and then G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all /usr/libexec/tracker-extract -v3
-v 3
but yes
my kbd misbehaves somethimes
it just stops after inactivity
ok, delete the databes folder
should it run while miner is running?
seems like it
rm -fr /home/user/.cache/tracker/
it's running atm, should I stop it?
if it's going to crash this might trigger it too
stop it then
and the delete the db
and then only start extract
and then tracker daemon -s
if that does not wok, later on I will request remote shell :)
it's running atm
it just stops by itself after there is no more to do, no crash
is it ok now?
currently, yes, but it's been like this before
I will leave it like this fo a bit before I start mafw
ok, start mafw
have to run, bbl
currently it looks ok
let's see if it continues
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still fine currently
still stable, will reboot and see what happens
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uvos: tmlind: so the trick is to just install kexecboot and then one can boot to stock android and/or the sdcard, right?
do we need a certain android version?
* Wizzup
should re-read the logs from like last year
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anyone on N900, i'm curious to see what you get from `busctl call org.ofono /n900_0 org.ofono.NetworkRegistration GetProperties`
you could mask off the lac and cid if necessary
seems to me N900 does not report operator name, at least not in a 'normal
it's not critical, of course, since, after doing a scan, you can get operator name from the /n900_0/operator/xxxxx path, but i'm still curious nonetheless
and would like to fix it at some point, since actually the operator name is constantly being sent to ofono by the modem
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ah, this happens only on some operators ... on a different sim, operator name is filled in perfectly ootb
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Wizzup: you install kexecboot on androids cache partition
android still sortof works after that, but its wonky
mostly you can still use it for charging, wich is important because the mianline kernel and bearly charge the device
as it has a extra charging chip for that that is currently not supported
and cpcap cant really keep up with the tablets bigger power draw, nor can it really put a dent into the huge battery in resonable timespans
mz617 has no sdcard reader
you can install an extreamly limited rootfs without breaking android further
realistcly you need to overwrite at least the exdata partiton, causeing even more issues for android
unfortinatly because of the power and storage issues, its quite easy to end up in at least a soft brick
i frankly dont see a resonable user frendly way to install leste on mz617 for now
mz609 is more frendly to our purposes
some of the european versions also have a sdcard reader, im not quite sure which however
but they have no modem so, you lose that then
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