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<chaoticowl> Hi! How do I restart my graphic session on maemo leste?
<gnarface> chaoticowl: i don't know, but stick around, someone knows
<chaoticowl> OK. I tried service hildon-desktop restart which kills the session but won't start it again.
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<freemangordon> chaoticowl: in short - you can't :)
<freemangordon> *maybe* we will support partial session restart when we move to daedalus
<freemangordon> you can kill hildon-desktop though and it will be restarted by dsme, but that's not really session restart
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<chaoticowl> got it, I'm using this for now:
<chaoticowl>  pkill Xorg; sleep 2; XDG_SESSION_TYPE=x11 /usr/sbin/dsmetool -r "autologin user startx -- $XORG_OPTIONS"
<sicelo> cool. why you need to do this regularly?
<chaoticowl> I'm trying to see if I can use a small subset of maemo leste (mostly hildon-desktop) for my embedded linux handheld project, and I need to port it to systemd + wayland first. At the moment I'm trying to create a minimal build of hildon desktop to see how difficult it would be.
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<sicelo> understood :-)
<sicelo> any details anywhere about this project?
<chaoticowl> No
<chaoticowl> No at the moment, I'm still in the early stage of figuring out how much work that would be and I will post more update here if I got any progress
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<mkf> hello
<Wizzup> chaoticowl: please keep us up to date on porting to wayland
<tmlind> freemangordon: oh nice sounds like you got the serdev stuff going? :)
<sicelo> tmlind: would you have any idea/suggestion regarding the clocks issue i mentioned a couple of days ago?
<sicelo> < sicelo> tmlind: freemangordon: so N900's et8ek8 has been reporting "et8ek8 3-003e: could not get clock" since at least linux 6.0. dts and the driver have not changed in any substantial way since their first addition
<sicelo> < sicelo> while trying to track the source, i came across https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/0c0ef9ea6f3f0d5979dc7b094b0a184c1a94716b ... based on commit description, makes me suspect it's the same problem even with et8ek8
<sicelo> or, if you can still find it, where can i find that email thread?
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<inky> folks, freemangordon, Wizzup, I think i figured out why 'inputmethod' applet of settings crashes: because /home/user/.gconf/apps/osso/inputmethod only contains one file: %gconf.xml. but on old installation where it works, it contans 'hildon-im-languages' directory with lots of xml files.
<Wizzup> this is when you load 'text input' from cpa?
<Wizzup> it doesn't crash for me, strange
<Wizzup> looks like a good hint though
<inky> sicelo or arno mentioned that it crashes on recent images
<inky> but when you update from old images, it doesnt
<inky> recent images lost that directory for some reason.
<Wizzup> yeah, could be for sure
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<arno11> inky: ah interesting
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<arno11> it crashes on n900 + overall slowness from a fresh install: it has been reported for the first time in sept by phoohb. then i tried and got the same result
<inky> i copied those files from d4 to bionic and it doesnt crash anymore
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<arno11> ah it was my next question :)
<arno11> thx
<Wizzup> I wonder if those are from the configurator
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<inky> let me see if they belong to some package
<inky> oh i think even if they were, they don't anymore
<arno11> Wizzup: i see lot of gconf/dbus error in img from sept in jenkins
<arno11> like autolaunch error: x11 initialization failed
<inky> no, no package owns them.
<arno11> Wizzup: same in the last one from january
<arno11> ah and it links to osso/inputmethod/hildon-im-languages stuff
<inky> wow
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<Wizzup> someone has been steadily adding a new language to all our pkgs on weblate :D
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<inky> good, i should too
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: I imported sfos patches (minor two changes to tests that didn't exist), but now it is unhappy with libsoup2 and libsoup3 in one process
<Wizzup> this is for google jingle (which I bet is deprecated)
<Wizzup> so we have to port wocky to libsoup3 or drop google jingle
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: otherwise I think everything has been finished for hildon-meta - just telepathy-gabble remains
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<Wizzup> well that and mafw
<Wizzup> will continue
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: google talk is no more, I think we can safely drop it
<freemangordon> Wizzup: I wonder, if debhelper in chimaera got something backported re dh_gconf ;)
<freemangordon> and that's why image issues
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: ok, I dropped it
<Wizzup> freemangordon: maybe, but I am not sure if we pull in backports
<Wizzup> freemangordon: everything installs now apart from mafw-tracker-source
<Wizzup> and extras of course
<Wizzup> but with that one package removed, I can install hildon-meta
<Wizzup> freemangordon: shall I remove mafw-tracker-source from hildon-meta in daedalus for now and build a full image?
<Wizzup> some things aren't happy yet on my vm at least
<Wizzup> wonder if it is maemo-launcher related
<Wizzup> think it is
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: when building qtwebengine for daedalus, shall I take it from bookworm-backports?
<Wizzup> that is the same version as in trixie
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