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For some reason, I'm getting Quartus 30-day eval messages when running nMigen builds, but not if I launch Quartus normally and run a regular project (I only installed Lite)... has anyone seen this before?
I never activated any sort of Prime eval to my knowledge
mwbrown: I never encountered that while researching for the Quartus backend of nMigen
What does `quartus_map` point to on the command line?
Just my normal install `D:\Quartus\18.1\quartus\bin64\quartus_map.exe`
It's printing this message out for every tool (map/pgm/etc) `Info (292036): Thank you for using the Quartus Prime software 30-day evaluation. You have 2 days remaining (until Oct 03, 2021) to use the Quartus Prime software with compilation and simulation support.`
It's just the weirdest thing that it only does this on the command line and not in the IDE itself. Even the quartus_pgm tool shows that it's the Lite version
That's weird...
I guess I'll find out in two days what happens when it runs out, haha
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if it does like it did for me, nothing. You just stop having a message
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Yeah, I would think that whatever eval it's doing just reverts back to the Lite edition and simply disables stuff like the higher end chip support and modelsim stuff
Ha ha ha
Quartus is probably doing absolutely nothing
Doing something reasonable like that requires *effort* and why would you bother with that.
I'm technically project lead for Project Mistral, the Cyclone V reverse engineering project - Sarayan does most of the Quartus RE, and it's the laziest program I think I've ever seen
Debugging symbols? Ship it!
I guess that can be good or bad :p
the laziness I mean
Debugging printfs? Enabled with a line in the .qsf
Dumping the contents of the binary databases as plain text? In the commercial release build, no less.
on the other hand, never attribute to laziness that which can be reasonably explained by someone on the inside trying to help hackers out :D
Well I mean, if I ever meet Greg Baekler I need to inform them they need to buy milk on the way home
(there's a snarky printf to that effect whenever synthesis finds a LUT6 that uses carry-in as an input term)
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