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< rahulprasad> hello. I am new here and want to contribute to this project.
< rahulprasad> I am currently doing online course on machine learning.
< rahulprasad> I have studied linear regression, logistic regression, feature scaling, regularization, multi-class classification and I am currently studying about neural networks.
< rahulprasad> I have also implemented few of these models but on matlab.
< rahulprasad> Should I drop the course and start trying to contribute here or should I first finish the complete course?
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< kartik_> kartik@Jarvis:~/MachineLearning/openSource/emulator/nes/build$ cmake . -- Boost version: 1.58.0 -- Found the following Boost libraries: -- system -- thread -- chrono -- date_time -- atomic CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:39 (find_package): Found package configuration file: /usr/local/share/OpenCV/OpenCVConfig.cmake but it set OpenCV_FOUND to FALSE so package "OpenCV" is considered to be NOT FOUND. CMake Error: T
< kartik_> but they are set to NOTFOUND. Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files: MLPACK_INCLUDE_DIR used as include directory in directory /home/kartik/MachineLearning/openSource/emulator/nes used as include directory in directory /home/kartik/MachineLearning/openSource/emulator/nes used as include directory in directory /home/kartik/MachineLearning/openSource/emulator/nes
< kartik_> -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! See also "/home/kartik/MachineLearning/openSource/emulator/nes/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log". See also "/home/kartik/MachineLearning/openSource/emulator/nes/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".
< kartik_> imgetting the above error while running cmake for nes emulator
< kartik_> <zoq> i have also installed all the dependacies u have stated on the emulator page
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< kartik_> the above line is fixed .. i specified path to the include directory
< kartik_> make doesnt works now
< kartik_> i have gcc and not gcc46 in lib folder..
< kartik_> used cmake -D MLPACK_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/local/include/mlpack .. to correct the include path
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< rcurtin> zoq: wow, big PR, I'm excited to look through it :)
< zoq> rcurtin: Let's see if the travis and appveyor build passes.
< rcurtin> yeah, it turns out the appveyor fix was easy, so if it fails, you can backport the patch I merged yesterday
< rcurtin> but I have absolutely no idea why that line was causing a problem that looked entirely unrelated
< rcurtin> must be some visual studio bug or something like that... I'm just glad to have it solved
< zoq> hm, I thought I updated my branch...
< rcurtin> oh, I didn't see, maybe you did and I overlooked that :)
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< zoq> kartik_: Hello, sorry for the slow reponse, can you remove 'fPIC -Wl -rpath /usr/local/lib/gcc46' from the CMakeLists.txt file and test it again?
< kartik_> hello <zoq> i have an error building the communication module from source for nes emulator.. cmake -D MLPACK_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/local/include/mlpack -D MLPACK_LIBRARY=../../../../mlpack-master/build/lib/ ..
< kartik_> is the above line i used for installing files
< zoq> kartik_: Hello, sorry for the slow reponse, can you remove 'fPIC -Wl -rpath /usr/local/lib/gcc46' from the CMakeLists.txt file and test it again?
< kartik_> i have gcc folder instead of gcc46 should i change the name to this one?
< zoq> kartik_: No need, it's a freebsd relict, I wasn't going to commit that.
< zoq> Also, I've written some code to test the mlpack code against the OpenAI gym framework which also includes the mario environment. I'll can probably push the code later today.
< zoq> Out for dinner, back later.
< kartik_> reached 50% build now .. :D much better..
< kartik_> error in super mario bros cpp file ..
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< kartik_> <zoq> thanks for your efforts.. and yeah i read the logs on mlpack site..
< zoq> kartik_: Can you make sure that you link against Bang's ne branch:
< zoq> Just clone Bang's repo (git clone and checkout the ne branch (git checkout ne) and then build mlpack (mkdir build && cd build && make)
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< Kirizaki> hi!
< Kirizaki> which algorithm is best for searching random binary tree?
< Kirizaki> my example is to find all nodes at the same depth by given node
< rcurtin> hi Kirizaki
< rcurtin> I guess I am not sure I understand the problem completely
< rcurtin> you have a random binary tree, and you want to get all of the nodes at a particular depth?
< Kirizaki> yes
< Kirizaki> and my input is node of that random tree
< rcurtin> I think just a depth-first search is fine for this
< kartik_> <zoq> im reinstalling mlpack by bangs directory. found the parameter.hpp fine in his directory .
< kartik_> lets see if things work out well
< kartik_> :)
< kartik_> hey <zoq> i screwed things up .. i reinstslled using bang lui repo and tested where mlpack seems to be running all fine..
< kartik_> new error come in for cmake and make in nes
< kartik_> here's the error
< rcurtin> kartik_: you might want to reconfigure the nes project with CMake
< rcurtin> like 'rm CMakeCache.txt' and then re-run CMake the way you did to configure it
< rcurtin> I guess /home/kartik/MachineLearning/openSource/emulator/mlpack/lib/ doesn't exist anymore
< rcurtin> so reconfiguring CMake should help it find the new one and properly link against it
< rcurtin> however, I haven't been following the discussion you've had with zoq, so maybe my advice is out of place, hopefully it is useful though :)
< kartik_> thanks ..let me try this
< kartik_> no it is..
< zoq> hm, did you reconfigured the project with cmake -D MLPACK_INCLUDE_DIR=.... MLPACK_LIBRARY=....?
< kartik_> yes i did
< kartik_> i have bang lui repo installed
< kartik_> back tothe same error now
< kartik_> checkout ne works .. whats the build then u are talking about
< kartik_> i have installed new bangs repo .. wont theis fix the issue
< zoq> yeah, this should fix the 'parameters.hpp not found' issue. Can you check if you can find the parameters.hpp header file in build/include?
< kartik_> ur right
< kartik_> in include .. i dont have ne
< kartik_> <zoq> have a look
< zoq> What's the output of 'git branch'?
< kartik_> master
< kartik_> *ne
< zoq> Actually Bang's master branch also builds the ne part, so the branch shouldn't matter.
< zoq> Do you have mlpack header files in /usr/local/include/?
< kartik_> yes
< kartik_> usr/local/include/mlpack/method
< kartik_> where ne is not present
< zoq> Just to be sure, you checked for the parameter.hpp file in the build directory?
< kartik_> no.. can u give me an example path ..
< kartik_> my mlpack directory has nothing in build due to cmake error .. and i just run the make file without build foler
< kartik_> *folder
< zoq> That's so strange: that's the ne project and there is definitely an parameters.hpp file which is also included into the CMakeLists.txt file.
< zoq> Sure, just give me a few minutes.
< kartik_> yup i have it here /home/kartik/MachineLearning/openSource/mlpack/include/mlpack/methods/
< kartik_> let me just delete everything
< kartik_> and start from zero
< zoq> okay
< kartik_> to implement only the given commands
< kartik_> whats ne project on line 10
< kartik_> oh the emulatorr
< zoq> yeah, right
< kartik_> thanks a lot zoq .. trying all this since 2 days..
< zoq> Hope we can figure this out :)
< kartik_> :)
< kartik_> so i did everything again..
< kartik_> and this time in usr/local/mlpack/include/method has ne included
< kartik_> i followed exactly accordingto instruction file .. except did 'make install ' after mlpack build and changed cmake in nes to enable c++11 standards
< kartik_> heres the error log
< zoq> oh, the good thing is I know a solution for that the sad thing is, you need to build mlpack again ...
< zoq> I forgotten that I made some changes, in my ne branch:, so instead of using Bang's repo you should use mine.
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