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<freemangordon> Wizzup: mesa cannot be cross-compiled (without using armhf compiler on amd64), plese provide access to that arm VM you have
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<arno11> guys, i successfuly created a working maemo leste assistant with chatgpt based on our irc logs and using vectorization. the result is...creepy or terrific depending of the point of view
<Wizzup> sounds cool
<arno11> it works only through the website atm but it is quite trivial to implement in maemo-gpt. could be awesome in conversations
<arno11> Wizzup: a text version of the user guide could be useful
<Wizzup> I think it can be rendered to a man page
<arno11> ah ok
<dsc_> do we have the gpt plugin working yet for tp?
<arno11> the tp plugin is too basic atm
<arno11> just an example: if i ask it how to add a facebook account to conversations using command line, it knows exactly the mc-tool commands to run using haze/facebook
<arno11> and it recommands to use fmg extras plugin instead
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<arno11> and it knows about the 2fa issue
<dsc_> :)
<Wizzup> would be very nice to have some assistant so we don't have to parrot
<Wizzup> also it's hard to remember all of this
<arno11> yes exactly
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<arno11> Wizzup: i need few days to 'explore' that assistant but then, i think i can share a temporary api key if some of you want to try
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<Wizzup> ah, right, I forgot it all costs money
<arno11> yes indeed, but it is really cheap
<arno11> i only spent 3$ in 2 months using gpt-4o-mini
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<Wizzup> :)
<inky> > i only spent 3$ in 2 months using gpt-4o-mini
<inky> wait using api key costs money? first you have to have that basic subscription i guess, for $20 and then you should give them a phone numbec and then by using api key you also spend money?
<inky> or you can use api key and not pay them $20 per month?
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<arno11> inky: no i don't use the 20$ stuff
<arno11> you spend money depending of the number of tokens used and the model
<arno11> gpt-4o-mini is really cheap
<arno11> and powerful enough for text
<arno11> and yes you can use api key for few $
<arno11> and not pay them 20$ a month
<arno11> to find the trick, i asked...chatgpt
<arno11> Wizzup: the leste assistant works fine on n900 with libcurl :)
<arno11> it mainly provides answers based on irc logs but able to provide links to the leste wiki as well
<arno11> (or other links from logs ofc)
<arno11> bluffy...
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