Also, does an OR reduce translate into an OR tree?
FL4SHK: do you just want `.any()`
vup: `.any()`?
some statement `.any()`
(a + b).any()
I need to do vector ORs
I suppose it's still possible to use this
No, I guess not.
a `variable` would be helpful to have.
As it stands, it looks like I have to use a Python `list` that I add `Signal`s representing subsequent values of the "variable" to
then I can simply use `my_list[-1]` for the most recent value.
<zyp> what are you trying to do? my_list[0] | my_list[1] | …?
Okay so I was making two separate points.
a value representing `my_list[0] | my_list[1] | my_list[2]` would need to use a `for` loop if I don't know how many elements are in `my_list`
<zyp> I believe you can just treat it as a regular python expression and do functools.reduce(operator.or_, my_list)
Ah, I see.
Does it become something efficient when optimized by yosys?
<zyp> I don't know, but I would expect it to be equivalent to typing out the expression for a known length of the list
<zyp> I mean, functools.reduce(operator.or_, [a, b, c]) creates exactly the same expression as a | b | c as far as nmigen is concerned, they'll both invoke the OR-operator twice
I'd prefer it generate an `or` tree
I'm going to test it.
<zyp> I figure that's an optimization yosys should do, not nmigen
I agree.
If yosys doesn't make that optimization, I have to do it myself.
also, if you have a list, you can pass it to Array to turn it into a nMigen object where you can then do .any() as suggested before to automate the generation of the | without having to map-reduce
this assumes a list/tuple of Signal/Array/etc but givne what you're asking, that seems like a reasonable assumption to make
`Array` doesn't have an `any()` function.
what is it that you actually want?
Array() is a Value, and Value has .any()
Array() is not a Value
a | b | c | d already has the right semantics, and after being put through synthesis, it will go through abc which will make it into a tree and rebalance it
so I don't see any actual problem here
mwk: then that's what I need
<zyp> then what I suggested should work
yosys itself has no pass for it, but abc is pretty good at this stuff
ohh, Array is an abc MutableSequence.. our bad
When does it go through abc?
yosys calls abc as a subprocess in later stages of the synth flow
Does it go through abc when I use Vivado for pnr?
if you're using the plain nmigen platform? no
but vivado also does its own optimizations, which should be able to optimize that stuff
<zyp> in that case I'd expect vivado to do the right thing
I'll just do a reduce, then.
<zyp> I figure tree balancing would be among the lowest hanging fruits of optimizations
ah, if all your operands have the same shape, you can use `Operator('r|', my_list)`!!