<Wizzup> tmlind: the maemo experimental kernel (some 6.6) doesn't seem to have the ts issues as often (where the probe results in no ts)
<Wizzup> whether it is completely gone I cannot say yet
<Wizzup> there is still the audio/modem issue:
<Wizzup> [ 41.857635] mot-mdm6600-codec 4806a000.serial:modem:audio-codec@2: ASoC: error at snd_soc_component_probe on 4806a000.serial:modem:audio-codec@2: -110
<Wizzup> [ 41.901000] asoc-audio-graph-card soundcard: ASoC: failed to instantiate card -110
<Wizzup> [ 41.916503] asoc-audio-graph-card soundcard: error -ETIMEDOUT: parse error
<Wizzup> [ 41.931182] asoc-audio-graph-card: probe of soundcard failed with error -110
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<Wizzup> arno11: I'll try to get your various changes in a leste-config pkg update for -devel today
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<uvos> tmlind: did you ever figure out why the command mode displays are no longer refreshed since 6.4 or so?
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<Wizzup> uvos: which devices that we support are command line?
<Wizzup> is that n9 or something?
<Wizzup> command mode*
<sicelo> d4 too, iirc
<Wizzup> arno11: building new experimental kernel with ir stuff
<Wizzup> uvos: for mz617 it would be nice to have a way to raise keyboard without a button
<Wizzup> wonder if we can eventually look at some gesture stuff
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<arno11> Wizzup: (for leste-config and kernel) great !
<Wizzup> the kernel is building now
<Wizzup> did you have a suggested change for the blur change
<arno11> ok
<arno11> what do you mean exactly for blur ?
<Wizzup> well, you wrote that disabling the blur in the transitions is helpful
<Wizzup> oh, just the radius?
<arno11> yep so you just need to set radius and radius_more to zero
<arno11> that's enough to block the blur effect
<arno11> but few other modifications are really cool
<Wizzup> ok, but under what entry do you set this
<Wizzup> there's a few different places that can accept radius= I think
<arno11> in transitions.ini, (home)
<Wizzup> ok, [home]
<arno11> yep
<Wizzup> how did you come to these sysctl settings?
<arno11> well, a bit long to explain, that's a combination of things found in TMO and in debian/ubuntu known bugs
<arno11> mainly, Leste original sysctl settings are too 'generic' for only 256MB of RAM and N900 limited SD bus speed imo
<Wizzup> ok
<arno11> but that's not miraculous :P
<Wizzup> the nr_requests I will have to make an initscript for :(
<arno11> arghhh
<uvos> Wizzup: all mapphones
<uvos> except mz6xx
<Wizzup> ok, so why does it still work for us, or what am I missing?
<uvos> it dosent work for you
<uvos> xorg happens to work because it manually calls for a display refesh
<Wizzup> ok
<uvos> everything outside xorg is broken
<uvos> also [ 9.915008] cpcap-core spi0.0: Failed to create device link (0x180) with 40126000.mcbsp
<uvos> looks like mcbsp is stil broken in 6.6
<uvos> which is pretty critcal when combined with the display not refeshing
<uvos> (mcbsp is omap serial port phi)
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<Wizzup> ok, we can try to figure this out, but let's please also get 6.6 as up to date as we can, with our patches, then at least we have a good base to work from
<Wizzup> and I do think I remember indeed seeing no serial console output until X started
<Wizzup> so you're right, that's probably the bug you're describing
<uvos> sure i have rebased it
<uvos> the hp paches dont work
<uvos> we also have some other new issues
<uvos> [ 9.678344] cpcap_battery cpcap_battery.0: failed to register power supply
<uvos> [ 10.135711] iio iio:device2: unsupported IRQ trigger specified (3), enforce rising edge.
<uvos> with the ils being broken
<uvos> that one is probubly a easy fix
<uvos> but im looking at the hp first
<Wizzup> ty :)
<uvos> the modem seams to work
<uvos> but havent tried modem audio yet
<uvos> but no dmesg messages suggesting anything wrong with that
<Wizzup> well, let me know if you tried it and it works for you
<Wizzup> arno11: I'm still thinking on the best way to set these values
<Wizzup> I need to figure out how to add an init script to leste-config-n900 I guess
<arno11> ok
<uvos> these values probubly help mapphones just as mutch or?
<uvos> not sure they would be harmfull anywhere since all our devices have lowish ram
<Wizzup> I am not sure, but I figured just having it set for n900 first would help
<uvos> ok
<Wizzup> are you talking about sysctl or the block queue nr requests?
<uvos> the vm changes
<uvos> since i dont quite know what the nr_requests dose
<Wizzup> right
<Wizzup> it will be easy enough to move those over, I will just make sysctl.d file from leste-config-n900
<Wizzup> (we can make that a thing in leste-config-common or leste-config-mapphone as well)
<uvos> hmm? that sentace dosent quite add up
<Wizzup> also, yeah, I'm sure the default values are optimised for servers :P
<Wizzup> uvos: what doesn'
<Wizzup> t?
<uvos> "I will just make sysctl.d file from leste-config-n900" should be "I will just take sysctl.d file from leste-config-n900" or "I will just make sysctl.d file for leste-config-n900" i think
<arno11> bbl (dinner time + kids)
<Wizzup> the latter
<uvos> ok
<uvos> check
<uvos> Wizzup: so what should get into the kernel from that, you have a commit in there DO NOT USE: make dtbs build for now
<Wizzup> uvos: pull everything from there
<Wizzup> I just mark some commits as not like, upstream ready or something
<Wizzup> I will try to look at this in a bit
<Wizzup> but jfyi
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<uvos> ok no ir patches for now
<Wizzup> *nod*
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<Wizzup> btw, mz617 with leste is quite usable now already, just no audio / pm (RET) yet, but those are related
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<uvos> i need figure out how to revive my mz617
<Wizzup> What happened to it?
<uvos> its soft-bricked
<uvos> i was working on the kernel
<uvos> and installed one that dosent boot at all
<uvos> and i had overriden a part of android that makes that not work
<uvos> and then the battery died while i tried to figure out how to get it back
<arno11> Wizzup: ok
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<uvos> its in a tricky state since you cant fix some of the android partitions without allow-mbm.... mbm
<uvos> but kexecboot still works with its busybox shell
<uvos> so its possible to recover it
<uvos> somehow :P
<Wizzup> you can flash a working leste image to the data partition?
<uvos> after i take it apart and charge the battery some other way anyhow
<uvos> maybe yeah
<Wizzup> assuming 'and installed one that dosent boot at all' is for post-kexecboot kernel
<uvos> but for now it wont turn on at all
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> well I think with image builder I should be able to make a tar tonight or tomorrow that you could extract on the data partition
<uvos> yeah but how do i get the tar onto the deivce
<Wizzup> well if you have the busybox shell I think you can probably do it somehow
<uvos> using ftp and wifi in kexeboot shell i gues
<Wizzup> either that or base64 encoded over serial :P
<uvos> uff
<Wizzup> (that was a joke)
<Wizzup> I could give you my smaller image that is btrfs I suppose, it's only 700MB
<Wizzup> but I don't think you can flash it with fastboot to the cdrom partition or something
<Wizzup> uvos: I suppose usb otg doesn't work in kexecboot?
<uvos> no
<Wizzup> ok
<uvos> but a small enough image you could flash to cache
<uvos> i put kexecboot somewhere else
<uvos> and that partition you can flash from fastboot
<uvos> i dont remeber off hand how big it is
<uvos> anyhow its recoverable
<uvos> its just annoying
<uvos> i see
<uvos> sounds good :P
<Wizzup> I could upload this somewhere
<Wizzup> ok
<uvos> yes please
<Wizzup> per my notes I think I had to dd it from android to cache, but if you're sure you can flash it with fastboot the nyou should be good
<Wizzup> eta ~11 mins or so
<Wizzup> I don't know if you have another mz61x, but you could swap batteries if one has android
<uvos> i dont, but charging the battery is no issue
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<Wizzup> I figured :p
<uvos> Sending 'cache' (921600 KB) OKAY [ 35.833s]
<uvos> Writing 'cache' OKAY [ 78.537s]
<uvos> not sure why your mz617's mbm would be unhappy about that
<Wizzup> weird
<arno11> Wizzup: uvos: btw what's your opinion about gnome-tracker 2 on a phone ? imo, totally useless: once deactivated on leste, no change and the 'find' funtion still works fine.
<arno11> and lot of cpu and ram saved
<arno11> *function
<Wizzup> tracker is a pretty integral part for OMP and other things
<Wizzup> I don't think we should get rid of it, and it doesn't really cause any issues on my d4
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<uvos> i dont like it either - even on d4 its petty often far up the powertop list
<uvos> but ok
<uvos> i think nerfing it is enough rather than removeing it
<arno11> ok thx guys, so maybe it should be useful to prevent it to scan the entire home folder ?
<arno11> or maybe it scans the entire sd card lol
<Wizzup> yeah so this is a single gsetting change
<Wizzup> maybe see if it makes a difference for you
<arno11> iirc we already tried
<arno11> let me check
<arno11> ah i failed to remove the $HOME directory
<Wizzup> maybe reboot just for good measure
<Wizzup> sicelo: btw I fixed the image builder again for now
<Wizzup> (disk filled up...)
<uvos> can we have a bigger disk or a script that deletes old releases or something
<uvos> since that happens alot
<Wizzup> what happens here is that there is still some edge case in arm-sdk where it does not umount
<Wizzup> and then jenkins cannot deal with that
<Wizzup> and it doesn't clean
<uvos> ok
<Wizzup> the arm-sdk stuff is all zsh and it's not my strong suit but I did try to fix it
<uvos> ok
<Wizzup> honestly it's like a 1 minute manual cleanup but yeah, I forget to check...
<uvos> mz617 tar soon?
<uvos> cron job hack?
<Wizzup> it will take me a bit more to make the tar, but I am trying to make the .img (which isn't as useful...)
<uvos> thats finem i can extract
<Wizzup> I need to figure out how to make arm-sdk also produce tar files like it used to
<uvos> i just want something to install to userdata
<Wizzup> did you manage to boot the minimal image?
<uvos> yes
<Wizzup> ah, in that case just take the droid 4 image, losetup, and rsync it to the data partition
<Wizzup> and then add devel and remove hildon-meta-droid4 and leste-config-droid4 and the mapphone kernel config (or so) and install the mz617 versions of them
<Wizzup> but yes, I'm working on the image but realistically it's at least a few hours off (it tried to build some 4.14 kernel for some reason...)
<uvos> ok
<uvos> 6.6 kernel looks good now (besides mentioned issue with msub and cm pannels)
<Wizzup> did the call audio work for you?
<uvos> havent tested
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> for completeness sake: hildon-meta-mz617 leste-config-mz617 mz617-kexecboot-config
<uvos> im installing chimaera on the bionic rn
<uvos> to try it there
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> you probably need to mount the android system partition on /boot/ for the mz617-kexecboot-config to work
<Wizzup> but you can also just skip mz617-kexecboot-config , just make sure to remove the droid4 version as well
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<uvos> unfortionatly no call audio
<Wizzup> *nod*
<arno11> (Wizzup: i successfully removed $home from trackers)
<Wizzup> does it make a difference?
<arno11> apparently yes (for conversations at least)
<arno11> i mean tracker miner doesn't start when i launch conversation ui
<arno11> so it seems good
<uvos> bionic is happy
<uvos> ok im pushing
<uvos> but i dont think its ready for more than expiramental with these flaws
<Wizzup> arno11: great, we can just remove it
<Wizzup> uvos: agreed, ty!
<arno11> yes, it works, no more troubles with qt5 apps :)
<Wizzup> so the booster is not needed, or is that unrelated?
<arno11> it is unrelated, qt5 apps still need around 5-7 sec to start
<arno11> usually
<uvos> i mean theres something wrong with qt here
<uvos> sphone hangs like 2 seconds in QApplication constructor
<uvos> that really shoud not do mutch
<uvos> (when used with qtloop)
<arno11> and it seems not related to device performances
<arno11> it takes 2 sec on n900 and on proot as well
<Wizzup> arno11: ok
<Wizzup> I found it hard to do this timing with this other package that makes it faster
<Wizzup> how did you time it
<arno11> you mean that it is slower on your device ?
<Wizzup> I mean I found it hard to measure how the gtk pkg made things faster
<arno11> now that's hard for me as well (since i had other tweaks like blur stuff)
<arno11> Wizzup: how long it takes for you to launch conversations or hamsterfiler or calendar ?
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<Wizzup> arno11: well how do you time this exactly
<Wizzup> with a stopwatch?
<arno11> yep :P
<arno11> anyway there are too much parameters involved to compare imo (trackers or not, gtk env var, theme in use, appmenu, transitions, sdcard speed, vm...)
<arno11> time to sleep, gn
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<Wizzup> arno11: ok, so maybe we make a leste config for tracker where we don't track $HOME by default, I think that makes sense
<Wizzup> so for which devices should we build the tiny images? I guess only for mz617?