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mikeling has joined #mlpack
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< mikeling> how do you usually debug in mlpack? without visual studio
< mikeling> could I use gdb to debug it?
djshubh has joined #mlpack
< djshubh> i know neural networks , how do i get started
< djshubh> quit
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s1998 has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
< mikeling> zoq: rcurtin ping
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s1998 has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
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< travis-ci> akanuraj200/mlpack#14 (master - 427ca26 : KANODIA): The build was fixed.
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< rcurtin> mikeling: I generally build with debugging symbols (configure CMake with '-DDEBUG=ON') and then use gdb, yes
< mikeling> rcurtin: thank you for your help :)
< mikeling> rcurtin: could you give me some hints about why "each state will be set to 1 / numObservations " in Is that mean each result of observation will have equal possibility?
< rcurtin> mikeling: yes, that is what it means
mikeling has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]