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Wizzup: xorg init script shall be fixed
now it tries to copy non-existent file on stop
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freemangordon: ok, maybe remember to or file a bug
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so I guess the next thing is some more daedalus extras, some more testing and a dist ugrade path
well, and the image gen bugs
it is probably something I did I bet, with the mz617 changes
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> or, they removed it because systemd?
dhcpcd works in gentoo woithout systemd.
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inky: nevermind dhcpcd it was not related
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Wizzup: i found a way to create automatically a working leste assistant from maemo-gpt with any openai api key. works from command line atm, need to implement it with libcurl.
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this way, chatgpt uses leste irc logs as 'main knowledge' but can use any other uploaded document as well
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sounds cool
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i hope to be able to build megapixels on daedalus.
and more modern dino, it has reactions and omemo, sorry.
i also think dont you want to open an xmpp room for maemo? there is a pmos muc. not very active but it exists. i was just suggesting there someone to install maemo on pinephone.
so i thought it makes sense to have a maemo xmpp room.
fragmentation doesn't really help
possible to bridge i think, too. but maybe not necessary.
and sure, you can run dino and run out of ram immediately :D
anyway there are pplb? that use xmpp but not irc. but ok.
i am writing from dino/chimaera now
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via my xmpp to irc gateway
reduced amount of bookmarked mucs and it works better now
yes it is bad but i need omemo. gajim and psi work even worse on small screen.
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we were/are working omemo through qxmpp
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oh that is great. bcs today nobody agrees to communicate with me without omemo.
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Wizzup: something seems wrong with accounts-ui