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tmlind: I see around 100 mW higher power usage on 6.12(I started from clean pvrsrvkm-6.12, as I want to clean-up the patch mess). I think I pulled all the relevant patches, but as soon as I modprobe mdm6600 phy, usage increases from ~100 mW to ~ 200mW, on leste with wifi on. any idea where to look at?
also, I see couple of ehci-omap patches from you , why are they needed?
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Mind you, I didn't pull serdev-ngsm patches, but that should not increase power usage, no.
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freemangordon: on modprobe mdm6600 phy driver powers up the modem, it should idle after a few minutes, if not, see if touch /dev/ttyUSB4 idles thing
freemangordon: the ehci-omap changes are for the mdm9600 on the mz617 tablets
got leste running on a23 tablet
touch doesnt work
how can one extract touch firmware (it lacks android, but i've got the images)
mkf: nice going, what steps did you take so far?
it is possible our kernel doesn't have the ts driver
(that you need)
compiled uboot, used linux-sunxi kernel. :(
grabbed sunxi image from downloaded, glue'd with linux-sunxi and uboot
i've disabled wifi in uboot (i think?) dts but not sure if effects linux.
sunxi kernel being 3.4?
mkf: you should boot android to get TS firmware
tmlind: idles after few minutes? hmm
ok, lemme wait a bit longer
I think he said he didn't have a working android
wizzup: 5.8
freemangordon: yeah, volume buttons are borken, android doesn't boot and i can't get it into fel mode to flash another android.
lemme try to remember what I did back then
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mkf: do you know TS model?
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no :(
it's a q8h v1.5 if that helps
ok, but you should see it in dmesg
sunxi wiki says it's Touchscren: GSL1680
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now, in dmesg, which FW file it tries to load?
lemme take a video, since i dont have uart either.
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you should see something like GSL1680E_700_FW.fw
dts shall be patches too, but I can;t find what I did back then
also, this is for my tablet, yours may differ
also, make sure you have panel-simple enabled
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freemangordon: mine seems to be 800 480, should i change the values?
then perhaps you don't need the patch at all
just make sure panel-simple is enabled in config
and that there is (enabled) panel in board dts
if that does not help, maybe ask on #linux-sunxi
BTW, if you can open it, there is a chance that panel model is written on it
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doesn't work. :(
it shows one frame after like 2 minutes once kernel is loaded
but that's it
ask for help on #linux-sunxi
BTW, you enabled lima, right?
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freemangordon: hmm unlikely but maybe some ngsm uart features are also needed to idle the modem?
ok, will pull them as well
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freemangordon: no lima.
how to do so?
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Wizzup, freemangordon: any idea how to get a shell or something over usb port in allwinner?
no, sorry
mkf: really, you should ask on #linux-sunxi, usually you get answers there, I can be of little help as it was more than 2 years I played with allwinner
okay, thank you. :)
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i think i've got it now
where should i install the kernel modules? /lib/modules?
it's been a while since i used linux, so sorry for stupid questions. :)
I usually do make -j4 modules_install INSTALL_MOD_PATH=../ INSTALL_MOD_STRIP=1 on the host
which installs them in ../lib/modules/...
and then copy from there to the target
do you build on device?
no, but my build system is a bit cursed.
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can i add the fw to the kernel image somehow?
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no idea, but why don;t just copy it to rootfs?
done that. not sure why it still doesn't work. :(
"it"? display? TS?
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TS. display works perfectly.
this is with mainline kernel?
can't get a dmesg, basically the only input method i have atm is power button. :)
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i'll prob. get a better soldering iron tomrrow and try to get a uart soldered on it.
could you try to capture a video?
also, if it has usb bort, perhaps you can enable host mode on it
and attach a keyboard
*usb port
will the module be loaded in early boot or late boot?
by late i mean after open rc
you can make it build-in in zImage if you have concerns
beause before open rc it's too fast, (even slow mo can't capture it properly)
ah, sorry
didn't get the queston
you should really enable usb dual role and attach a keyboard
this is linux-sunxi btw.
and as for usb, it doesn't seem to work either.
usb host mode was working properly with my A33
sunxi_defconfig should have it enabled, right?
and you need uUSB cable with proper ID pin
i have bunch of otg cables/hubs that worked fine with pi