happens on a real vt-100 if you put the cursor on the bottom right corner then second two characters..
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<mcrod> hi
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<gog> meow
* kazinsal hugs gog
<zid> Better than being gogged by a huge
<mcrod> goodness gracious
<mcrod> am I ever going to sleep properly
<kazinsal> probably not
<kazinsal> my sleep schedule aligns with queensland, australia
<kazinsal> which is a problem because I live in vancouver, canada
<mcrod> I think I need exercise or something
* gog hug kazinsal
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* gog hug kanzure
<gog> kazinsal
<gog> sorry tab complete
* kazinsal nya~s
<mcrod> wtf
<mcrod> gog hug
* gog mcrod hug
* mcrod hug gog
<kazinsal> hugs from a gog are like a doom megasphere
<kazinsal> full spiritual restoration
<gog> my strong arms heal
<bslsk05> ​www.nytimes.com: LIGHTS ALL ASKEW IN THE HEAVENS; Men of Science More or Less Agog Over Results of Eclipse Observations. EINSTEIN THEORY TRIUMPHS Stars Not Where They Seemed or Were Calculated to be, but Nobody Need Worry. A BOOK FOR 12 WISE MEN No More in All the World Could Comprehend It, Said Einstein When His Daring Publishers Accepted It. - The New York Times
<mcrod> gog is that you
<gog> yes
<gog> more or less
<kazinsal> cataclysmic osdev mommy
<Ermine> gog: may I pet you
<gog> Ermine: yes
* Ermine pets gog
* gog prr
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<gog> i made bacon and egg
<kazinsal> success!
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<zid> I wish I could make eggs
<zid> I only make snot
<zid> and wee
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<gog> yes
<gog> i'm an ovipositing pig
<gog> a one-animal breakfast machine
<zid> I can make bacon, it just hurts
<Ermine> I do not like eggs
<gog> i love egg
<gog> fried, hard boiled, deviled
<gog> scrambled, omelette
<gog> the elusive fritata
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<Ermine> meh
* Ermine feels sick thinking about it
<kazinsal> mmmmmm bacon and eggs
<kazinsal> gonna fly to iceland and have gog make me breakfast (as I will need the strength to go to CCP hf's headquarters and bully them eternally)
<zid> Can you get me a rifter
<zid> Actually, fuck it, get me a nemesis
<kazinsal> my alliance successfully bullied CCP into changing their rules on alliance logos
<kazinsal> so the next patch includes our giant fat goose logo
<Ermine> eve online?
<kazinsal> eve? online!
<FireFly> I'm at a talk about osdev :o
<kazinsal> I have been playing that game for an unfortunate amount of time
<FireFly> rare on-topic moment
<zid> I played a bit back in the day
<zid> I can pilot anything gallente up to a dread, afaik
<zid> but I've never used one in anger
<kazinsal> I spent the better part of a decade in goonfleet and am now a director in Gooseflock Featheration
<zid> so my fighter etc skills aren't great, I just did it cus I could
<zid> I liked my sleipnir a lot though
<Ermine> I'd like to try it, but I'm afraid I'll abandon muy studies completely if I start playing it
<kazinsal> my job is to send capsuleers to their deaths
<zid> They made rats target sentries :'( I cry evrytim
<kazinsal> hee hoo
<Ermine> But I'd prefer it being first-person, like Elite:Dangerous
<kazinsal> god damn there's a nonstop flight from YVR to KEF via Icelandair, I'm gonna need to write that down for next year's fanfest
<mcrod> nice!
<zid> I played elite dangerous, I saw nobody for a million years, then tried to do a mission where you had to deliver something to a dude in a named system, and got illegally rammed to death on the undock
<zid> really turned me off it
<zid> I wanted to space tourist, and be able to see other people, but they can still suicide ram you even on carebear mode, so I just have to.. turn people off entirely? wtf is that setup
<Ermine> Gankers do like this
<mcrod> so what else is there for systemd
<mcrod> i have networkd, timesyncd, resolved
<mcrod> am I missing another magic systemd service that everyone should use
<Ermine> But I usually go single-player mode in ganker-infested systems
<zid> I don't understand that setup *at all*
<zid> EVE's I understand, you are never safe and MUST participate
<kazinsal> ED's system seems to be "star citizen, but it exists"
<zid> elite *allowed* me to opt out, but just.. lets griefers ignore it
<Ermine> IMO main problem of E:D is need for large amounts of grind to get anything decent
<zid> so I have to double opt out, which disables being able to see anybody
<zid> it's like if on pve worlds on WoW people could just gank you if they paid 10g
<kazinsal> the current state of space game is entirely at the fault of chris roberts
<zid> I should just play tachyon the fringe
<kazinsal> that fuckstick spent four years of Freelancer's development embezzling studio money into two things
<zid> it's on steam, neat
<kazinsal> the wing commander movie, and his cocaine addiction
<bslsk05> ​store.steampowered.com: Tachyon: The Fringe on Steam
<zid> tachyon was the true sequel to elite
<zid> novalogic also made f-22 raptor, also a good flight game
<zid> that's the one game that seemingly isn't on steam though
<zid> http://www.novalogic.com/games.asp?GameKey=F22R They're out of stock on their website too, smh
<bslsk05> ​www.novalogic.com: F-22 Raptor - Novalogic.com
<zid> I think I actually had to patch it to make it work on w7 though, maybe they lost the source or some licence they needed
<Ermine> do them move binaries instead of copying them?
<zid> wat
<Ermine> Idk how they run out of the stock, this is a program
<zid> I'm assuming it hasn't been updated in 20 years
<zid> and was for physical copies
<zid> it uses directx *five*
<Ermine> Ah
<Ermine> Cool that their site is still online though
<zid> It also still works, cus it's written in html
<zid> not reactnodejs
<gog> kazinsal: i will make ur brekkie and take you to ccp!
<gog> but in the meantime i need to go to the mall
<zid> Take him to iceland
<gog> worst grocery store
<zid> It's not a grocery store is why
<gog> we'll go to hagkaup instead
<kazinsal> I have heard that there is an iceland in iceland
<gog> the only one i know of is on suðurlandsbraut in laugardals+
<kazinsal> we're trying to get one of our directors in <GEESE> to win a seat on the EVE Council of Stellar Management, and with that comes a free trip to reykjavik
<gog> :o neat
<kazinsal> and if we pull that off I'm going to go with
<zid> and go to iceland
<gog> if you do you have to hit me up then
<zid> do grocery stores in iceland sell plastic rifters
<kazinsal> because a) I want to honk like a terrible goose at people
<kazinsal> and b) iceland seems pretty cool
<zid> ngl iceland seems pretty mid
<zid> american city design and no animals
<kazinsal> healthcare tho
<zid> healthcare tourism is better done in asia
<zid> and you still get to meet up with trans people
<zid> you might have to pay though
<kazinsal> I've often described vancouver to people as "seattle but with healthcare instead of good wages"
<bslsk05> ​tumblr: image/webp (516x295) -- post https://megalo-station.tumblr.com/post/712874631993884673
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<zid> british healthcare is that there's 1 doctor at the end, but there are 200 people in that line
<zid> (currently)
<kazinsal> originally the plan was for me to run for the Council of Stellar Management but I'm not e-politically personable enough for that kind of bullshit
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<kazinsal> but I did buy a domain name for it as a gimmick lol
<zid> peace-was-never-an-option.council
<kazinsal> desmondforcsm.com, but basically yes
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<kazinsal> one of our directors likes to do parody songs so it worked out well
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<zid> gog: I fancy some extra-mature egg
<zid> breaded, in a bun, with ketchup
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<zid> oh I mistimed that
<zid> gog: I fancy some extra-mature egg
<zid> breaded, in a bun, with ketchup
<mcrod> i'm about to do a magic trick
<mcrod> one second
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<mcrod> ta da
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<gog> hi
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<gog> mcrod: hi
<mcrod> gog: hi
<mcrod> why is irssi an absolute fucking shitfest too?
<gog> soooo we didn't go to the mall
<mcrod> JESUS
<gog> my wife has a thing to do and it would've taken us at least as long until the thing to get to the mall and back
<mcrod> how does anything even work anymore
<mcrod> jesus christ
<gog> idk
<mcrod> one second
<mcrod> let me try this *again*
<kof123> use the source luke
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<mcrod> how about now...
<mcrod> it's still showing me joins/parts/quits. impossible.
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<sham1> Impossible. Maybe the archives are incomplete
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<mcrod> what's the matter with these people?
<gog> who
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<mcrod> google tells me that i'd have to create... a whole new hidden window to hide joins/parts/quits?
<mcrod> you know what I did on textual?
<mcrod> right click, hide events: joins/parts/quits
<mcrod> and it just worked
<sham1> Weechat has smart filtering
<GeDaMo> mcrod: how are you trying to hides joins and parts?
<mcrod> foreach window /window level ALL -JOINS -PARTS -QUITS
<GeDaMo> What about /window hidelevel ?
<mcrod> what about it? just run it?
<GeDaMo> "Changes the levels of text lines that should be hidden from view, or query the current hidden level." https://irssi.org/documentation/help/window_properties/
<bslsk05> ​irssi.org: window attribute manipulation - Irssi dev help page
<mcrod> can't believe I need to read a manual to do something that should take not even an ounce of brainpower to do
<GeDaMo> Also, there's a setting window_default_hidelevel
<bslsk05> ​irssi.org: Settings Documentation - Irssi
<mcrod> how hard is it to say /channel -network * -channel * -properties -hide=join,parts,quits or something
<GeDaMo> Reading manuals is fun! :P
<mcrod> it's fun when you want to learn how to do something
<mcrod> it is not fun when basic functionality requires an in depth reading of the manual, in which doing so still doesn't accomplish what you need it to
<zid> I like to call them funuals
<mcrod> oh thank god
<mcrod> works
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<zid> gog: Have you ever gogged down your tug so that you don't capsize?
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<gog> never
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<gog> nya
<gog> life is strange froze
* mjg burps
<gog> just as the villain was about to get his comeuppance
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<mcrod> gog: may i pet you
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<mjg> so i genuinely wonder, is rangelocking for i/o worth it?
<moon-child> hmmm
<moon-child> worth it for what? :p
<mjg> fucking anything
<mjg> everyone and their dog has it
<mjg> all i see is several atomics 'n shit pessimizing the commonly used codepath
<kanzure> [6~gog: forgiven.
<mcrod> wow, alternating_layouts is great on i3
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<geist> huh interesting. my mac laptop and my nas box are using a ULA IPv6 address to talk to each other
<geist> ULAs are in the fc00:/fd00: range but it's unclear who assigned it
<geist> my firewall definitely doesn't know anything about it
<geist> so it's as if they self assigned
<gog> hi
<gog> mcrod: yes
<gog> i went back to the game
<gog> to get shot in the feels repeatedly
<Ermine> systems make up ulas don't they
<Ermine> hi gog
<gog> hi
<geist> Ermine: i dunno! seems like a ULA if the intention is to be site local should be assigned via some central authority
<geist> or at least the prefix part of it
<CompanionCube> isn't that a thing on ipv6?
<geist> since they at least according to wikipedia are intended to be site local, but not over the internet routable
* mcrod pets gog
* gog prr
<geist> vs say fe80: which is link local
<Ermine> In ipv4, central authority is dhcp server or admin assigning ips by hand
<Ermine> In ipv6, there's also stateless slaac thingie, which iirc doesn't require central authority
<geist> right
<Ermine> So I guess the tendncy was to configure something without central authority
<geist> yeah dunno, looksl ike a lot of my linux boxen on the local network have a ULA, and they're all using the same network prefix
<geist> so i dunno how they're deciding on that
<Ermine> Otoh I'm not very familiar with ipv6
<geist> in this case fd91:590f:2046:14d4:...
<nortti> I think ipv6 slaac still requires someone to give you the prefix, over ndp
<geist> the bottom 64 is clearly device local, but a lot of the top of that is basically site local, but i dont see who is picking those bits
<Ermine> Today my windows laptop displayed printer's link-local address
<geist> yes for regular addresses
<geist> so maybe the ULA is also being distributed too
<geist> thing is my firewall which is the one that you'd expect to hand it out is not assigned a ULA
<geist> basically fd...40 bits of site specific address...64 bits of device specific
<geist> or something like that, doesn't add up right
<mcrod> ok
<mcrod> i have been using vim quite seriously for a bit now
<mcrod> i'm in love
<nortti> what were you using before?
<mcrod> clion
<mcrod> CLion is still great but it has its shortcomings
<geist> oh wow is this vim discussion still going on?
<mcrod> shortcomings that I got fed the fuck up with
<mcrod> not really
<mcrod> I was just saying "fuck I like vim"
<mcrod> carry on :(
<geist> or did i just appen to sit down when it started up again :)
<geist> kk
<Ermine> I fell in love with vim when I found out vimtutor
<geist> there's a logic to it that i admire
<mcrod> geist: maybe when you sit down again, we will be discussing world domination. what then?
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<gog> that reminds me i was goign to see if there was a vsvim extension that works with vs2022
<gog> if i have to use it at work i might as well have keybindings i know that help me work a little more snappy
<gog> the one i found wasn't compatible :(
<CompanionCube> probably the ula is in the dhcpcd logs or whatever
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<gog> i'm still confused about what i'm trying to do and maybe it's impossible and the opcode really is undefined, but the manual says loading cs is undefined, which obviously makes sense. it says nothing about storing cs
<gog> ohhh
<gog> it is impossible
<gog> wait no
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<moon-child> you _have_ to use visual studio for work?
<moon-child> o.o
<moon-child> why
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<mcrod> at work we're basically confined to IAR's IDE
<mcrod> which is a gigantic piece of dog shit
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<bslsk05> ​www.sciencedirect.com: Just a moment...
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<mjg> 2018 paper benching some multicore rolls with a 8 and 16-way box
<mjg> lmao
<mjg> larping 2010
<moon-child> 'STM Haskell with fine-grain synchronization shows the best performance in overall' riiight, stm is gonna beat a plain nonblockinghashmap
<moon-child> :p
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<mjg> i like that when haskellz talk about PERFORMANCE, they think laptop-scale
<mjg> production quality
<gog> moon-child: we don't strictly have to but it's the most convenient for the project setup and workflop
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<gog> hi
<mcrod> hi gog
* mcrod hug
* gog hug
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<gog> are you having a fine saturday mcrod
<mcrod> yes gog
<mcrod> it is quite hot but
<mcrod> hopefully in the new apartment it will be a nice and cool 15C
<gog> nice
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<mcrod> because currently
<mcrod> it is 30C in my room
<mcrod> with a fan
<clever> "2023-07-22 19:11:35 bedroom temp: 24.50c(76.10f), kitchen: 28.00c(82.40f), living room: 27.12c(80.83f), outdoor: 22.88c(73.18f), server: 26.81c(80.26f) VCC: over 4.5 volts portb: 00000000"
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<gog> oof
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<gog> i had muffins
<gog> i'm not allowed to have them either as i am a cat
<gog> but i did anyway
<gog> i am very sick and happy
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<mcrod> zid
<mcrod> wtf I want muffins
<mcrod> why does iceland have everything