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< kartik_> heya ml pack .. im kartik ..nd i just completed ML course by sir Andrew Ng ..going through the getting involved page right now and reading tutorials
< kartik_> meanwhile can i get some specific project to work on for ml pack
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< zoq> kartik_: Hello, maybe you find something intersting on the GSoC idas page:
< zoq> kartik_: New interesting ideas are also always welcome.
< kartik_> i already went through it 2 weeks before .. was super exited for mario game using neural envolution tecnique.. but it is already done
< zoq> kartik_: If you are interested in the Neuroevolution idea, we can definitely find something that goes into that direction. Like what you could do is to implement the CMA-ES algorithm or parallelize the existing NEAT method.
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< zoq> kartik_: In case you haven't seen my answer:
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< kartik_> ya sir, I would love to do'll take me some days to settle down and get familiar with the codebase.. after that ill work on that.. thanks
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