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<sicelo> arno11: that 'no gsm' issue does happen once in a while for me. i think ofono sometimes gets confused by something pin-entry does (because of the freezing probably?). you can try to stop ofono, wait a second or two, then restart it again
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<arno11> sicelo: yes you're right, pin query seems to affect ofono sometimes.
<arno11> i rebooted my device, got pin query and ofono working properly, h-s-m crashed but 'killall h-s-m' makes it working again
<arno11> qt5 is still fast
<arno11> so it seems that conversations improvements affects all qt5 apps
<arno11> (i didn't make any other update yesterday btw)
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<arno11> Wizzup: btw, is jenkins able to recursively update submodules ? (both pico and pcsx use them)
<arno11> it builds fine locally using git submodule update --init --recursive
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<Wizzup> arno11: yes it can pick up submodules
<Wizzup> I don't know about recursively but I imagine so
<arno11> ok that's good news :)
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<uvos__> Wizzup: i dont think allowing portait on all apps is a good idea
<uvos__> but i think this logic would be good (and i intend to implement it at some point):
<uvos__> 1. if one hildon attom is set, respect that
<uvos__> 2. if icccm aspect ratio limits is set, respect that
<uvos__> 3. if neither is set respect the minwidth/hight icccm prop
<uvos__> 4. if nothing is set force landscape
<Wizzup> ok, I think that makes sense
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<sicelo> hehe, i never knew about https://packages.debian.org/buster/ssh-contact ...
<sicelo> "SSH-Contact is a client/service tool that makes easy to connect your telepathy IM contacts via SSH. No need to care about dynamic IP, NAT, port forwarding or firewalls anymore; if you can chat with a friend, you can also SSH him."
<d4dsc> o/
<freemangordon> Wizzup: by looking in TelepathyProviderPlugin::initialize()
<freemangordon> I see no handle types registration code
<freemangordon> like registrar->registerClient(handler, "myhandler");
<freemangordon> or at least I cannot recognize it
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: it is also possible that abook is requesting wrong channel type
<freemangordon> well, it just calls tp_account_channel_request_new_audio_call() so I don;t see how it can be doing something stupid
<Wizzup> freemangordon: I will take a look, I've just been busy earlier today, but they use telepathyqt just like conversations
<Wizzup> so I think I should be able to figure it out somehow
<freemangordon> ok, thanks
<freemangordon> maybe they register the UI as a handler, not vcm
<freemangordon> which makes sense
<Wizzup> I don't see it in dbus so I doubt it
<Wizzup> but maybe
<freemangordon> do we have the UI code?
<Wizzup> they make their own tp like dbus interface to talk to voicecallmanager
<freemangordon> yes, exactly
<Wizzup> I don't want to look at the UI code as I am fairly certain that it must be voicecallmanager
<Wizzup> it literally has handleChannels
<freemangordon> and UI registers itself as TP handler and calls vcm through dbus to initiate call
<Wizzup> no, the UI does not do that
<Wizzup> what makes you think this?
<freemangordon> if you know where UI code lives, I can have a look
<Wizzup> but this is just not how it works
<freemangordon> because vcm dbus code hvs dial() methods
<Wizzup> if that was how it works, we would not have working calls at all
<freemangordon> hmm
<Wizzup> let me debug some stuff.
<freemangordon> ok
<Wizzup> $ mdbus2 org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Client.voicecall /org/freedesktop/Telepathy/Client/voicecall
<Wizzup> [PROPERTY] org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Client.Interfaces(Interfaces:as)
<Wizzup> look, it is there
<Wizzup> [METHOD] org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Client.Handler.HandleChannels(o:Account, o:Connection, a(oa{sv}):Channels, ao:Requests_Satisfied, t:User_Action_Time, a{sv}:Handler_Info) -> ()
<Wizzup> maybe my .client file just is not ok
<Wizzup> I run it like so:
<Wizzup> QT_FORCE_STDERR_LOGGING=1 QT_LOGGING_RULES='org.nemomobile.voicecall.debug=true' G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all GST_DEBUG=3 /usr/bin/voicecall-manager
<Wizzup> in /usr/share/telepathy/client I made
<Wizzup> voicecall.client
<Wizzup> [org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Client]
<Wizzup> Interfaces=org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Client.Handler;org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Client.Interface.Requests;
<freemangordon> did you restart mission-control?
<Wizzup> [org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Client.Handler]
<Wizzup> BypassApproval=true
<Wizzup> I restarted the whole device
<Wizzup> [org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Client.Handler.HandlerChannelFilter 0]
<freemangordon> ok
<Wizzup> org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.ChannelType s=org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.StreamedMedia
<freemangordon> no, we need InitialAudio interfac e
<Wizzup> it is possible that steamedmedia is not the right line
<freemangordon> right
<Wizzup> but thi sis what is set on rtcom-call-ui.client
<Wizzup> IIRC
<freemangordon> does not matter
<freemangordon> sec
<Wizzup> I mean CallUI.client
<Wizzup> also maybe voicecall needs to be uppercased, I do not know
<Wizzup> I mean camelcased
<freemangordon> "Call channels supersede the old StreamedMedia channel type."
<Wizzup> oh
<Wizzup> so just audioCall then
<freemangordon> sec, to see what dbus-monitor provides
<Wizzup> Call1
<Wizzup> dict entry(
<Wizzup> string "org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.ChannelType"
<Wizzup> variant string "org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.Call1"
<Wizzup> )
<freemangordon> string "org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.ChannelType"
<freemangordon> variant string "org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.Call1"
<freemangordon> yes
<Wizzup> can I pkill mission control, or?
<freemangordon> mhm
<freemangordon> and then go offline->online (from hsm applet)
<Wizzup> it did not come back
<Wizzup> ah ok
<Wizzup> still same problem, but maybe file is not ok yet
<Wizzup> there's also targethandletype
<Wizzup> and I do not know what this is:
<Wizzup> [org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Client.Handler.HandlerChannelFilter 0]
<Wizzup> in conversations we repeat this for 0,1,2
<freemangordon> mhm
<freemangordon> because 0 is none
<freemangordon> but we want it for contact
<Wizzup> what is 0?
<Wizzup> I don't understand
<freemangordon> HANDLE_TYPE_NONE I guess
<freemangordon> 1 should eb p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT
<freemangordon> typedef enum { TP_HANDLE_TYPE_NONE = 0, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT = 1, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_ROOM = 2, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_LIST = 3, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_GROUP = 4, } TpHandleType;
<freemangordon> so we want TP_HANDLE_TYPE_NONE and TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT
<freemangordon> this is what tp-ring expects as well
<Wizzup> so both 0 and 1
<freemangordon> yes
<freemangordon> yep, should be that one
<freemangordon> lemme try it
<freemangordon> what is the file name?
<Wizzup> I called it voicecall.client
<Wizzup> but that might not be correct
<freemangordon> is is org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Client.voicecall
<freemangordon> so should be correct
<Wizzup> yes
<Wizzup> all I see in mission-control-5 is
<Wizzup> (process:11966): mcd-WARNING **: 14:47:10.284: Channel request /org/freedesktop/Telepathy/ChannelDispatcher/Request1 failed, error: Not implemented
<Wizzup> so that's not very useful
<Wizzup> going to reboot just in case
<freemangordon> ok
<Wizzup> same problem after reboot
<freemangordon> expected
<freemangordon> like, restarting mc is enough
<freemangordon> lemme check how to enable mc traces
<freemangordon> MC_DEBUG=all MC_TP_DEBUG=all
<Wizzup> I wonder if the call1 channel is in the channel spec list of voicecallmanager
<freemangordon> Calling AddRequest on default handler org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Client.voicecall for request /org/freedesktop/Telepathy/ChannelDispatcher/Request1
<freemangordon> string "No such interface 'org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Client.Interface.Requests' at object path '/org/freedesktop/Telepathy/Client/voicecall'"
<Wizzup> so some of this is 'normal'
<Wizzup> I do see the above also for conversations
<Wizzup> but then it tries something els that works
<Wizzup> try to start a sms from abook and compare
<freemangordon> I did
<freemangordon> and I don;t see that error
<Wizzup> interesting, I see it
<freemangordon> oh, wait
<freemangordon> it is there
<Wizzup> so I don't think the voicecall code is set up wrong but it looks like it might be
<Wizzup> let me try gdb and attach to handleChannels
<freemangordon> lemme try something
<Wizzup> empathy?
<Wizzup> hmm somehow no dbgsym pkg was made for voicecall
<freemangordon> no, org.nemomobile.voicecall.client as a name
<freemangordon> but it didn't help
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> so handleChannels () in voicecall is never called
<Wizzup> at least according to gdb
<freemangordon> ugh
<freemangordon> _mcd_request_predict_handler: Default handler org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Client.voicecall
<freemangordon> why it is still 'voicecall' only?
<Wizzup> well that is correct though right?
<freemangordon> I renamed the file
<Wizzup> interesting, I think with that file in place now starting calls from sphone also does not work anymore
<freemangordon> well, it is org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Client.voicecall
<Wizzup> with voicecall.client file gone at least I can start calls from sphone again
<Wizzup> so maybe out contents is wrong still
<freemangordon> what does sphone do to start a call?
<freemangordon> streamedmedia?
<Wizzup> I will check, but it uses the voicecall lib.
<Wizzup> yeah apparently it uses StreamedMedia
<Wizzup> let me add it then
<Wizzup> strange
<Wizzup> maybe abook should request streamedmedia?
<freemangordon> but abook does not use StreamedMedia
<freemangordon> maybe
<freemangordon> I can try
<freemangordon> lemme check if tp-ring supports Call1
<Wizzup> with streamedmedia added to the .client file sphone works
<Wizzup> at least calling directly from sphone
<Wizzup> so maybe try to make abook use streamedmedia for now
<freemangordon> seems CallChannel is supported as well
<Wizzup> that might just make it work
<Wizzup> I don't know what callchannel is
<freemangordon> should be Call1
<Wizzup> ok, well, I think that is audioCall() in tpqt and it is set by vociecall
<Wizzup> voicecall
<Wizzup> but let's try streamed
<freemangordon> ok, but I want to see if tp-ring supports Call1 first
<freemangordon> seems like no
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<freemangordon> ok, will check if Call1 is supported and if not will fallback to StreamedMedia
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<arno11> Wizzup: i pushed picodrive and pcsx rearmed in extras
<Wizzup> freemangordon: great, let's see if that solves the problem
<Wizzup> arno11: ok, great, I will try to add them to jenkins
<freemangordon> ok, will need some time
<Wizzup> arno11: what arches do I build these for
<Wizzup> freemangordon: maybe just swap out call1 with streamedmedia first and see if it works as a test
<Wizzup> do you need voicecall.client file with streamedmedia, or?
<Wizzup> if it works I will add the file to voicecall pkg
<Wizzup> arno11: there is armhf, aarch64 and amd64
<Wizzup> but we can only build for specific
<Wizzup> if better
<arno11> ah yes indeed i forgot that
<arno11> yes better build only armhf first
<freemangordon> Wizzup: perhaps we don't (need the file)
<Wizzup> freemangordon: ok, I think we probably do, but ok :)
<freemangordon> seems tp-glib has dropped support for SrtreamedMedia
<Wizzup> arno11: we can just try all and see what fails?
<freemangordon> tha's why I need time
<Wizzup> freemangordon: really? huh
<arno11> Wizzup: yes indeed
<Wizzup> ok, let's start with picodrive then
<arno11> okay
<Wizzup> arno11: so maemo/chimaera branch is missing
<Wizzup> and a tag too
<Wizzup> shall I add these?
<arno11> yep please
<Wizzup> ok, for the record:
<Wizzup> git tag 1.93.2
<Wizzup> git push origin
<Wizzup> git checkout -b maemo/chimaera
<Wizzup> git push origin maemo/chimaera
<Wizzup> looks like it failed
<Wizzup> badly formatted changelog
<arno11> ah yes
<arno11> indeed it was buggy
<Wizzup> do you want me to try to fix it?
<arno11> i had to create a kind of fake one to be able to build locally
<arno11> and i forgot to check again
<arno11> yes plz :P
<arno11> ofc if you have a bit of time
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<Wizzup> I do
<Wizzup> dpkg-genbuildinfo: error: badly formed line in files list file, line 2
<Wizzup> do we need debian/files ?
<arno11> let me check
<Wizzup> I would be inclined to remove it
<Wizzup> also the section should be user/games I think, not user/games/picodrive
<Wizzup> (in debian/control)
<Wizzup> and the Standards-Version something like 4.3.0
<Wizzup> not 1.92.3+leste1 - that's the pkg version, not the debian control standards version
<arno11> yes indeed for standards
<Wizzup> let me clone this in my vm
<freemangordon> Wizzup: will do what vcm dos: for 'tel' will ask for StreamedMedia, for all others: Call1
<Wizzup> arno11: btw you can use:
<Wizzup> gbp buildpackage --git-ignore-branch --git-submodules
<Wizzup> freemangordon: ok then
<Wizzup> sdl-config is missing; please install libsdl (libsdl1.2-dev)
<Wizzup> this is not in build-depend
<arno11> Wizzup: ah
<arno11> is it the only one missing ?
<Wizzup> arno11: working through it now
<Wizzup> freemangordon: so you found streamedmedia?
<Wizzup> brb, coffee time
<Wizzup> I started a new build
<freemangordon> no, I am creating the request by hand, you will see
<arno11> Wizzup: ok, bbl, kids time
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<arno11> thx for your help btw
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: hmm, yeah, seems the file is needed, lemme confirm
<Wizzup> arno11: do we need the chown user? I don't think so, right?
<freemangordon> Wizzup: yep, works with streamedmedia, at least in VM
<Wizzup> freemangordon: great
<Wizzup> I will add the voicecall.client with both Call1 and StreamedMedia then
<freemangordon> sec
<Wizzup> for 0 and 1 contact types
<freemangordon> Wizzup: https://pastebin.com/ySxFVR5h
<freemangordon> going to push abook
<Wizzup> yes I hve the same locally
<freemangordon> ok
<freemangordon> Wizzup: building abook, now we only need the .client file
<freemangordon> also, something strange happens on VM:
<Wizzup> I just started building voicecall too
<Wizzup> with the file
<freemangordon> I am using USB modem that can;t do voice calls
<freemangordon> vcm sees "channel closed", but sphone does nothing and just hangs
<freemangordon> cannot close it either
<Wizzup> ok, worth investigating for sure :)
<freemangordon> seems like vcm plugin does not handle that
<freemangordon> now rebooting the vm to be sure I can repro on clean boot
<Wizzup> well if vcm closes it then my vcm sphone module should at least not hang
<freemangordon> mhm
<freemangordon> lemme try to get logs from vcm
<Wizzup> now it works
<Wizzup> (on d4)
<freemangordon> cool :)
<Wizzup> ok, so now the only thing that remains are sicelo's reports of not having audio sometimes when he gets called
<Wizzup> I mean and other various bugs, but like big things
<Wizzup> well that and sphone group_uid logging and such
<freemangordon> Wizzup: https://pastebin.com/NtPX5vkt
<Wizzup> freemangordon: that all looks fine I think, from the voicall side
<freemangordon> at that point sphone says "dialing" of the number
<Wizzup> mhm
<freemangordon> I can press the "hangup" and sphone closes
<freemangordon> if I dial second time, I see *two* 'dialing' lines, to the same number
<Wizzup> yes, I have seen this, the call doesn't actually get closed according to sphone or the vcm plugin
<freemangordon> and sphone UI does not react anymore
<freemangordon> this is 100% reproducible with my quectel USB modem
<Wizzup> ok
<d4dsc> still noticing unwarranted mem increase after 1 day of uptime in conversations, so not out of the woods yet
<Wizzup> unfortunately all the quectel usb modems that I have reset shortly after power up on my QEMU setup
<Wizzup> it's very frustrating
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: use virtualbox
<Wizzup> I mean, if that is the problem..
<freemangordon> hmm?
<Wizzup> Why would virtualbox solve it?
<Wizzup> It might, but I am not sure why it would
<freemangordon> no matter what maybe it handles usb redirect diffrently
<Wizzup> right
<Wizzup> so what happens to me is that they are seen fine
<Wizzup> but when I go online, they drop shortly after
<freemangordon> ah, same here
<Wizzup> how do you deal with that?
<freemangordon> in maybe 5 minutes or so
<freemangordon> just reconnect :D
<Wizzup> ugh :)
<freemangordon> well, not physically
<Wizzup> I understand
<freemangordon> in virtualbox UI you can connect/disconnect a device
<Wizzup> ok, so from my perspective what I would need now to be mostly happy with my switch is proper group_uid logging in sphone and some way to do dtmf I suppose
<Wizzup> freemangordon: oh it auto shows up again in qemu
<Wizzup> but it's still annoying, as it's not 5 minues for me but more like 5 esconds
<freemangordon> ah, this is another issue then
<freemangordon> worths trying virtualbox
<Wizzup> do you have the USB CAP?
<freemangordon> what is this?
<Wizzup> it might help with your issue
<freemangordon> no
<freemangordon> actually modem is not reset here, but goes offline
<freemangordon> but it is not really a bug issue for me
<freemangordon> as I have plenty of time for development before it happens
<Wizzup> ok
<freemangordon> not to say this happens with corner-cases processing :)
<freemangordon> s/happens/helps
<freemangordon> shall I push abook to stable?
<freemangordon> Wizzup: ^^^
<Wizzup> freemangordon: I think you can do that regardless
<Wizzup> I pushed voicecall to chimaera-devel only
<freemangordon> ok
<Wizzup> since the voicecall manager module for sphone is still devel only
<freemangordon> will do, to not forget it
<Wizzup> ok, I won't forgte ;)
<Wizzup> but feel fre
<Wizzup> e
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<arno11> Wizzup: yes (i saw the console logs), we could probably remove chown
<arno11> tbh i don't remember all stuff: it was 8 months ago :P
<arno11> but i don't see such error on local build
<Wizzup> because you have the user called 'user' locally
<arno11> yep...
<arno11> hope it will build fine now
<Wizzup> ok, let me remove the chown
<Wizzup> hmm why does it make a .picodrive in /home/user from install
<Wizzup> can we just remove that?
<arno11> nope
<arno11> because of the user conf file
<arno11> irrc
<Wizzup> this is not possible from a package fwiw
<Wizzup> so I removed it for now
<arno11> hmm ok
<Wizzup> it's in repos now
<arno11> ok cool (but i doubt that the emulator will work OOTB with no config file directory)
<Wizzup> that would be suprising since it only did mkdir -p
<Wizzup> so it didn't put any config there
<arno11> it is in postinstall script iirc
<Wizzup> I see no postinst
<Wizzup> in any case, packages cannot install to user home, they should install into /usr/... and then just load config from there
<Wizzup> and then let user override config through $HOME/.config/...
<arno11> ah it's in install
<arno11> not postinstall
<arno11> i really don't remember exactly
<arno11> what was the issue
<Wizzup> can you see if it works?
<Wizzup> I don't know what to run in picodrive
<arno11> i have another sd with fresh leste install, i'll have a look (but with no config file it will be a nightmare lol)
<Wizzup> well, like I said, we'll just have to make some adjustments for it to use a system wide config by default
<arno11> yes
<Wizzup> looking at emu.c it does look like maytbe the author of picodrive did not think about this, which would be unfortunate
<arno11> indeed
<arno11> bbl, i'll try from another sd
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<arno11> Wizzup: ok, the emulator works fine :) only minor issues:
<arno11> the icon in HAM but that's normal
<arno11> the launcher not working but normal as well
<arno11> and the config file not found
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<arno11> to launch it atm, it works with /usr/games/picodrive/picodrive
<arno11> the UI with sdl input just work
<arno11> 'backspace' for validate, 'e' for back
<arno11> after few modifs it will rock :)
<arno11> we will have exactly same troubles with pcsx btw
<Wizzup> it seems like the code will need to be modified to check system wide config and user config, and prefer user config over system wide config
<Wizzup> what is the thing with the icon and the launcher not working? those should be pretty straightforward fixes
<arno11> easy fixes indeed
<arno11> for the launcher i was probably drunk or something
<arno11> it woks now (locally)
<arno11> *works
<arno11> and for the icon...there is no icon in debian/control
<arno11> i'll have a look this evening/night
<arno11> i'll have a look @pcsx as well, to avoid same issues
<Wizzup> the icon in debian/control is only for displaying in hildon application manager
<Wizzup> to actually have an in icon in the launcher you need a .desktop file with an entry that specifies what icon to use, for which you probably also need to install a icon .png file
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<arno11> i know, the icon works in hildon desktop
<arno11> i was talking about the icon in HAM
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> that's less important, but not hard to do, the wiki has instructions
<arno11> ok
<arno11> the main issue is indeed the config file
<arno11> bbl
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<Wizzup> why is busctl so bad compared to mdbus2, sign
<Wizzup> sigh
<Wizzup> you cna't pass --verbose or --system before 'call' or anything else, otherwise it just exits and says nothing
<sicelo> i find it good enough
<sicelo> what do you want to do? there's also gdbus
<Wizzup> ok, how do I list all the methods on org.ofono /motmdm_0 ?
<Wizzup> in a way that mdbus2 does: mdbus2 -s org.ofono /motmdm_0
<sicelo> busctl introspect org.ofono /motmdm_0
<sicelo> 'system' is default
<Wizzup> hmmm, ok, maybe I can work with this
<sicelo> but you can also explicitly specify it, `busctly --system introsp....`
<Wizzup> so you can't do that
<Wizzup> it has to be busctl introspect ... --system
<Wizzup> otherwise it says nothing and just exits with exit code 1
<Wizzup> or maybe that is the case with --verbose
<sicelo> uh, what version of busctl is that?
<Wizzup> whatever we have in chimaera
<Wizzup> I'll start my razr and pull the command history
<sicelo> something's totally odd with that
<Wizzup> yeah that is what I thought too
<sicelo> --system doesn't go at the end
<Wizzup> try this:
<Wizzup> busctl call org.ofono /motmdm_0 org.ofono.NetworkRegistration Register --verbose --system
<Wizzup> that just says/does nothing for me
<Wizzup> and it might do something in the background, but it writes nothing
<Wizzup> and the exit code is 1
<sicelo> i'm not at D4 right now (or system with ofono)
<Wizzup> busctl --verbose --system call org.ofono /motmdm_0 org.ofono.Modem.GetProperties
<Wizzup> this also did nothing for me
<Wizzup> anyway
<Wizzup> I was trying to switch my d4 sim to my razr and then put my main sim in my droid4
<Wizzup> but the razr is getting denied by the network somehow
<Wizzup> I'll see if I can pull readline7 from the beowulf repo and then just run mdbus2 on it later to debug
<sicelo> probably the verbose ... i've never used it
<Wizzup> it's mentioned in the synopsis
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<sicelo> Wizzup: try `busctl --verbose --system call org.ofono /motmdm_0 org.ofono.Modem GetProperties`
<sicelo> with busctl, the method is not 'attached' to the interface :-)
<sicelo> the only issue i have with busctl is that you need to be root in order to monitor the system bus.
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<arno11> Wizzup: in fact the user config from $HOME/.picodrive works :)
<arno11> there is just a permission issue with it
<arno11> config2.cfg works with chmod 777
<arno11> but if iirc, it doesn't work from debian/rules
<arno11> the /.picodrive directory is created from install file
<arno11> maybe setting permission from there works (?)
<arno11> if we find a solution for that, picodrive works fine OOTB :)
<arno11> should be the same for pcsx btw, but everything is in /usr/games so maybe it shold work as is
<arno11> *should
<arno11> btw uninstalling/reinstalling pico works as expected (and remove/add .picodrive directory with the config file properly)
<arno11> i fixed the .desktop file on gh btw (for launch)
<freemangordon> arno11: dpkg/apt is executed with root account, you cannot set anything user related
<freemangordon> well, you can, but that's hacky
<freemangordon> that's why whatever directories are needed in $HOME are created by the application itself when started
<arno11> ok but the app absolutely needs write permission on this $HOME directory
<arno11> so what is the hacky way ? :P
<arno11> my idea: adding the chmod stuff in .desktop exec line lol
<freemangordon> user always has write permission in the user's $HOME, I don't understand the problem
<arno11> it works only with chmod 777
<arno11> i got the same issue with pcsx iirc
<freemangordon> what only works with "chmod 777"?
<freemangordon> what is "it"?
<arno11> i mean the config file from $HOME/.picodrive works only if i run chmod 777
<arno11> on it
<freemangordon> so, you run the applications as user arno11 (for example), which means that application has all the rights in /home/arno11
<Wizzup> file permissions as in 777 are directly linked to who owns the file
<freemangordon> :nod:
<Wizzup> see it as uga, where u is user, g is group, a is all
<freemangordon> arno11: so, if you file was created by root, no wonder you have to chmnod it
<Wizzup> so 644 means that only the user can read and write, the group can read and all can read
<freemangordon> *chmod it
<arno11> yes ok but trust me or try it and you will see
<Wizzup> the point is that whether you need chmod 777 or depend on the file ownership as mentioned above
<freemangordon> see what? who is the owner of that file you have to chmod?
<arno11> it was long time ago but i remember spending very long time on this issue
<Wizzup> like, if the file is root owned and the group is root, and you want to write to it as user 'user', not as root, then yes, you need xx7
<freemangordon> please, provide the owner of the file
<Wizzup> or rather xx6
<arno11> to do it i need to reinstall the app to be sure
<arno11> let me check
<arno11> (btw that's not the first time i have weird permissions issue in $HOME, even on fresh install)
<arno11> so it is -rw-r--r-- 1 root root (and i can't save settings)
<arno11> then if i chmod 777
<Wizzup> arno11: sudo chown user:users /path/to/file
<Wizzup> and then chmod 644 /path/to/file
<arno11> -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root
<arno11> doesn't work with 644
<Wizzup> arno11: please
<arno11> ok
<Wizzup> the file mod bits are instrinsically linked to who owns it
<Wizzup> so in this case
<Wizzup> rwx rwx rwx yeah
<Wizzup> this is
<Wizzup> file owner=rwx, file groups=rwx everyone=rwx
<Wizzup> so if your file is
<Wizzup> rw- r-- r--
<Wizzup> then
<Wizzup> in your example
<Wizzup> root=rw-, root=r--, everyone=r--
<Wizzup> so yes, then you can't write to it as user since you only have r--
<Wizzup> but if you run, 'sudo chown user:users /path/to/file'
<Wizzup> then it becomes
<Wizzup> user=rw-, users=r--, everyone=r--
<Wizzup> and suddenly you can write to it
<arno11> yes it works :)
<Wizzup> so gain, the first number or rwx combination is the file owner, the second is everyone who is part of the group that is mentioned as file group, and then the rest is every other user including the file owner
<Wizzup> chmod 777 is just a hack around this but in practice not good / secure
<arno11> yes sure
<Wizzup> so first get the file owner/group right, and then set the right perms
<Wizzup> and in general there should never be a file that is root:root (user:group) in $HOME
<arno11> yes ofc
<Wizzup> because then the user (in this case literally called 'user' which is confusing) could never remove the file, assuming the file isn't --7
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> then I think we probably have a common understanding now
<arno11> yes
<Wizzup> likewise, files in /usr/share or /usr/lib or whatever should almost always be root owned, perhaps some other group, and almost never writable by world
<Wizzup> (world being everyone)
<Wizzup> and debian packages upon install never install to $HOME, because then the files would be root owned, and also because the package managers likes to own the files it installs
<Wizzup> whatever files are created in $HOME are typically created upon starting an applicationh as user
<Wizzup> and then they get created (or copied from /usr/share etc, but then the owner becomes user)
<arno11> so the question now is what would be the cleanest way to set this bloody config file from debian pkg
<Wizzup> unfortunately the right answer is that you don't, and that it gets installed into /usr/share/picodrive/config2, ad then picedrive reads it from that place, or upon startup copies it from /usr/share/picodrive/config2 to ~/.picodrive/config2
<Wizzup> this way there is a file that is owned by the package, root owned, in /usr/share, which can get updated independently from user config, and there is a file in ~/.picodrive that gets created upon startup that the user can modify
<Wizzup> I can help write some of the C code if it's heplful
<arno11> yes could be really cool :)
<arno11> otherwise isn't it possible to do that from a postinstall script ?
<arno11> ofc not lol
<arno11> forget that question
<arno11> ty for the clear explaination btw
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<Wizzup> no worries
<Wizzup> ok, uh, maybe tomorrow I can help write the code
<Wizzup> do we have similar problems with pcsx_rearmed?
<arno11> yes probably
<arno11> i'll have a look tomorrow but pcsx directories (for config, bios, memcards) are really tricky. it was similar in fremantle btw
<arno11> i'll LYK
<Wizzup> okay
<Wizzup> it's suprising to me the sw can't do that right :D
<arno11> yes, btw i just tried to reinstall pcsx from my local deb and it works almost OOTB:
<arno11> but other permissions issue from /usr/games
<arno11> and the bios we can't provide ofc
<arno11> but the HLE generic bios included in the code works with lot of games
<arno11> otherwise it is fine, i just need to doublecheck default config parameters
<arno11> anyway, let's see tomorrow
<arno11> and thx again for your help
<Wizzup> all good, glad to help and thanks for your work too
<arno11> ty :)
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<Wizzup> sicelo: ok, I think I can also reproduce the audio issue you mentioned where if you get called there other party can't hear you
<Wizzup> but you can hear them fine
<Wizzup> pa seems to be in a fine state
<Wizzup> time to dump log sI guess
<Wizzup> sicelo: I don't know, maybe busctl just messes with me, I can't even just ste RoamingAllowed to true :D
<Wizzup> introspect doesn't seem to work on /motmdm_0/context_1 either, just on /motmdm_0
<Wizzup> sicelo: I will try to debug this problem tomorrow (I just put my main sim in another droid 4, so have a proper incentive)
<Wizzup> ftr this worked immediately mdbus2 -s org.ofono /motmdm_0 org.ofono.ConnectionManager.SetProperty 'RoamingAllowed' true
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: hm, I'm getting repeated smses on this droid4 too
<Wizzup> any logs I can provide?
<Wizzup> stopped after a reboot
<Wizzup> I also noticed that I think the vibration pattern makes more sense on a Hw rev A than it does on Hw rev B
<Wizzup> I wonder if those are different somehow
<Wizzup> tmlind: I remember that hw A had this missed keys issue, I think this is still present, do you remember if this was indeed some hw bug?
<Wizzup> I guess I should test on android and compare
<Wizzup> hm, just started to wonder if I need to net unlock the razr for it to work, but IIRC I don't think that's the case for outside the US
<Wizzup> just did net unlock, let's see
<Wizzup> no dice, maybe some fw settings
<Wizzup> hm, somehow it just connected
<Wizzup> strange
<Wizzup> cool
<sicelo> Wizzup: busctl is a bit annoying in that it needs you to provide the appropriate signature as well when making method calls. so that's why you probably had issues with SetRoaming. gdbus doesn't have that 'limitation'
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> for now I just installed libreadline7 and got my trusty mdbus2 back
<Wizzup> but I will take a look at gdbus as well
<sicelo> :-P
<Wizzup> bedtime first though
<Wizzup> now that I got the razr to connect I can put my main sim in my good droid4 tomorrow
<Wizzup> in any case I hope to try to make some progress on the audio issues in calls tomorrow
<Wizzup> since I can reproduce it
<sicelo> great
* sicelo will only be back to Leste stuff hopefully by end of the week
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<Wizzup> no worries, we all have those times :D
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