so we need to have a default sphone.ini on N900 that has LandscapeCalls=True. I can't tell if leste-config-n900 requires just the specific bits we want to change, or it would be better to provide the full sphone.ini file?
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great, hm
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Wizzup: sicelo: i just sent you an email with transitions ini stuff
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sicelo: Wizzup: while i merged the sphone pr and think its fine as a user preferance, please please just fix omapddx to not advertise rotation on n900, or make rotation fail instead of crashing or fix hildon-desktop/home to use xvidinfo when xrandr is not available (this would fix the issue that h-d dosent work with the randr extension disabled), instead of conintueing to try and work around the real issue.
makeing sphone not ask for portait fixes nothing, any application could still ask for portrait and make the n900 crash
atm having sphone.ini channged by leste-config is also impossible, as sphone uses only the fiiles /usr/share/sphone.ini (which its package owns) and ~/.config/sphone/*.ini (which are ofc outside the acceptable range of paths for package files)
a pr adding /usr/share/sphone/sphone.ini.d/*.ini and /etc equivalents would be welcome, and this is something i will do myself at some point otherwise anyhow
i'm open to a working way to fix it in xorg. the previously suggested method didn't work
thankfully there are, as yet, no other applications in leste that request portrait
as mentioned the previously suggested method uncovers another bug in hildon - it presumes randr is availbe instead of getting the resolution from core x11 or xvidinfo when its not
there are multiple ways to attack this problem, but i strongly suggest looking at sphone is barking up the wrong tree
ok. i trust we'll get to that stage eventually. in the meantime, at least what we have now takes us closer to having calls working ootb for one more device
well you can do what you want, and i will accept the additional sphone pr you would need to make it work, but i think it a bad idea, even as a temporary hack
that could then be called multiple times for various directories
to allow leste-config to override defaults in sphone.ini
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why on n900 memory is an issue today? hildon desktop didn't change much, does that mean that underlying debian with just x11 running eat much more memory than back then?
did the minimal memory usage increase noticably or the problem is not just debian + hilden, the problem is modern firefox or somehhing else that runs over the standard setup?
did the minimal memory usage increase noticably or the problem is not just debian + hildon, the problem is modern firefox or somehhing else that runs over the standard setup?
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well all the low level stuff (like kernel, the init system, udev, basic libs etc) got a bit more ram hungy this isent really much or a prolem, we use less ram than freemantle at boot after all (mostly due to missing features but still).
but running anything modern - modern gui toolkits use way more ram (mostly due to the ability to perform scaling and increased usage of gl acceleration)
and then browsers uses way more ram, because web standarts they implement have grown immensly in scope, and then the websites themselves are absurldly bloated using these new standarts
so yeah its totaly out of our controll, and will only get worse. Our stuff is tiny and efficant but even it will grow, without us haveing any ability to do anything about it, when we inevitably have to move more stuff away from gtk2 to gtk3+ or qt5+
the n900 can still be used for some stuff, but its usefull life as a general purpose smartphone is simply over
also imo even when the n900 was released 256mb ram was just bearly enough to do what it wanted to with the os it had.
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