Wizzup: so, the solder does not stick to the board or to the battery wires?
wires mostly
you shoudl use better flux and higher temperature
but the pciture looks ok?
I only have the very low res photos from tony here
try with aspirin (keep away from the smoke)
yes, picture is ok
you have aspirin, right?
I only have one soldering iron here, so I probably can't go higher temperature wise
what for?
for flux ;)
for headaches I guess
I have some flux from poland
topnik ag-5 soldering smd
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seems too weak for me
well, I'm going to give up for now then
I need to leave in ~2 days and I don't have the right tools then
try with acetysal as flux, I am not kidding
maybe in 1-2 months :)
"acetylsalicylic acid" you should have it around
ok, as you wish :)
I'll check tonight, but I have to travel for 4 weeks soon
and I am not sure if I want to carry a bomb in my pocket in the philippines
given the humidity and heat there
it's truly a shame that polarcell doesn't make d4 batteries :D
maybe if we order 50 or so they would be willing to put d4 pcbs om the e960 pcbs or so, idk
I guess they'd have to make the pcbs
we'd probably need to order more than 50
* Wizzup
is frustrated
I just want to use my d4 for a while effectively :D
all these depleted 500mWh batteries are useless
yeah, those eb41 are just ... not really usable
* sicelo
thinks Wizzup is a boring person ... carrying a bomb around is fun [< Wizzup> and I am not sure if I want to carry a bomb in my pocket in the philippines]
I guess there are potentially 'new' replacements
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Wizzup: freemangordon: overclock (boost) + irtx patch + tweaking chrt priorities for calls make things working pretty well on N900 :)
arno11: nice! now it's time to make this work ootb, without needing user to fiddle with anything
agree x10
my droid 4 is back, finally.
uvos: yeah I wasn't sure if I were supposed to keep them or not
well I guess I have another e960 so I could try..
Wizzup: well get cracking then
sicelo: where did it go?
mmm, what's the schedule for building device images? looks like last image is from Sept 3?
uvos: i had to lend my mom, because she had an unexpected phone 'emergency' for a couple of months
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sicelo: 1w
sicelo: ci is probubly out of disk space again
Wizzup: ^^^^^^^^
means images aren't building again then
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Wizzup: can we manage this differently somehow, maybe setup email alerts on jenkins?
this keeps on breaking and we dont notice
we could/should consider purging older images too. e.g. pmos only keeps last three images per device. we have less devices, true, but we probably don't need to keep images indefinitely
uvos: I'm afraid I'll just break the third one too
I don't even have all the right tape here or hotglue (freshly moved a few months ago)
will look at ci
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if you have enough of the 'shiny' metal from the old battery, normal solder will work
thats pretty wierd, looks like and oxide, but nickle oxide is green
looks like something has leaked from the battery
in any case does not look healthy :)
mmm, that's from the original battery?
uvos: yeah not sure, the clips were a bit hot and then I just touched them with tweezers
it gave me a small (mental) shock :D
sicelo: no, e960
freemangordon: this happened when I touched it with tweezers
but this was the first one
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Wizzup, you can just carry a portable battery around. I do for d4 and pinephone.
i charge them when necessary
sure I can, but that's not what I want
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i recommend allways carrying a RTG arround to power your leste device
> sure I can, but that's not what I want
though i really really really love using old devices with modern software, and that's what i myself do, i am afraid i need to understand that we cannot keep using old devices always.
leste needs to work well on newer devices.
sure, but afaik the droid 4 and its siblings are still really the most modern devices that have its level the 2 factors i find most important in a linux phone: 1. hardware enablement in the mainline kernel 2. working high quality power management
unfortinatly its a bit hard to keep up with the state of every other deivce, but afaik still nothing matches the mapphones.
also hardware keyboard is nice, but i could maybe do without