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< mikeling> Hey, I'm a postgraduate student who interested in Machine Learning and I would like to get involved into mlpack, where should I start?
< mikeling> I have some basic knowledge about Linear Regression or Classification, SVM, DBNs, but I have never implement any of them before. Are there any Algorithms or issues I can help with?
< rcurtin> mikeling: hello there, one place to look might be
< rcurtin> there's an open bug list on github, and you can filter by difficulty
< rcurtin> so for instance, 01:13 <@rcurtin> oh NICE, getting owned by the audience
< rcurtin> oops, that paste was a failure
< rcurtin> that is the URL I meant to paste, not some message from yesterday :)
< rcurtin> anyway, that is a list of easy tickets, so maybe you can find one that is interesting to you
< mikeling> rcurtin: oh great! Thank you
< rcurtin> sure, let me know if I can clarify anything
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