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<inky> true. Wizzup, you cannot imagine, i have so many things to package right now. things that i already tested. I'll do that and open several requests on bugtracker too.
<inky> by the way, i really want to have librewolf, but if i am not mistaken the maps app was running out of disk space? i dont remember how much firefox fork can take, i guess not more than 15g.
<inky> shell i try and open bugtracker request for librewolf as well?
<inky> librewolf disabled lots of functionality, and it is not only privacy oriented but also i feel how much faster is it compared to firefox on pinephone too.
<Wizzup> you can always open tickets
<Wizzup> I think we'll probably put out eggs in the jib browser bucket for the foreseeable future, but I am also sad that firefox hasn't made it easier to do embedding
<Wizzup> inky: well packaging things is a great way to have your efforts reach beyond just you and ensure others can enjoy them too
<Wizzup> and yes, building firefox with all the rust stuff is probably out of the question on our build servers
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<arno11> dsc_: rtcom leak fix seems to have a big impact on N900 ram usage :)
<arno11> for example, when conversations UI and 4 or 5 chat windows are opened, ram usage is back to normal when i close all of them
<arno11> (around 110MB free/available)
<arno11> (previously it was around 60-70MB)
<arno11> let's see if it's still the same after few days
<dsc_> arno11: currenty im working on another commit that will save 30MB memory
<dsc_> arno11: btw its interesting that you can observe the memory goes back to normal, because in my VM it did not do that quite as much as on your n900
<dsc_> maybe Qt internal garbage collecting is more aggressive when it notices less RAM is available
<arno11> ah maybe that's because of custom vm stuff on N900 (swappiness, cache pressure and others)
<arno11> *vm custom stuff == virtual memory (to avoid confusion)
<dsc_> i figured :p
<arno11> :P
<arno11> will be interesting to test the next commit and compare to VM
<dsc_> im redoing the overview screen
<dsc_> so the first screen
<arno11> ah ok
<dsc_> same design, but better performance
<arno11> cool
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<arno11> bbl
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* Wizzup tests razr/xt912 image
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<dsc_> creating this part in QtWidgets is going to be 'fun'
<dsc_> a table column with a custom delegate
<dsc_> not for the faint of heart
<dsc_> setCellWidget() is easier, but not performant
<Wizzup> is the scrolling speed similar?
<Wizzup> as in, does qtwidgets also use gles?
<Wizzup> or at least some method better than gtk2 scrolling :D
<dsc_> im not sure
<dsc_> quick is always hw accel'd
<dsc_> widgets probably not
<Wizzup> might be worth checking, because if it's really slow to scroll we shouldn't go to qtwidgets
<dsc_> sure
<dsc_> scrolling is fine, i tried with 512 rows on d4
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<Wizzup> ok, great
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<dsc_> now lets 512 rows on rows with richtext rendering
<dsc_> lets try*
<dsc_> now lets try 512 rows with richtext rendering*
<dsc_> gr8 success
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<uvos__> qtwidgets is software rasterized, there is (used to be?) a ogl backend to qpainter but it was allmost universally slower so never enabled by default
<dsc_> yeah
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<dsc_> this looks simple but in QtWidgets its a bit annoying
<dsc_> anyway, 512 rows of this works fine
<dsc_> user@devuan-droid4:~/conv$ python3 ~/ps_mem.py -p $(pidof hello) Private + Shared = RAM usedProgram
<dsc_> 19.2 MiB + 6.9 MiB = 26.0 MiBhello
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<Wizzup> uvos: the mapphone kexecboot config package should maybe check if /boot/boot exists when it runs
<Wizzup> I think there is an issue during the image creation if /boot/boot/ doesn't exist, then it doesn't do nything
<Wizzup> I'm verifying this now
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<unic0rn> hi. a question, is it possible to install leste on a droid 4 without using a microsd card? not sure what's the current setup, will have to find the device since I haven't used it much, but it's certainly rooted.
<unic0rn> just dropping this here, will come back later, have places to go unfortunately
<Wizzup> yes, it is possible, but it's tricky and not well documented currently
<Wizzup> in general messing with the android partitions can be a frustrating thing - booting back to android once might have android nuke them
<unic0rn> ah. great. then I'll have to check how the droid is set up
<unic0rn> no plans for using android on that thing. it has some android/cyanogen/whatever installed, that's all I know right now.
<unic0rn> if I'll fail, worst case it'll get bricked, not a big loss
<Wizzup> Well, you can't nuke android
<Wizzup> some parts have to stay intact
<Wizzup> afaik
<Wizzup> so in this sense microsd cards are much easier
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<uvos> you can install leste to the internal storage of the deivce
<uvos> doing so by tempoarly installing leste to an sdcard is easy, but doing so entirely without a sdcard is tricky
<Wizzup> this misses an /etc/ I think: /mnt/LesteRoot/fstab
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<Wizzup> dsc_: I also have one charger that affects the ts a bit
<Wizzup> others don't
<dsc_> ah
<uvos> dsc_: if your charger is affecting the ts, this usually means it has a high degree of mains leakage
<Wizzup> freemangordon: I am adding hildon-input-method as depedency for hildon-im-fkb and hildon-im-keyboard-assistant as their postinst depends in the hildon-im-recache binary
<uvos> you can often also feal a high leakage by running your finger allong the back of the d4s display, you may have to flip the plug around to feel the mains "hum" there
<Wizzup> just got this in my image build:
<Wizzup> /var/lib/dpkg/info/hildon-im-fkb.postinst: 4: hildon-im-recache: not found
<Wizzup> dpkg: error processing package hildon-im-fkb (--configure): installed hildon-im-fkb package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 127
<dsc_> uvos: AKA it is haunted
<dsc_> haunted charger.
<uvos> more like fiesty and willing to wake you up with a stout zap :P
<dsc_> risking my life for the Leste project, receiving current leakage through my fingers on a daily basis
<uvos> nah its not dangerous
<uvos> usualy anyhow, current is way to low
<uvos> unless its really defective ofc
<dsc_> :P
* Wizzup tries again for xt912 image
<Wizzup> this time I think everything will work
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<dsc_> ETA desktop app
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<Wizzup> :)
<unic0rn> looks like completely discharged droid needs a dumb charger. tried imac and laptop with 2 different cables and it just ignored it
<unic0rn> kickstarted it with some old samsung charger, now it charges from the laptop as it should. https://i.imgur.com/YlMwBil.png will try not to break it in the weekend
<Wizzup> it depends on whether kexecboot is installed as well
<Wizzup> great!
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<Wizzup> uvos: ok, I think I have a -mostly- working xt912 image
<Wizzup> just /boot/boot/boot.cfg somehow is not there but boot.cfg.leste is
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