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<mcrod> gog may I pet you
<gog> yes
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* mcrod pets gog
* gog prr
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<heat> this time i rebooted cuz i did <up arrow> + <enter> and the last command was reboot
<heat> oopsie
<mcrod> this vaguely reminds me when you bricked your EFI
<mcrod> or whatever that was
<heat> how
<heat> the situations are completely different
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<heat> anyway im writing unit tests
<heat> is this poggers
<heat> im adding augmentation to trusty's lk fork's lib/binary_search_tree
<heat> cuz i really need it for vm
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<heat> geist: you probably want to pick up https://android-review.googlesource.com/c/trusty/lk/common/+/1126069/11 if you ever get to importing lib/binary_search_tree
<bslsk05> ​android-review.googlesource.com <no title>
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<geist> yeah been meaning to go back over that for some time
<heat> their solution still isn't great for allocation as they iterate the whole address space
<heat> so you kind of have O(n) allocation
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<vai> really neat idea for guys to make a Christmas special for the OS
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<ddevault> now we're getting somewhere
<zid> what's the tippex writing say.. 1280x800x32 vesa?
<ddevault> details on the display, for use with 9front
<zid> what's the left hand side say
<ddevault> vgasize=1280x800x32 vesa
<zid> ah vgasize
<zid> I got vsa????
<ddevault> my handwriting has won no awards
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<Mutabah> Doesn't help that the writing is too small for the pen tip
<zid> and it's out of focus
<ddevault> ur out of focus
<zid> I've got too much month and not enough focii
<Mutabah> Not really out of focus, not compared to the keyboard.
<zid> the screen is out of focus too, and it's at the same depth as it
<zid> the camera seems to have picked about 4 inches in front of it
<zid> which makes the keyboard keys the most readable
<Mutabah> Focus isn't the best... but the writing is just too thick a marker for the size
<Mutabah> ddevault: Sorry if you don't like the discussion :)
* ddevault shrugs
<zid> I want one of those pens you write "£300 obo" onto car windscreens with
<zid> grease pen of some type
<zid> apparently, chalk
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<ddevault> excuse the shaky handheld cam https://l.sr.ht/eNqI.webm
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<gog> nice!
<gog> i should get a beat up old computer to test on but i actually have one
<ddevault> have consistently tested on real hardware, want this to actually work
<ddevault> though until I finish x86_64 UEFI support I can only test on a small number of machines
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<nortti> how is it booting there? MBR?
<ddevault> MBR
<ddevault> better video of qemu https://l.sr.ht/d_tH.webm
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<gog> hi
<sham1> hi
<heat_> hi
<Ermine> hi gog, may I pet you
<gog> yes
<mjg> no fraternizing during office hours
<Ermine> I'm on vacation
* Ermine pets gog
* heat_ pets mjg
<mjg> OH
* mjg goes to HR
<sham1> Unsolicited pets!
<heat_> OH
<Ermine> OH, heat_ soon will have more time for onyx!
<heat_> i already have all the time for onyx
<sham1> I wish I had time for programming
<sham1> …or motivation
<Ermine> I have enough time during holidays, but by that time I get exhausted enough to not have any motivation
<heat_> hi ermine where's your linux bootloader
<heat_> and where's my linux boot stub implementation?
<heat_> cheers mate
<Ermine> Maybe I should return to that
* gog prr
<gog> hi
<gog> i'm gonna program when i get home
<gog> i'm also programming right now
<gog> i program for money and for fun
<gog> i'm an anxious mess and my life has no meaning beyond code
<heat_> grog program
<gog> grogram
<heat_> grogramming
<gog> meow
<heat_> gog you're wanted and loved
<heat_> and you can accomplish things
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<gog> thanks <3
<gog> i had a frustrating bug i couldn't solve last night but the answer came to me in a flash of inspiration while i was on the toilet
<gog> it reminded me that i'm not totally incompetent
<mjg> is the solution.. shit?
<gog> no
<gog> but the solution is facilitated by shit
<sham1> It's always the toilet, the shower or being asleep that gives answers
<mjg> if in doubt, add zero-cost abstraction
<gog> so when you're creatively constipated
<gog> mjg: that's pessimal
<gog> abstractions are pessimal
<sham1> mjg: I thought you didn't like rust
<mjg> but it is ZERO COST!!
<mjg> next step is negative cost abstractions innit
<gog> optimiziations are negaative cost abstractions
<gog> or are optimizations actually concretions
<mjg> how to optimize, geezer guide
<mjg> 1. don't do shit, claim software is fast enough
<mjg> 2. if pressed, wildly speculate what the slowdown is and patch that
<mjg> 4. watch a young person do the actual work later
<mjg> go to 1
<mjg> feel free to claim greatness at any point
<mjg> if called out, claim pragmatic tradeoffs
<heat_> damn young people
<mjg> basically anything but admitting the code is shite
<sham1> I see you have also worked in acadsmka
<sham1> Academia*
<mjg> no, but i had displeasure working with teaching assistants going into industry 'n shit
<sham1> Uuh
<mjg> the fact this people /teach/, when they should have never graduated, sealed my opinion on degrees as a predictor of quality
<sham1> I work in research and I'm annoyed that I can't exactly disagree. Degrees are a bad proxy metric for software stuff
<mjg> i know for a fact that in poland, where higher education is free (as in taxpayer subsidized) it became a business to graduate people
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<mjg> and i strongly suspect something of that sort is present in other countries
<mjg> at the end of the day you money going in is dependent on your student head count
<mjg> and if an idiot drops out, he may enroll elsewhere so you are giving money away
<mjg> to the competition
<sham1> Finland also does that. Universities get money for every student that graduates, and most people graduate to become MSc or equivalent which in turn creates degree infla5
<mjg> there are private "universities" in poland where you have pay tuition and which are de facto diploma millas
<sham1> Degree inflation
<mjg> mills
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<mjg> except takes years to get one
<mjg> you need to attend classes 'n shit, but you don't need to learn anything or do almost any work
<mjg> here is an example: there will be an exam you can take 4 times. first 3 times you get the same questions
<mjg> idiots who still did not pass get the 4 exam, where they show up to get the passing grade automatically
<mjg> this is literally the model, no joke
<mjg> during the 3 times where you have to write the exam you often allowed to cheat
<sham1> Okay yeah, that's not a proper academic institution by any metric
<mjg> it basically takes willingness to NOT pass to not pass
<mjg> i'm afraid this is quite widespread in poland
<mjg> not that /every single uni/ is like that
<mjg> but the count is high enough that ultimately if you want a degree, you can easily find a uni where you will get one by "passing" as described above
<mjg> rendering mere fact that someone has the degree worthless
<mjg> you can try to filter by uni, but people intentionally misrepresent what happened
<mjg> example: there was a uni with several different departments, offering 4 separate "applied computer science" degrees
<mjg> one of them is quit renonwed, hard to get in and demanding
<mjg> the rest is as described above
<mjg> so people who graduate from the 3 crappers skip mentioning the department
<mjg> :]
<SGautam> This is going to sound a bit of a shameless request, but have anyone of you written a VT100 emulator for the VGA 16 color backend
<mjg> implying they passed the demanding one
<heat_> SGautam, i have a vt100 "emulator", but not for vga
<heat_> rather just a normal framebuffer
<SGautam> I'm guessing at one point it must be outputting a pure text stream to a backend text buffer.
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<heat_> yep
<heat_> see kernel/kernel/tty/vt/vterm.cpp in onyx
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<SGautam> thanks
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<mcrod> test
<mcrod> hi
<gog> test
<mcrod> oh thank god
<mcrod> i am back on IRC from iOS
<mcrod> i think it’s working properly now anyway
<mcrod> gog may I pet you
<heat_> <mcrod> i am back on IRC from iOS
<heat_> cursed
<heat_> ping me on imessage ok mcrod?
<gog> mcrod: yes
<gog> mcrod: do u have discord
* mcrod pets gog
<mcrod> yes
<mcrod> mcroddev
<vai> klange: I am adapting your ELF32 dynamic linker to a Turbo C environment (protected mode)
<heat_> top 10 things that should never have been said
<mcrod> i wanna go home
<gog> i made progress on things today
<gog> i am a competent developer
<gog> i can be a messy bitch and a competent developer at the same time
<vai> klange: this must be it (all dependencies besides the system headers) :: #include "../lib/list.c" & #include "../lib/hashmap.c"
<bslsk05> ​github.com: toaruos/linker/linker.c at master · klange/toaruos · GitHub
<mcrod> i’m waiting for approvals from a team that we don’t have control over.
<bslsk05> ​reviews.freebsd.org: ⚙ D41092 libthr: Use a small cache to greatly reduce pshared lock latency.
<mjg> great quality all around innit
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<heat_> i would really like for an easy way to get the origin IP when a jmp/call crashes
<Cindy> is there like one of those exception stack frames?
<sham1> I'd like to be able to easily access IP in general
<heat_> exceptions just tell you "you crashed trying to execute 0x0"
<heat_> which, ok, cool, but it doesn't tell me shit
<heat_> i believe all architectures i've worked with do this
<Cindy> doesn't the stack frame have registers in it?
<Cindy> like the instruction pointer
<heat_> sure, the new registers
<Cindy> and stack pointer and shit
<sham1> I get that there are reasons why ISAs don't always like to expose the IP registers, but it'd be nice
<heat_> jmp doesn't leave shit in the stack :/
<heat_> instead of saying IP=0 fault_address=0, it should say IP=originIP, fault_address = 0
<heat_> because if you get a execute page fault on fault_address = 0 you kind of get what happened but didn't lose part of the previous context
<Cindy> in m68k, i can get the origin IP from the stack frame
<sham1> The most you'll get on x86 and AMD64 is any callers
<Cindy> downgrade
<Cindy> heat_: jmp? you mean if you jump to invalid address?
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<Cindy> or if the code you're jumping to causes a processor exception
<heat_> first
<Cindy> idk, but the first in m68k would cause either an address error or bus error
<heat_> unfortunately not many people are on m68ks these days
<sham1> I wish we had a 64-bit m68k
<sham1> Such a good processor
<Cindy> sham1: well, there IS an unused operand for the arithmetic and memory operations
<Cindy> you could use that for 64-bit
<Cindy> i mean implementing it
<Cindy> the size operand is 2 bits, but only 00, 01 and 10 are used
<sham1> Yeah, so 11 and it could be 64-bit
<sham1> That'd be nice
<sham1> Then we'd just have to find us a chip fab. Oh and get Motorola to not sue us to oblivion
<sham1> I'd rather get sued to Skyrim /s
<heat_> hehehe
<heat_> hehehehehe
<heat_> hehe
<heat_> he
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<sham1> It's the only other Elder Scrolls game I know
<heat_> ok so
<heat_> im confused bois
<heat_> but i did build a cool stack dumper in the meanwhile
<bslsk05> ​i.imgur.com <no title>
<heat_> i've been doing shit like this manually for SEVEN FUCKING YEARS
<sham1> ouch
<mjg> libcarpaltunnelsyndrome
<mjg> name for the lib inspired by its need
<mjg> :X
<Cindy> sham1: i'm sure there's that extended version of m68k on a FPGA
<Cindy> for amiga though
<sham1> 64 bit Amiga would be glorious
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<Cindy> yes
<Cindy> just extend the registers to 64-bit, add 64-bit size operand support... and you got yourself a 64-bit m68k
<Cindy> (anything beyond 64-bit would probably need new instructions)
<sham1> 64-bit address space
<Cindy> yea
<Cindy> which means more pins in the CPU packaging
<sham1> Could always do banks
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<sham1> So it'd be like the x32 ABI for AMD64 where you have 64-bit registers but 32-bit pointers
<Cindy> nah, no banks
<Cindy> the simplicity of m68k is that you just need a memory address
<sham1> So one would just extend the CPU packaging then for more address and data pins
<Cindy> yeah
<Cindy> or you could do socketed
<Cindy> like intel CPUs
<nortti> alternatively could keep 32-bit physical address space but have a bigger virtual one
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<sham1> So PAE
<sham1> Hm
<nortti> reverse PAE
<sham1> True
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<gog> pae bae
<heat_> pae is super useless
<heat_> actually, its only useful because of NX
<zid> pae kinda useful on amd64
<zid> given it's, you know, mandatory
<sham1> That doesn't count
<zid> yea not really, but technically true though
<zid> there's the weird pre-pae thing too, what was that called
<zid> pae20 or something strange, that only the 386 supported or something
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<mjg> pae was kind of practical back in the day
<mjg> but it was mostly enabling you to suffer as opposed to not being able to run to begin with
<sham1> ItaniuM!
<vai> nortti: bigger pages would solve the 32 bit mode limitations
<nortti> how do you mean?
<zid> itanium 3 soon sham1, are you hyped?
<sham1> Lies!
<vai> nortti: >4 Gb RAM
<nortti> how?
<zid> That's entirely independent of page size
<vai> zid: nortti: I heard of 4 Mb pages
<vai> thats supported
<zid> VA space is governed by the number of layers, physical space is governed by how wide each entry is (and possibly limited by hw)
<zid> page size doesn't enter into it
<vai> zid: you mean the addresses will be still 32 bit ?
<zid> page size governs fragmentation and tlb use
<zid> You could have 128bits of VA and 4 bits of physical memory, if you wanted
<SGautam> Is the scrolling handled by the terminal emulator or tty?
<zid> I have 48 bits of virtual and about 35 bits of physical, atm
<SGautam> Generally speaking
<zid> SGautam: a real terminal is just a line printer
<zid> with a print head and a carriage
<nortti> SGautam: terminal emulator. tty is just a pipe that you shove bytes into and get them out of plus some structs
<heat_> SGautam, emulator
<zid> go look at curiousmarc's teletypes if you want
<bslsk05> ​'Using a 1930 Teletype as a Linux Terminal' by CuriousMarc (00:16:33)
<heat_> today in me: we found a gcc bug in #armlinux, i found out gold is broken and was making my libc crash, i was accidentally mapping ASAN shadow over my brk
<SGautam> I'm having a little bit of trouble visualising how a program like vim works
<heat_> today has been a weirdo day
<SGautam> If the tty output is just a line
<zid> vim itself spits out a VT-100 command stream
<heat_> everything has been fucked but nothing was my problem
<zid> to make a physical vt-100 do the right thing
<zid> that is, move the cursor around, display characters, etc
<zid> that goes through the 'tty' layer, so that your terminal emulator can find the other end of the pipe, then the terminal emulator decodes the ansi commands
<vai> my Commodore 128 used to support move screen up (PETSCII) if I recall
<zid> and renders the text as though it were a scrolling ream of paper
<zid> There's a wrapper library for VT-100 commands too you may be familiar with, ncurses
<SGautam> Yes.
<zid> mvprintf(x, y, "blah"); -> printf("\e[%d;%dH%s", x, y, str);
<zid> terminal emulator just looks for \e and \r and \n and \t and stuff and processes them
<heat_> sham
<heat_> sham ar eyou ok?
<sham1> no
<heat_> ok
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<zid> I'd just like to take a moment to appreciate the TELNET protocol btw
<zid> I think it's quite nice
<mjg> :[
<gog> tell net
<heat_> no, dont tell her anything
<gog> i already did
<zid> lol, friend just told us about a fire he had to put out at work today
<zid> he works for a gambling website, some random fired up the stress testing tool they have, which creates loads of open bets and fills them and stuff as fast as it can
<zid> ..someone pointed it at the live DB
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<zid> so the website was full of open, system created bets
<nortti> lol
<zid> > Congratulations to the one punter that figured it out fastest and made off with £8k.
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<gog> lmao
<gog> amazing
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<gog> hi
<mjg> zid: sounds like at least 2 fails there
<mjg> primary being prod db/api/whatever teh fuck reachable from test env
<mjg> which is also the classic
<zid> again?
<zid> we just had a hi last week
<zid> Such a demanding pet
* mjg throws gog a dead bird
* gog chomp bird
<mjg> no go kill me some pigeons
<mjg> you get to eat them
<gog> no thanks
<mjg> gg
<bslsk05> ​'Himari, Nom nom nom nom' by Fuzzychale Lingatong (00:00:15)
<heat_> mjg, openbsd!
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<sham1> Is that the safeword?
<gog> hhhhh
<gog> nom nom nom nom
<heat_> sham1, oh yeah i'm gonna open the shit out of your bs-d
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<gog> heat
<heat_> gog
<gog> hi
<heat_> hi
<heat_> hi gog, decode this: std::__2::vector<std::__2::basic_string<char, std::__2::char_traits<char>, std::__2::allocator<char> >, std::__2::allocator<std::__2::basic_string<char, std::__2::char_traits<char>, std::__2::allocator<char> > > >::~vector[abi:v15000]()
<heat_> thanks
<gog> that's just a vector of basic char strings
<bl4ckb0ne> i think you have c++
<gog> call me when you've got a vector of basic bitches
<bl4ckb0ne> its terminal
<gog> true
<gog> ther'es only one outcome for c++ programmers
<heat_> no, it's GUI
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<heat_> hehehe he
<gog> it's always hehe and never sheshe smh
<heat_> ok gog i need you
<heat_> now its 4 real
<heat_> i have weird corruption i cant track down on my kernel test suite that *forks*
<heat_> i don't know if i should start an actual bisect
<gog> forking?
<heat_> doing a bisect would implicate me cleaning up my current local tree
<heat_> which has at least 3 or 4 unrelated change sets going on at the same time
<heat_> https://github.com/heatd/Onyx/pull/74 <-- it's all going to this PR which has... 37 commits
<bslsk05> ​github.com: Io queues by heatd · Pull Request #74 · heatd/Onyx · GitHub
<gog> yikes
<gog> stash everything and start cherry picking
<mjg> soudns like bisect would be faster
<bslsk05> ​i.imgur.com <no title>
<heat_> help me
<heat_> mjg, bisect needs a clean tree yeah?
<mjg> probably
<gog> oh my gog
<gog> have fun in git hell
<mjg> how did you fick this up so bad
<gog> i'm pretty bad but i never let it get like that
<mjg> as a single person working on the project
<gog> that's how
<gog> nobody to enforce proper git usage on him
<heat_> well
<mjg> smh my head
<heat_> i have many changes that kind of rely on each other
<mjg> then topo sort them and implement in that order
<heat_> like i built a whole tracing-ish thing that helped me take a look at some internals stuff
<gog> cherry pick and rebase
<mjg> use CVS
<gog> hhhhhhh
<gog> concurrent versions
<mjg> cvs branching == $$
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<zid> rebase baby
<zid> only tool you need
<heat_> ok its almost all done
<heat_> wasn't hard
<heat_> this PR has 45 commit of unrelated garbo
<heat_> masterpiece
<zid> see, rebase
<zid> don't p those ones
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<mjg> git commit -am "wip"
<mjg> no rebase
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<heat_> oh look i have a random copy of opendtrace i never got to integrate into onyx
<zid> heat traces a lot of d afterall
<sham1> Squash rebase PRs if you're a coward
<zid> unless you're a coward*
<mjg> it takes ballz to yolo the codebase
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<sham1> Show your merges and commits!
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<cloudowind> mmm
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<cloudowind> freenode was hiding our ip's right? libera doesnt
<gog> show me your pull requess, your pull requests, show me your pull requests
<gog> cloudowind: you need a registered account and then you go to #libera-cloak and say !cloakme
<cloudowind> good practice to get a cloak tho
<gog> oh you have a cloak
<cloudowind> right
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<gog> your IP is hidden to me
<cloudowind> yes yesterday i got one
<gog> good
<cloudowind> ty
<gog> np
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<mcrod> hi
<gog> hi
<cloudowind> hi
<mcrod> gog i want sleep.
<gog> so go slep
<cloudowind> he might have soe missing sheeps
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<cloudowind> *some
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<mcrod> i honestly think I have sleep apnea
<mcrod> apparently I snore something fierce and I wake up feeling tired all of the time
<gog> dang
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<cloudowind> my gf got one
<cloudowind> she got better since she quit drinking and smoking tho
<cloudowind> otherwise she was waking up every hour struggling to breathe...
<cloudowind> you would know it if you had one.. getting up tired is not by itself a marker for it anyway you guys have a beautiful night
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<heat> gog: here are my pull requests: https://github.com/heatd/Onyx/pulls
<bslsk05> ​github.com: Pull requests · heatd/Onyx · GitHub
<heat> io queues started as, erm, io queues, but ended up as some sort of staging branch for random crap
<heat> the arm64 PR is pretty tidy and related to arm64, but still large because it's a brand new arch
<heat> the ext4 stuff im basically just postponing endlessly
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<heat> the other PR was a bot
<heat> I hope you liked a tour through my PRs
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<moon-child> ohh did you implement io_uring?
<heat> no
<heat> far more basic
<moon-child> :\
<heat> currently my IO is fully synchronous, i.e you can't tell it "fullfill this request and tell me when it's done"
<heat> this is an attempt to improve that situation
<heat> because that obviously sucks
<heat> ofc io_uring would depend on this queue work but i'm really far from adding that lol
<moon-child> oh so it's just general async io
<moon-child> that's still good
<heat> yep
<heat> i also need something similar for e.g NIC packet queues
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<heat> basically i went around and made everything synchronous in a lot of hardware when the optimal and more accurate way to model things would be with fully asynchronous, queued operation
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<zid> fun, the heavens just opened out of nowhere
<zid> silence, and then so much rain I can't hear anything else
<gog> neat
<zid> aand it's gone
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<zid> rain is weird
<gog> microburst
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<heat> holy shit thank god for system restore
<zid> I've never used it
<heat> who needs to die in linux desktop so we get this feature
<zid> it's called "rsync /etc somewhere every day"
<heat> so this w11 update was busted and fucked the system up
<zid> some people keep everything in /etc in a git repo
<heat> well, surely rsync /etc /usr/bin /usr/lib*
<zid> meh you can just reinstall those
<zid> from tgzes
<heat> well, the point is that the binaries got fucked
<heat> and i had a way out
<zid> like if my gentoo system exploded, I could just start with a stage3, copy /etc over (including my @world set) and hit emerge
<zid> and everything would be back to normal
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<gog> i always keep a backup linux usb
<gog> no muss no fuss no relying on a software solution built into the system that could itself fail
<zid> except uefi
<zid> thankfully uefi never fails
<zid> right heat?
<heat> nuh huh never
<gog> uefi is the most stable and sensible solution ever
<heat> fault-proof
<gog> it's absolutely perfect in every way
<zid> I still laugh, heat asked me one day why I used bios boot not uefi
<zid> and I replied "I dont give a shit about secure boot and uefi only adds places for it to go wron"
<zid> heat was vaguely dismissive
<zid> then he blows up his uefi and I get to laugh myself to sleep
<gog> you have to secure your boots
<heat> well, no
<heat> your bios boot was still uefi
<zid> and it broke too
<kazinsal> boot status: secure
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<gog> boot status: doc martens
<gog> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<gog> extensible footwear interface (my feet)
<zid> uefi -> gog sends you feet pics if you ask
<kazinsal> an unexpected kind of boot image
<gog> if you ask really nicely i'll step on you
<kazinsal> *goodness*
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<heat> gosh i fucking hate computers
<heat> god's curse upon humanity
<gog> yes
<gog> it is pandora's box
<zid> Computers are okay, it's when people try to pretend they're useful that it's a proble
<gog> it contains the entirety of human joy and despair
<gog> turns out there's a fuckload more despair
<zid> they write fancy UIs and things instead of giving 14 reams of diagnostic info
<kazinsal> 99 terabytes of despair, 1 terabyte of feet pics
<gog> yes
<zid> It should cost at least $7 in ink to boot windows
<heat> ok lets bisect fellas
<heat> ...is fellas a gender neutral term?
<kazinsal> I'll grab the chainsaw
<zid> yes, so is chaps
<zid> and mates and blokes and bitches
<kazinsal> and me ol' cocks
<heat> ok so its not
<heat> thanks
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<gog> getting bisected in a sundress
<gog> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<zid> pervert
<kazinsal> chat kinda sus tonight, as the kids say
<gog> sorry
<gog> i didn't say that
<zid> 100% you said that
<gog> you said it
<gog> i said bisected
<heat> linux kernel operaing system
<gog> yes
<bslsk05> ​preview.redd.it: Reddit - Dive into anything
<heat> ok found the bad commit
<heat> these git fucks
<heat> they know what they're doing
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<heat> woah, found it
<gog> yay
<zid> what were you even looking for
<heat> a big fork regression
<heat> i added "marks" to my radix tree which is kind of a tag system that gets propagated up and down the table. one of them is super important, the present tag, that allows me to traverse the whole table with bitops vs reading 64 * sizeof(long) bytes
<heat> but i forgot to copy them when copying a whole radix tree...
<heat> so forked vm objects (that use radix trees to store pages) would show up as empty and would re-fault a new page
<heat> i should add a pre-push hook for CI
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<heat> mjg: atm my page_fault1 is the definition of "doesn't scale"
<heat> as in it -t4 in threads = -t1 in threads
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