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< a-l-e---> hey, how can i get a vector of ints out of an array of double?
< a-l-e---> (the values are almost int, they should be rounded...)
< rcurtin> hi there, couldn't you do this:
< rcurtin> arma::ivec vec_of_ints = arma::conv_to<arma::ivec>::from(vec_of_doubles)
< rcurtin> (I'm assuming that your vectors are armadillo vectors)
< a-l-e---> yes, rcurtin !
< rcurtin> ok, that should work then :)
< a-l-e---> i finally found that i should have google for "armadillo to int" instead of "mlpack to int" and go on the better path!
< a-l-e---> but thanks for you help!
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< rcurtin> a-l-e---: sure, no problem, happy to help out :)
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< saurabh_P> Hi
< saurabh_P> I'm interested in contributing to mlpack. Can anyone please guide me to the beginner level tasks ?
< saurabh_P> I'm using mac OS sierra.
< saurabh_P> \join
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< zoq> saurabh_P: Hello, so I would start with the tutorials especially Building mlpack from source:
< zoq> saurabh_P: You can use brew or macports to get all the dependencies on Mac OS.
< saurabh_P> Cool. I'll get to it.
< saurabh_P> After that are there any open enhancements or bugs on which I can start working right away ?
< zoq> I think that depends on your interested. But there are a few issues on Github that might be a good place to jump in; we tag them by difficulty. Here are the "easy" tickets:
< zoq> If you don't find something interesting, let us talk and come up with some cool ideas.
< saurabh_P> Cool. Thanks :)
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