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< cult-> hi again.
< cult-> rcurtin: i tried with the real data now. and without the transition redefining hack, the model was still unable to pick up the separate guassian dimensions.
< cult-> my question is: will you push this fix into master anytime soon?!
< cult-> alternatively, should i normalize my data before training it?
< cult-> rcurtin: is this c.col(i) /= arma::accu(c.col(i)); to make sure that the states are incrementing/decrementing by 1 states only at a time?
< cult-> s/states/state
< mikeling> cult-: rcurtin hey, I got a ton of errors when I try to run the *Covariance Computation* example in Here is a part of errors in
< mikeling> my local system is os x 10.12 and my gcc version is 6.2.0
< mikeling> after I google it, I found it's a unlink issue, but how could I link to mlpack when I compile it by g++? I'm a totally freshman in C/C++, sorry
< zoq> mikeling: Hello, g++ cov_example.cpp -std=c++11 `pkg-config --libs mlpack`
< zoq> or g++ cov_example.cpp -std=c++11 -lmlpack -larmadillo -lboost_serialization -lboost_program_options
< mikeling> zoq: hello, thank you for your helping! :) But it told me "ld: library not found for -l/usr/local/lib/libarmadillo.dylib" this time when I try to use g++ cov_example.cpp -std=c++11 `pkg-config --libs mlpack`
< mikeling> but actually I do found libarmadillo.dylib in /usr/local/lib
< zoq> What about libmlpack in /usr/local/lib?
< mikeling> zoq: yep, I could see libmlpack.dylib and libmlpack.2.dylib
< zoq> mikeling: Okay, can you test the second command I posted?
< mikeling> zoq: sure and here is what I got
< zoq> mikeling: hm, weird can you manually specify the mlpack location/path: clang++ covaiance_computer.cpp -std=c++11 -I/path/to/mlpack/build/include/ -L/path/to/mlpack/build/lib/ -lmlpack -larmadillo -lboost_serialization -lboost_program_options
< mikeling> zoq: ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/path/to/mlpack/build/lib/'
< zoq> yeah, can you use the correct path for '/path/to/mlpack/build/lib/' it should be the mlpack build directory.
< mikeling> zoq: oh great!
< mikeling> things looks good to me
< mikeling> everything works well
< mikeling> thank you very much :D
< zoq> mikeling: You are welcome, I'guess I still have to figure out why the pkg-config method doesn't work, maybe some specific osx problem.
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