changed the topic of #mlpack to: -- We don't respond instantly... but we will respond. Give it a few minutes. Or hours. -- Channel logs:
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< yash_gupta> I would like to contribute to mlpack. I am a beginner in open-source currently. Can you point out to some beginner-friendly problems to solve, please? Also, I am new to IRC, so if there is some glitch in my communication etiquettes , help me in correcting myself and learning in the right direction. Thank You!
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1705 (master - 60f16d7 : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1707 (master - 1ef2a02 : Ryan Curtin): The build was broken.
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< raphael29_> hi
< raphael29_> I am a 3rd year CS student looking for participating in GSoC 2017. While browsing through the 2016 GSoC list, I found mlpack which caught my attention. Can someone give me some more details about it?
< raphael29_> this is the gsoc 2016 organization page
< rcurtin> hi raphael29_, have you seen the mlpack website?
< rcurtin> there is also this page: if you'd like to know how to get involved
< raphael29_> rcurtin: hi and thanks. I take a look right now :)
< raphael29_> I am curious why there are only 8 persons on the channel?
< raphael29_> I mean, looking at the number of students involved in this project in this summer, I expected to see at least 100 people right here :)
< rcurtin> raphael29_: people come and go, there are probably 15 to 20 names I see regularly
< raphael29_> rcurtin: I understand, it is cool.
< rcurtin> I think since it's the end of the year and lots of people have holidays, maybe the channel is a bit quiet now
< raphael29_> can you, please, tell me more about mlpack history regarding the involvement in GSoC program? Also, do you intend to participate this year too?
< rcurtin> yeah, I believe that we intend to participate although GSoC 2017 hasn't yet been announced :)
< rcurtin> mlpack has been a part of GSoC in 2013, 2014, and 2016
< rcurtin> I think maybe on Google's website you can find a list of previous projects? I am not sure
< rcurtin> what more about history should I tell you? I don't know which direction to go :)
< rcurtin> (sorry for slow responses. I am in and out right now, putting parts on my car :))
< raphael29_> it is enough, thanks
< zoq> rcurtin: Christmas gifts?
< raphael29_> Are there any other students interested in GSoC 2017 by now?
< rcurtin> zoq: nope, not this time, just deferred maintenance :(
< rcurtin> I went through a car wash with the antenna up and the antenna was mangled so now I am trying to install a new one...
< rcurtin> raphael29_: yes, definitely, there has been a lot of talk from prospective students
< rcurtin> last year we received 119 applications... it was a little overwhelming :)
< zoq> rcurtin: I guess you only need the antenna for the radio?
< raphael29_> wow, that is exactly what I tried to said with "only 8 persons on the channel"
< zoq> yeah, a lot of work do go through all the applications, but it was fun after all.
< raphael29_> I suppose that the majority of application senders have been involved in the community before gsoc, right?
< rcurtin> zoq: yeah, radio only... there is a good college radio station in town I like to listen to :)
< rcurtin> raphael29_: sometimes; many people send applications without any previous contributions, but making contributions definitely increases the chances of success
< rcurtin> I think that nearly all of the students we select have done at least some previous contributions to mlpack
< rcurtin> but I would not say that it's true that students come from already inside the community, if that makes sense---usually applicants will find the project some months before the application deadline, contribute some patches, then send an application
< raphael29_> yes, this is the good way
< rcurtin> I agree, it's hard to know how good a student can be without any contributions or code samples
< raphael29_> yes, definetly
< raphael29_> actually, this is how I did last year
< raphael29_> i am a former 2016 gsoc student
< raphael29_> so 2017 would be my second gsoc experience :)
< raphael29_> so I know how things work
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1710 (master - 0b5d5f1 : Ryan Curtin): The build is still failing.
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< rcurtin> raphael29_: sounds great, hope to see an application from you when the time comes :)
< raphael29_> yes, of course. but before, I will like to build the sources and contribute as much as possible; thats the only way I can write a good proposal
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1711 (master - d4b2c4b : Ryan Curtin): The build was fixed.
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