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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1672 (master - 20da685 : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< mikeling> How could I only compile distribution test?
< mikeling> zoq: Hi, how could I only compile distribution test? make mlpack_distribution doesn't work for me
< zoq> mikeling: Hello, if you type 'make' it should build changes only.
< mikeling> zoq: hmm, but how could I build the specific test suit?
< mikeling> e.g I only want to build distribution_tes
< mikeling> like I could build knn test suite like *make mlpack_knn*, but I can't build distribution test like **make mlpack_distribution**
< zoq> Since you haven't changed anything else beside the distribution implementation it should rebuild the distribution test only. 'make mlpack_knn' builds the knn executable, but not the test suite.
< zoq> You can just use make to rebuild mlpack and than use bin/mlpack_test -t DistributionTest to run the complete test suite or e.g. bin/mlpack_test -t DistributionTest/GaussianDistributionTrainTest to run just the GaussianDistributionTrainTest test case.
< mikeling> zoq: Since I had changed the DiscreteDistribution class which been used in HMM part, before I change the correspond part in HMM, I want to test if the DiscreteDistribution class can works as expected. But when I just type "make", it tells me "mlpack::distribution::DiscreteDistribution::Train(arma::Mat<double> const&, arma::Col<double> const&)", referenced
< mikeling> from: mlpack::hmm::HMM<mlpack::distribution::DiscreteDistribution>::Train(std::__1::vector<arma::Mat<double>, std::__1::allocator<arma::Mat<double> > > const&)"
< zoq> I see, so an easy solution would be to remove the hmm code from the build process: comment 'hmm' in and 'hmm_test.cpp' in
< mikeling> zoq: oh great! It work! Everything works well after I remove the hmm form the CMakeList.txt
< mikeling> thank you very much
< zoq> glad it worked out :)
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