even then, how would hildon know to map it to the conversations window?
via `Destination=Rtcom-messaging-ui` ?
so it would become `Destination=conversations` ?
and then Hildon can find a window named 'conversations'
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dsc_: I think that might be the binary name, not sure if it matches some other name
I was thinking the same but wanted to research before asking you to try it :)
ill try it :)
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so theres some extended vendor proparty that specifices the "group"
the dbus call in the config file is the call used to call the application on user interaction
i think the Destination is used by the implementor of RtcomNotificationUi but not sure
mainly i would say: all of this is horrible
even if it is horrible, I just dont understand how to implement a notification that maps to a specific window
it makes mutch more sense to properly implement this using libnotify extensions
ok so for mapping to a specific window
h-d must have the information
it dosent know what process a window comes from really
so i would expect that the notfication sets an atom and the applciation sets an atom on its window
this could be destination
dsc_: maybe sphone's src/modules/notify-libnotify.c can help
examing the atoms of a window pair that implements this is what you need
no sphone wont help you with this
don't you do this on new sms?
its a well behaved xda compliant user of libnotify
no it dosent use any of this machinery
dsc_: I think we can start with what sphone does
what does sphone do?
uvos ^ :)
getting it on top of the conversations window is just a minor detail for me atm
it uses libnotify to span a regular xdg notification
ok ill just do that
h-h then has a hardcoded subset of behaviors it dose when it cant find a "group"
it also dosent implement the full xdg spec
oh, I spoke to soon. I wont do that.
(you get no led or sound for instance)
sphoen compensates by playing a sound itself
another problem you have to be carefull about is that there is a assumption that there is a notifaction que that h-h dose not implement, it simply spawns a new window for eatch notification
we can fix the led/sound by fixing hildon-home, so don't worry about it for conversations
this is quite broken, you can for instance crash hildon with gpodder by downloading a podcast
since eatch download generates a notification
and h-h will spawn windows untill the device runns out of resources
this is a problem for sphone too
when manny sms are recieved when the device comes online again
so we rate limit this
ill just use libnotify to spawn a notification, it will have its own window
can fix this later by looking at hd in-depth
agreed, thanks
what you might want to do is save the notification id
so you can match that to the relevant action
h-h support only one action
well 2 one is close
what I mean is open the right conversation
this is conformant to a old version of the xdg protocoll
right ok
i gues you could also make converstaions a ui plugin for sphone and not worry about this :P
not at this stage, but potentially later
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uvos: I will start working on h-h, however, I still don;t get it how recent specs deal with what we have as vendor extension here
like - is dbus callback in the specs?
"desktop-entry" hint?
you could use that, or just have a dbus call vendor hint
ok, but then we are still not in the specs
having vendor hints is in spec
ok, but this will not work ouside of maemo
so what is the point?
the point is that having hardcoded behavior is bad, having the bavior defined by hints is much better
also things like the sounds one could implemt in base spec
you mean "sound-file" etc?
that would be nice
yeah, but that's a detail
the main thing is that it is imo assinine that if you want to have a email notification
ok, lemme see
you must be the implementor of the modest dbus api
by simply passing the dbus api as a hint
this would be resolved
same thing with the special behavior
like stacking etc
so, you want me to remove that .conf file and used some hint instead?
why must i be a specifc application to get stackin notifications
yeah essentally just shoeve all the stuff in that conf file into hints
you could even have both
for backward compatability
ok, but what about multiple apps handling the same type of event?
the same 'group'
what about that, if you have everything as hints it works fine
like, if we have 2 mail clients
it dosent work at all atm
and bot set categoty to email
with separate dbus callbacks
if you have 2 mail clients theres no problem because eatch notification has the dbus api hint of what client to use to handle it
this will go to one stack, no?
ok, but the stack is only one
so, what the user clicks on the stack, which client shall we run?
*when the user
your designing a new interface here
the client has to send the Destination hint anyhow
use that to make 2 stacks
I know, but if we allow everyone to set a 'callback' hint, we shall resolve the conflicts somehow
also maybe notifications should allways be stacking
and use the dbus caller to make stacks (regardless of hints)
since the new window for eatch notification is a problem with lots of apps
since they expect a que
what specs say about that?
(if you know)
hmm, we have app_name
afaik nothing, but in practice telegram for instance will send a notification for eatch message that came in while you where offline when you log in, can easly be 100s of notifications
I see
also gpodder will create a notification for eatch downloaded epsiode when you download a podcast
does it set app_name?
again 100s of potential notificaions
so in practice these appications expect a que
not sure, will check when i get the chance
in the meanwhile I will think about how to properly group them
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Wizzup: do we have -devel repo for extras?