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<kona> just installed maemo-leste-1.0-arm64-pinephone-20230903.img.xz (according to https://leste.maemo.org/PinePhone#SD_Card_Installation) and seems to be boot looping. last line is "(==) Using system config directory "/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d"
<kona> if it matters, i have the phone in the ppkbd case.
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<kona> oh, maybe my device is just boot looping. that's sad.
<kona> so, it booted to that Xorg message, rebooted to that xorg message, then played the charging sound before rebooting to emmc (mobian), which then rebooted and now i have leste with a charging band. i have no idea what i have just witnessed.
<kona> ok so i have what looks like the same text as the Getting Started page on the screen (https://leste.maemo.org/Getting_Started)
<kona> and when i click for the menu there doesn't seem to be anything but now it has boot looped again. so i guess i should check my pogo pins and come back when something will boot stably.
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<kona> i think my pogo pins are sparking?
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<arno11> i have Picodrive working with full speed and good sound quality on N900. really cool !
<arno11> this is a raspberry neon optimize version, easy to compile on Leste
<arno11> keys mapping is hardcoded so i modified few things to be able to use n900 keyboard
<arno11> 32X games work almost fullspeed
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<norayr> so what was the way to translate maemo?
<norayr> oh great github
<bencoh> Wizzup: apt-get returned me the "The following signatures were invalid: EXPKEYSIG 545FEC4E0927F6FD spam1@wizzup.org" error as well
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<Wizzup> shit.
<Wizzup> I'll renew the key then...
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<buZz> kona: afaik two of the pogopins are hooked straight to the battery
<buZz> not completely sure
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<norayr> so weblate or github for translations?
<Wizzup> weblate will sync to gh
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<norayr> oh apparently i have a weblate account.
<norayr> oh apparently i even made some translations of maemo leste.
<norayr> because there are armenian translations.
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<Wizzup> :)
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<maxwelld> apparently hy translations are not in repos. i how they will be one day so that i could check if i understood everything rright.
<maxwelld> so i translated 2 more packaes today
<maxwelld> abook and device lock
<Wizzup> hm... were pull requests made for the translations?
<Wizzup> I think weblate should integrate that somehow
<Wizzup> let me make dinner and first fix the expired key...
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<maxwelld> yeah sure
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<Wizzup> uvos: the kernel instability that you observed with thumb2 in kernel, is it gone now?
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