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<zid> I blame heat.
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<heat> HELLO
<zid> post cpu-z
<heat> no
<heat> it's the same shitty kabylake R as before
<zid> POST CPU-Z
<bslsk05> ​www.cpuid.com: CPU-Z | Softwares | CPUID
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<zid> why are you ashamed
<zid> or are you not really on windows
<heat> gog: kinda important to note that some new firmware will not necessarily map all memory as executable
<heat> so if you're reusing them uefi tables you need to use the appropriate protocol to change perms for the kernel .text, etc
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<mjg> heat: you gonna get some fgs or not mofer
<mjg> heat: if not, i'm signing off :X
<mjg> are you on mirc
<heat> kinda hard tonight
<heat> mayb tomorrow
<mjg> excuses
<mjg> entire month
<heat> no im on some web thingy (web.libera.chat)
<mjg> ayt play your Virtual Waifu Deluxe
<heat> i don't have an IRC client on windows because IRC is for nerds
<heat> im gonna go play roccet league
<zid> I'll play 2s
<mjg> that's not dead yet?
<heat> no it's very alive
<mjg> people were playing that when i was playing osmething else
<zid> I'm rusty as fuck and my controller barely works, it should be fun
<mjg> what's the player count
<heat> rl tracker says 420,582 over the last hour
<mjg> 23,382.2 playerz last month
<mjg> where is that from
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<mjg> i\m looking at steamcharts here
<bslsk05> ​rocketleague.tracker.network: Rocket League Stats, Leaderboards & More! - Rocket League Tracker
<heat> don't forget consoles, epic games store
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<heat> i don't think rocket league is even sold on steam anymore
<mjg> calling console users gamers
<mjg> lol
<mjg> genz
<heat> i didn't call anyone a gamer
<zid> yea
<zid> you need to EPIC GAMERS
<heat> do u think i wanna offend people?
<mcrod> yes
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<heat> mcrod? more like mcshutupiveneveroffendedanyone
<zid> we playing heat
<bslsk05> ​'Quake II Theme' by DoctorObviously (00:02:37)
<mjg> blast from ze past
<heat> i already have a 2s partner soz
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<mjg> burp 420k playerz is a respectable count no doubt
<mjg> how many of them use pessimal strategies
<zid> is it gog
<gog> hi
<zid> gog we're playing rocket league
<gog> no
<zid> :(
<mjg> gog we NOt playing any games
<mjg> how's that
<gog> i've never played video games
<bslsk05> ​steamcharts.com: Quake Live - Steam Charts
<mjg> lfmao
<zid> I've never programmed
<zid> we'll make up for what each other lacks
<mjg> ded gaem
<bslsk05> ​steamcharts.com: Quake Champions - Steam Charts
<mjg> poor guys
<bslsk05> ​www.rankedftw.com: Population - 1v1 Stats - Ranked FTW - StarCraft II Ladder Rankings
<mjg> interesting, sc2 keeps holding on
<mjg> literally 1000 x quek player base :D
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<heat> mjg: all of them use pessimal strategies
<heat> statistically 99.9% of them have never used dtrace to get a flamegraph
<heat> a rocket league fg
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<gog> hi
<zid> sido
<zid> it's too earyyl
<zid> go hobe
* kazinsal gives gog scritchies
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<lechner> Hi, is it possible to link a dynamic module intended for dlopen(3) in such a way that it refers to no other shared libraries?
<zid> yes, don't think it against other shared libraries
<zid> link it*
<lechner> i don't think i have that choice. more specifically, i would like to completely resolve any libc symbols in the module so that the calling executable (which does the dlopen) can use a different version of libc
<zid> static link a libc in, write your own for it, etc
<zid> plenty of options
<bslsk05> ​codeberg.org: guile-pam/Makefile.am at 65fef0971761f5b70191350884429da5bddcb4fa - guile-pam - Codeberg.org
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<zid> I have to debug your build system now too? Demanding :P
<zid> -l:c.a or whatever the .a file for your libc is
<lechner> i have never seen the .a extension specified with -l. does that work?
<zid> with : it does
<zid> it works with any extension infact
<zid> : just means "do the path lookup stuff, but use this filename" rather than "do the path lookup stuff, then add lib$0.so"
<lechner> it works with both the GNU and the LLVM linkers?
<zid> no idea about llvm I've never used it, but they aim to be compatible with the basic options I thought
<zid> failing that, you can just give it the full path
<lechner> yeah, i get it now i think
<lechner> i hope we ship those static libraries
<lechner> wow, thanks so much for that idea! is 'nm' still the best way to show unresolved symbols (to make sure it worked)?
<zid> that's what I'd use at least
<zid> god knows if it's 'the best'
<zid> ldd pretty handy too ofc
<lechner> okay, i just haven't done this since the 1990s. thanks so much!
<zid> do I get a free debian or something
<lechner> i can get you one but i'm on gnu guix now
<Ermine> !
<lechner> great resources in your community btw. i have rarely seen so much quality info in one place
<zid> wait, we have a community!?
<zid> Who's going around spreading this slander
<lechner> okay, website
<zid> not even ours, technically :P
<zid> some guy runs it and we have to send emails to tell him it's down
<lechner> sounds like the rest of the universe
<lechner> either way, thanks so much!
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<zid> smh didn't even get a free debian
<Ermine> So this channel is one thing and wiki.osdev.org is another?
<zid> yep
<kazinsal> the association between the forums/wiki and this IRC have always been hazy for as long as both partitions have been a thing
<zid> and the third a third, obviously
<zid> err discord a
<zid> given we have a feud
<kazinsal> I think unofficially we're close enough but officially separate
<kazinsal> a lot of the forums/wiki staff are ops here
<kazinsal> but chase is a bit of an enigma to summon
<kazinsal> and since we cannot reliably get a hold of the man who has the god mode buttons on the osdev.org properties we cannot really claim to be directly related
<kazinsal> but it's always worked that way and we keep it that way out of familiarity
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<gog> hi
<bl4ckb0ne> hi gog can you pet me
<zid> glog
<zid> where is my happy meal
<bslsk05> ​www.righto.com: The complex history of the Intel i960 RISC processor
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* gog pets bl4ckb0ne
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<bl4ckb0ne> thank you gog
* gog prr
<zid> "zid / sorry" is my anime name
<zid> the sequel is .hack//ope
<lechner> i think i am the only one on IRC who uses "/" as a separator. the comma was regular English punctuation
<lechner> it requires less thinking for something like this
<gog> .gog//meow
<lechner> zid / kazinsal / thanks for being part of this community, if not the forums
<kazinsal> aye, I have a forums account but I rarely check it as it's much easier to just have an irccloud instance on a cheap 1080p monitor on my desk
<kazinsal> been around here long enough that it's worth the four bucks a month or whatever
<lechner> for what it's worth, i get the impression that there is some real engineering talent here
<zid> gog: The plan worked, we tricked everybody
<gog> i have a talent for being a terrible programmer
<kazinsal> unfortunately my fun research work is all in a field that was solved six or seven years ago by applying copious amounts of money to ASIC development
<lechner> what was that, please?
<kazinsal> so all my weird osdev code is basically trying to implement modern ASIC work in x86-64 spftware
<kazinsal> high performance multilayer network switching
<zid> kazinsal is a spy
<kazinsal> I will never be able to match or beat ASIC switching in software
<zid> yea networking just seems tailor made for hw accel
<kazinsal> I'm a partner of all the major network vendors and the stuff they do is massively beyond what I can even pretend to do in software
* gog accelerates
<kazinsal> even the most bland of them is still beyond what I can do because what I do in software they can do in ASIC
<kazinsal> cisco and juniper ASICs are fuckin insane
<kazinsal> I spent a week down in vegas last month schmoozing on cisco's dime. the most enlightening thing I had encountered was buying some cisco ASIC people some beers and talking about their platform and it's just magic imbued into silicon
<kazinsal> (the most fun thing was going to a gwen stefani / blake shelton concert on cisco's dime, but the educational benefit of that was obvioously nonexistent)
<gog> are you a holla back girl kazinsal
<gog> (i am)
<kazinsal> oh man she played some awesome songs
<kazinsal> some classic meme worthy gwen tracks
<kazinsal> and also a bunch of no doubt
<lechner> wow, i'm actually younger than her
<kazinsal> my coworkers were just hanging out in the balcony near the open bar and I'm glad I was like
<kazinsal> nah fuck this I'm gonna go grab a bunch of beers and go down to the floor
<kazinsal> gwen stefani rocked that fuckin house so hard
<kazinsal> and blake shelton had the right amount of smooth for it
<kazinsal> pop country isn't really usually my jam but floor seats and dudes wandering around handing out beers? fuck yeah
<kazinsal> once you get old in osdev you start to appreciate the finer things in life: weird academic unix design, the NT kernel, and the underpinnings of modern pop country
<lechner> the NT kernel?
<kazinsal> oh yeah, there are many editions of books about the innards of NT that are worth reading
<kazinsal> absolutely paths to enlightment
<kazinsal> the original books are good for a fundamentals perspective
<lechner> alas, a forbidden fruit for me
<kazinsal> Helen Custer wrote the original Inside Windows NT that is definitely worth reading
<lechner> actually, i was hoping to maybe find some folks here excited about L4 and such
<kazinsal> David Solomon worked on the revision for Windows NT 4.0
<kazinsal> the current revision is Windows Internals Seventh Edition, Volumes I and II
<gog> the NT kernel is cool actually
<kazinsal> very good books to own for one's library
<lechner> how do you know it's cool. can i take a peek at the source code somewhere?
<kazinsal> my own library is about 30% OS and hardware crud and 70% deep wizardry
<kazinsal> source is not everything young padawan
<kazinsal> description can be often more enlightening
<kazinsal> you can look at LXR and go "hmm yes, this is a linux" but not understand it
<kazinsal> or you can read a chapter of a book about an operating system's memory manager and truly understand it
<kazinsal> in the latter case you've seen no source but have gained knowledge
<kazinsal> much like if you watch a live performance of a song and play along with it while watching the original performer's mannerisms, you have gained understanding of how that song is performed in front of 50,000 people
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<mjg> wtf peoplez
<kazinsal> which tf are you w-ing
<mjg> whatever os book you readin' i highly recommend taking any claims of gratness with a barrel of salt
<bslsk05> ​'Solaris Internals: Core Kernel Architecture' - ''
<heat> mjg recommends this one
<mjg> solaris internals if my favourite example of dogshit described as great stuff bro
<mjg> heat: that's right
<kazinsal> there are many OS books and I personally like the ones that are more explanatory than source dumps
<kazinsal> they teach much more than raw dump
<mjg> that said, if a NT book describes something, you have to assume it is a loller
<heat> freebsd is raw dump
<heat> wtf nah NT is a good kernal
<heat> bad take
<mjg> ey were my fgraphs at
<heat> up yer arse
<mjg> OH
<sham1> heat: of course it's a bad take. Look at the source
<kazinsal> I have most of the NT books and they're all written by people who have been variously involved in the NT kernel and the lower levels of user space
<kazinsal> you can read a tome that describes a closed source machina and come out of it with lots of understanding
<kazinsal> not only about that system but of systems in general
<lechner> i don't believe it
<heat> mjg: my kernel symbols aren't working well so I may have to fuck with that for a bit
<kazinsal> I am not a pianist but as a musician I can watch Elton John play and gain a greater understanding of Bennie And The Jets
<mjg> i had a look at the published "researched kernel"
<mjg> heat: stack() does not resolve them?
<heat> no
* mjg huh
<mjg> did you enable debugging?
<mjg> bcdedit something
<mjg> it is in the manual
<heat> i enabled dtrace
<mjg> lemme find it
<kazinsal> trying to understand by mentally deconstructing source code is folly
<mjg> heat: if you install windbg and get that to work, i suspect it iwll sort it out
<mjg> heat: it has an ez button to attach to live kernel which tells you what to do to enable the machinery
<heat> i may end up using google/UIForETW
<heat> should work just as well for flamegraphs
<mjg> whatever which gets the kernel-side fg is fine with me
<mjg> anyhow, i had seen the "research kernel" pubilshed by ms which is 2003 SP1 i think
<mjg> i only checked some parts and they are *crap*
<heat> have you considered that it's 20 years old
<mjg> it was always crap
<heat> you usually don't consider that bit
<mjg> sure i do
<heat> you do not
<mjg> mr sysctl is crap
<kazinsal> man weird that several billion run on it
<heat> no kazinsal that's Java!
<mjg> so in this particular case their equivalent of preempt_enable or critical_exit
<mjg> is PESSIMAL
<heat> have you MEASURED
<kazinsal> and yet I can run cutting edge graphics engines at 120 Hz unbroken on said pile of shit kernel
<heat> a certain "bryan cantrill" said you should measure
<kazinsal> with previous generation hardware and a 1440p144 monitor
<heat> meanwhile linux gaming:
<mjg> kazinsal: on that note windows was running on hundreds of millions of machines in early 00s
<mjg> no way it was insecure or slow
<mjg> innit
<kazinsal> system works for me
<mjg> also node.js is so widespread it has to be good
<mjg> proof by popularity innit
<kazinsal> I have a couple nodejs based apps on my machine and they work
<heat> node.js isn't bad
<mjg> is this a twilight zone episode
<heat> have you looked at node?
<heat> the actual runtime?
<kazinsal> it's not the twilight zone
<mjg> a little bit back in the day
<kazinsal> you're just an idiot.
<mjg> aight
<heat> it works a-ok, sure it doesn't work for everyone or on every possible use case, but it's good
<heat> sometimes the right tool for the job is node
<heat> sometimes it isn't
<mjg> next i'm goin to hear rust indeed has fearless concurrency
<kazinsal> rust is okay
<kazinsal> zig is idiot grade crap
<mjg> php is not crap by definition, i mean it was powering the web in tearly 00s
<mjg> the early*
<kazinsal> PHP is pretty cool
<mjg> innit
<kazinsal> I like it
<mjg> you ok kazinsal
<Mutabah> mjg: At the kernel level, rust more has "high confidence concurrency" - because the person who wrote the threading code is an idiot
<heat> why is everyone so hostile today
<Mutabah> (the idiot is me... because it's osdev and you write your own threading code)
<kazinsal> with modern interfaces you can blast out super easy quick PHP to do all sorts of cool backend stuff
<mjg> Mutabah: i'm personally offended by rust marketing
<lechner> i would be cautious about bashing Zig
<heat> gog: hi
<gog> heat
<mjg> Mutabah: not only they don't have "fearless concurrency", but what they do have is very primitive
<gog> hi
<kazinsal> the biggest problem with modern PHP is the shit tutorials
<heat> gog: everyone's so hostile can u send out some vibez
<kazinsal> with modern database interface documentation PHP is fuckin great
<gog> heat: no fuck you
<mjg> Mutabah: if you got anything but a usecase where you take one lock at most, the language has nothing
<gog> heat:
* kazinsal pats gog
<gog> heat i'm sorry i was joking
* gog prr
<heat> gog: no problem i was also joking
<kazinsal> nyan~
<gog> nyaaa~
<heat> gog: do u like my genz memes
<Mutabah> gog, heat - maybe chill the language a bit :)
<heat> are they funny
<kazinsal> prrrr
<gog> yes
<lechner> i get it now. you folks are all friends
<heat> (X) Doubt
<gog> bazinga
<kazinsal> maybe, but we're all also just experienced
<kazinsal> that's the important part
<kazinsal> we have knowledge and we give a shit.
<lechner> experienced or opinionated?
<gog> Mutabah: :)
<gog> both
<mjg> maybe sunday could be a politically correct day
<mjg> pretend you are at work in a corp
<kazinsal> I may like the NT kernel because I have spent many months working in its boughs
<mjg> as in doublespeak all day
<kazinsal> but also because I use it day to day
<zid> The opposit eof experienced and opinionated is r/confidentlyincorrect
<kazinsal> I am a Windows desktop user for many reasons
<kazinsal> but I also have many BSD and Linux machines running in my apartment
<kazinsal> and I own a VAX
<gog> i'm using linux when i'm at home and windows when i'm at work
<kazinsal> and a few classic Macintoshes
<kazinsal> I have pretty much every type of machine represented in this 600 sqft
<kazinsal> I've run out of opinionation
<kazinsal> because I have too many cycles running every type of system
<heat> what BSD do you have?
<heat> 4.4 or bust
<Ermine> gog: may I pet you
<gog> yes
* Ermine pets gog
* gog prr
<kazinsal> in practice, an openBSD machine as my firewall, a freeBSD VM running my build system, NetBSD running on my dead VAX, and a roughly equivalent NetBSD system in SIMH
<kazinsal> I've been an OpenBSD user for 20 of my 29 years on this eath
<kazinsal> earth*
<heat> noooooooooooOoooooooooOOOOOOOOooooooo
<kazinsal> I've been in the open source sphere since I was introduced to it as a youngin
<kazinsal> because my uncle was and OpenBSD contributor, and also a developer of the software that runs the trains in our city
<gog> traaains
<gog> choo choo
<kazinsal> his involvement in seltrac and thus the software that runs the SkyTrain is a reason I'm still a passionate programmer
<heat> chooooooooochoooooooooooooooooooooo
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<heat> i hate software i hate software i hate software
<kazinsal> and the reason I'm still a magical bullshit multisite hyperconverged internetwork engeer
<kazinsal> or whatever I get paid for these days
<kazinsal> I say, two of three weeks of vacation
* Ermine turns on "Thomas & Friends" music
<kazinsal> I have exactly no idea what I'll be coming back to at work and it rocks
<kazinsal> effectively gives me four weeks of vacation out of three because I can just go "buhhhhhh what" for a week
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<gog> my co-worker is supposed to be coming back this week idk though
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<kazinsal> I still have a week to compose the most effective "buuhhhhhh what"s
<gog> he was on vacation but now is on sick leave
<kazinsal> gog: good news, it isn't me
<gog> :P
<kazinsal> I live in the datacenter networking engineer sphere and thus you are all free of me
<heat> kazinsal: what if you come back to "exactly the same thing"
<heat> what happens to your plan there
<heat> "buhhhhhhhhhh what" "this is literally the same thing" "i got temporary amnesia?"
<kazinsal> if my department has made zero dollars in almost a month despite not being a manager type I will fire people
<kazinsal> I will be on my director's doorstep day one going "hello my friend I will be firing people"
<kazinsal> I don't care about profitability while I'm gone apart from "keep the team from being absorbed"
<heat> aha and you'll be taking exactly 1 week to figure out who to fire?
<kazinsal> if you have managed to collapse all of General Delivery in three weeks of my absence I will need another two weeks to get drunk and cry
<kazinsal> if you act too dangerously you will break the timeline and I will become a coworker of gog
<kazinsal> and she would not like that
<kazinsal> apart from obtaining a slightly twinkish catboy to meld in her image
<gog> OwO
<heat> UwU
<kazinsal> merrrnyan
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<kazinsal> I get the slightly worrying feeling that gog-sama is on board with having a twinkish catboy to meld in her image
<kazinsal> only slightly
<mcrod> hi
<gog> i already have a maid costume for you as it so happens
<gog> obligatory catears and collar
<kazinsal> oh
<kazinsal> oh goodness
<mcrod> what the fuck did I just walk into
<gog> you know what it is
<kazinsal> :3
<kazinsal> me: "lol im catboy nyan" gog: "YOU'RE GODDAMN RIGHT NOW DROP AND GIVE ME 50"
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<gog> :P
<heat> 😾
<kazinsal> apropos of nothing a buddy of mine is stuck on the tarmac in a plane at reykjavik
<GeDaMo> Glue? :|
<kazinsal> i blame gog somehow
<gog> at reykjavik or at keflavik
<kazinsal> KEF
<gog> not my fault
<sham1> Would it also be your fault on the other aeroport?
<gog> no
<gog> my area of effect is not that large
<kazinsal> shameful
<gog> ikr
<kazinsal> you must expand your powers to such significance
<kazinsal> become a thousand kilometres of mommy
<gog> :P
* kazinsal offers gog pets
* gog accept and prr
* kazinsal nyans
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<gog> hi
<gog> what if i reimplemented unix
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<mjg> gog: nobody does that
<bl4ckb0ne> gog speedrun posix compliance any%
<gog> i'll need a copy of the sus
<gog> amogus
<mjg> sus is sus innit
<zid> sus v. ery
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<gog> amogusus
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<moon-child> gog ritchie
<Ermine> what if i reimplement dos
<mjg> if you reimplemented does while making the reuslt compatible with all the 3rd party memory managers 'n shit
<mjg> then i would both impressed and confused why anyone would do it
<mjg> be*
* mjg notes the windows 95 folkz had to do it to an extent
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<heat> reimplementing UNIX is BRUH
<heat> reimplement Linux instead
<heat> or better, reimplement Solaris
<mjg> you can't improve on solaris
<heat> make mjg upset by writing your very own mutex_enter
<mjg> don't even try
<mjg> solaris is the multicore marvell just like rust
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<gog> meow
<gog> what else is there to reimplement
<gog> you've got your unixes
<gog> you've got your windowses
<gog> mac os classic?
<zid> monorail
<bnchs> OS-9
<bl4ckb0ne> plan 9
<bnchs> i will never forget about OS-9
<gog> reimplement templeos
<heat> do not reimplement anything
<heat> cease programming
<heat> enjoy real life
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DanielNechtan is now known as bombuzal
<bnchs> ♫ os-9's in my mind~ i cannot get it out ♫
<CompanionCube> VMS? Multics? any of the IBM OSes? plenty of weird other things to satisfy 'what else to reimplement'
<gog> heat: no
<gog> my real life is a disaster that i refuse to do anything about
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<zid> same
<zid> moreso even
<gog> mood, one might even say
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<Ermine> Reimplementing TempleOS is OSDev pilgrimage
<mjg> templeos is ez
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