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i think i have heard that seat is a systemd feature, one computer may have two users on different seats. with different monitors and mice.
i guess devuan made libseat for compatibility without systemd.
we won't have seats with phones.
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of course you do have seats, even if there's only one.
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inky: and, for completeness, you can already see a seat on your Leste device if you do `loginctl list-seats`
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i've got scammed, my n900 lacks seats >:(
where should i sit now
be a witch, and sit mid-air, on a broom :-D
are brooms included with leste?
there are 3 questions you'd better not ask when a Bulgarian is around ;)
"where should I seat" being one of them :D
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heh, why is that?
btw have anyone ran eka2l on leste?
just for nostaligia that may work.
sicelo: no time now, but will explain later on. But basically you will get an unpolite answer (a swear).
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freemangordon: semi crazy idea, we could make an upgrade package for chimaera similar to the cssu OTA updates for daedalus if we want to
we'd put in only in extras-testing in case folks want to try it
why not
would be fun/cute
it will require a bit more effort, we might have to really tackle the gconf2 configure issue that pops up some times and we might need to further ham-ify some of our pkgs
but maybe we can make hildon-meta and hildon-meta-core h-a-m pkgs
that's different from the OTA special mode though I guess
but could be fun
btw, I will get qt-input-maemo in meta now for chimaera as well
it works great with latest jib on device without keyboard
nice work dsc
are you preparing for a new release?
not sure what that means but the answer is probably yes
we're kind of 'rolling' in the sense that we're continually making changes, but we're also preparing to move to a new debian base
this would then also allow us to notify users of system updates without making every single of our packages a part of the system, but I don't know if that means that we'll have to verion all the hildon-meta deps so force upgrades of our pkgs
could you also add n900 fixes please?
which ones?
ah for perf?
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idk arno said here i should wait for next update
so i just reminded.
it's very very slow atm, not sure how you guys use it. :)
n900 is really old hw - I use it with cpu overclock as on wiki
and scaling min freq set to 500mhz
it is old, but still.
i mean i read here and there leste used to outperform frametle in terms of snappiness
I think we've gotten more snappy yeah
back in a bit
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mkf: there is no perf fixes for n900. just the fact that things are very buggy from a fresh install with recent imgs.
again, if things are very very slow, something is really wrong: what kind of sdcard do you use btw ?
and yes i can confirm that leste n900 is 'smoother' and better @multitasks than fremantle (with stock freqs and few tweaks)
i only use overclock for 3D games, sometimes for 2g buggy calls and telegram calls/audio msgs
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how do you make telegram calls? using td desktop?
yes :) encrypted
telegram desktop needs a proper audio conf file btw
right, doesnt use too much ram?
it uses lot of swap
but with no real troubles with fast u3
(around 250MB of swap)
not too bad
native maemo theme?
cool, make some screenshots or videos sometime, for the news post :)
yes that's the plan :)
once chat chatgpt stuff is ready :P
btw leste assistant works with pidgin !
today i'll try to get it working with conversations using mctool
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but i need to figure out the proper parameters to add (seems the api key is the only thing needed)
dsc_: ^^^
using haze?
I think it should support arbitrary pidgin config keys
and then a rtcom account plugin ui
i can help with this
cool :)
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arno: a1 u1, i have a a1, u1 as well if that helps
*u3 as well if that helps
try u3, honestly
(even some u3 are bad btw, not a question of overall sd card speed but rather small blocks r/w perfs)
(with our old n900 sd bus)
but our conversations are purple based? i thought tp based.
arno11, yes i want to try it with pidgin, i always use it.
so can you push everything and even before you package it for leste, i.could try it wihh pidgin? if you have instructions/makefile to build purple plugin?
tp haze allows us to use purple
will check it out. so it would be gceat if that's also documented in ceadme or somewhere.
i mean there are 2 different things: maemo-gpt app (ready @80% before packaging) and another completely different thing: leste assistant, which is an assistant linked to my account and directly usable with pidgin chatgpt plugin
should be on wiki, yes but need more spare time :P
pidgin has chatgpt plugin already?
i can just add an api key and use it?
maemo-gpt is an app, not a conversations plugin?
maemo-gpt is my own app
i ll share it soon in extras
so separate app, not integrated with conversations. k thought we could use it from conversations app.
from address book
and what is leste assistant? i think we dont want to use your account. we want to be able to add our api keys.
well, that s what we were talking about: adding the pidgin plugin to conversations to be able to use leste assistant (based on irc leste logs)
you can use your ap key ofc
but you need to create the proper assistant from openai api website
(if you use your own api key)
i can share with you the process to create a working leste assistant, no problem btw
but later :P
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arno: oh btw do you use telegram on mapphones or n900?
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mkf: on n900, i don't have any mapphone
for the record (and for leste assistant :P), telegram desktop needs /.config/alsoft.conf with:
apparently for git blame you can't even add --full-history
I guess 'alias git-rlog=git log --sparse' or something
well, I guess it does not make any difference if we faind why it was broken
actually upstream does not have the commits
but, I wonder why did they decided the only bus around is pci
arno11: i have limited idea what you're doing atm, could you link me to the repository of the contact manager in question?
dsc_: to resume, i have leste assistant (based on irc logs) working in both pidgin and my maemo-gpt app. i added the gpt plugin to conversations using mc-tool. it works and i m able to go online and receive a bot msg (like in pidgin). Assistants appear as buddy in leste contacts and i m able to send messages but with no answers
arno11: do you have links to code? :D
any link really, for context
the plugin works only with assistant feature from openai, which is what we need for conversations
ok so libpurple plugin thing
it exposes 1 contact?
and when you type to it
it does nothing
does the message appear in the chatwindow?
yes, well, all assistants from the account linked to the api key appear in contact list
msgs appear in chat window
but only sent msgs
i dont really know what an assisant is
its just a contact, yeah?
these are individual chatgpt conversation threads?
and you expect them to be individual contacts in conversations
is this the case in pidgin?
it is the case in pidgin AND conversations
i mean everything seems to work
ah ok
does the message appear in the chatwindow?
but msgs are not sent
after clicking Send
yes, and i'm able to check from my app or the website (no msg sent)
could you paste ~/.config/conversations/state.json
you might need to scrub some private info from there
feel free to leave out unrelated entries
no problem but i have to go for a bit (kids)
thx for your help man
one question, is this a paid feature @ chatgpt?
(yes but it is almost free of charge atm since assistant is a beta feature)
freemangordon: btw with git log -p --sparse --full-history config/udev.c
I can see the commits are there
just to confirm to myself :)
freemangordon: if android doesn't boot, there is no way to recover the fw, right?
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mkf: no need to boot, you can mount the FS and pull the module
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