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<dbosky> Quick question - does nMigen support importing RTL? I'm looking for a tool (preferably something in Python) that can automate/simplify connections between different RTL modules and then spit out a top verilog/sv file where everything is nicely connected? This is to replace ton of generate statements I have currently in that top file.
<dbosky> I have another question - is there an easy way to create a SV like interface/modport to simplify connections between modules? I don't want to connect all AXI signals individually every time.
you can currently use Record, though it's flawed and we're going to replace it eventually
Doesn't scale past medium-small designs, but I just eat the time cost of having to route connections into modules.
<TheManiacalLemon> Playing around with Instance... is there a way within the nMigen tooling to simulate an Instance, or do I need to export the whole thing to Verilog and then feed it into a third party simulator? I implemented a counter in both Verilog and nMigen sync domain, put both in the self.ports array... only the nMigen counter variable is showing up
<TheManiacalLemon> (in the vcd, that is). I wonder if there's a way to use cxxrtl to do it but I'm unfamiliar with using that particular simulator
there is, but I'm not sure if there's a convenient way to use it
hold on...
generally an Instance is a Fragment in nmigen, ie. more or less an elaborated module, with the special handling that replaces it with an external cell instantiation when emitted to RTLIL
the contents of this fragment are normally empty, which means the Instance just effectively disappears in pysim
<TheManiacalLemon> Yeah, I had a feeling the issue was that the backend is only simulating the python code, and not anything analyzed by yos
<TheManiacalLemon> *yosys
but, you can add actual behavioral statements to the Instance, which will be used for simulation (nmigen.hdl.mem.* do this internally), and ignored when emitting RTLIL
I'm just not yet sure if there's a pretty interface for that...
there isn't
of course, the whole thing requires your instance to be synthesizable in the first place, so would only work for things like DSP cells
it's kind of an awkward part of the simulator
you may want to investigate cxxrtl instead
rewriting whatever cell you have in nmigen when you already have it in Verilog is not exactly fun
<TheManiacalLemon> Exactly, I was mostly looking for a stopgap solution for my project while certain components don't exist yet in nMigen code. Once they're converted then it's a non issue
what *do* they exist as?
<TheManiacalLemon> Just verilog files
<TheManiacalLemon> I think cxxrtl is probably the best solution as long as it can read verilog files (seems it can since yosys can parse verilog?)
<TheManiacalLemon> Just need to do some looking on my end to figure out how to use it