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< yashu-seth> hello everyone
< yashu-seth> can someone please help me with a problem I am facing using mlpack
< yashu-seth> I followed the building mlpack from source on ubuntu guide
< yashu-seth> and everything installed correctly
< yashu-seth> but when I run a script that has #include <mlpack/core/dists/gamma_distribution.hpp> using g++ my_file.cpp -lmlpack -std=gnu++11
< yashu-seth> it says gamma_distribution.cpp:14:62: fatal error: mlpack/core/boost_backport/boost_backport_math.hpp: No such file or directory #include <mlpack/core/boost_backport/boost_backport_math.hpp>
< UtkarshGpta> Hey yashu-seth!
< yashu-seth> hello UtkarshGpta
< UtkarshGpta> You need to save your .cpp file inside the src folder that contains the folder mlpack.
< UtkarshGpta> I am assuming that you built the package using "make" command only.
< UtkarshGpta> Look at the file address "mlpack/core/dists/gamma_distribution.hpp"
< UtkarshGpta> Hope that solves the problem.
< yashu-seth> yes I used make
< yashu-seth> that fixes the problem
< yashu-seth> thanks
< UtkarshGpta> Cool! (y)
< yashu-seth> can you please tell me one more thing
< yashu-seth> Why do I have to keep this in the src folder?
< UtkarshGpta> Since from the program preprocessor directive you can see that the file to be included is "mlpack/core/dists/gamma_distribution.hpp"
< yashu-seth> Does this mean I have to keep my .cpp file in the git cloned folder if I want to see the latest changes that I have made during a PR change?
< UtkarshGpta> This file can be accessed by the same address if you save in the src folder. Or the other way round is use the gamma_distribution.hpp file in the same directory as your cpp code but keep in mind that you change the preprocessors accordingly.
< UtkarshGpta> Sadly, I can't say anything about that.. I am myself new to mlpack and figuring out the ways to contribute xD
< yashu-seth> Isn't there a way to specify the absolute path to look for "mlpack/core... " So that whenever I run a script from anywhere it looks for the desired mlpack folder?
< yashu-seth> Okay. Thanks a lot for your help.
< UtkarshGpta> I would love to know the answer to that. Wait for the moderators to reply :)
< zoq> You can specify the include and library path: g++ file.cpp -std=c++11 -I/home/marcus/src/mlpack/build/include/ -L/home/marcus/src/mlpack/build/ -lmlpack -larmadillo
< yashu-seth> Thanks zoq. But how to run my file so that I can see the latest changes of my PR?
< zoq> One way would be to link against your mlpack version, so rebuild mlpack ('make') and link against the modified version by specifying -I... and -L.... Another way would be to test your code by writing a simple unit test and use the mlpack_test executable to run your test.
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< yashu-seth> Thanks a lot zoq. This should fix my problem.
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