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< mikeling> hello there, it tells me "Cannot open file 'data.csv'" when I try to run the .out file
< zoq> mikeling: Sounds like there is no such file 'data.csv', you could test the code with e.g. the iris.csv dataset:
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< Rohit> is mlpack in for gsoc 2017
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< koush> hello all i am looking to participate in gsoc next year. can someone tell me what is the level of ML needed for mlpack?
< zoq> koush: Hello, depending on the project the "necessary knowledge" can often be replaced with "willing to learn" for the easier projects, and for some of the more difficult projects, a full understanding of the description statement and some coding knowledge is sufficient. Also each project has a difficulty rank to get an impression, also the gsoc wiki page might be helpful:
< koush> zoq: hey thanks. i do have some coding knowledge and experience and i will be trying to learn some concepts of ML for next month. how i can get started here?
< zoq> koush: Sounds good, take a look at: and let us know if we should clarify anything.
< koush> and yes the tutorials page seems to have moved if there is a new page can provide me with the link.
< koush> got it.
< zoq> rcurtin: Is there enough time left to run the mlpack benchmarks? Or maybe the benchmark boxes aren't affected, can't remember.
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< rcurtin> zoq: what do you mean, are you talking about when mastervlaster will go down to be moved?
< rcurtin> that will be a couple months from now so there should be time
< zoq> rcurtin: That's exactly what I meant, thanks.
< cult-> rcurtin: hi, i wanted to ask about the line c.col(i) /= arma::accu(c.col(i)); i understand it normalized the matrix, but why does it make sense?
< rcurtin> cult-: sorry for the slow response, I have been out of town over the weekend
< rcurtin> the transition matrix is such that column c corresponds to the transition probabilities from state c to another state
< rcurtin> so the probabilities must all sum to 1