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<Wizzup> yes, backend should not be in settings
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<Wizzup> with tp we'll have many backends
<Wizzup> uvos__: do you think it's worth adding the mz617 hacks to our experimental or devel kernel?
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<uvos__> Wizzup: thatswhz i
<uvos__> upps
<uvos__> Wizzup: thats why i rebased the kernel on 6.6
<uvos__> but its currently no use untill the omap-dai is fixed
<Wizzup> ok
<nela> someone was tracking down the IR TX issue on N900 and found the timing issues, did we ever get to the end of it?
<nela> also I now acquired a second worse condition device for debugging purposes and I will solder a UART header to it shortly
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<Guest224> dear developers Leste wiki has error at PP: Keyboard, Yes, When a PP keyboard is connected, it works out-of-the-box
<Guest224> it should be this way: Keyboard, WIP, When a PP keyboard is connected, all exept third level of first row
<Guest224> It had not be working right way in any stable version.
<Guest224> you find problem quite fast when writing with PP keyboard: setxkbmap -query | grep model
<Guest224> solution is in that link I put yesterday, but it should merge to next version of Leste.
<Guest224> or is it coming in next version already?
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<uvos> freemangordon: sure that fixes the issue with ir-tx
<uvos> but is the underlying issue of the delay taking longer than expected still there
<uvos> if so i suspect it might be the cause for bluetooth audio being semi-broken on d4
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<uvos> (it faces fairly constant ~100ms clicks where something is unable to keep the stream going, even when pm states are disabled)
<uvos> us
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<sicelo> arno11 ... i did test the transitions.ini. all is well indeed. just one nitpick - when in the application list, not blanking/dimming the wallpaper makes things seem confusing/cluttered
<arno11> sicelo: yes, need a bit of work for this
<arno11> sicelo: i have another transitions.ini file wich is faster (but still the confusing app list)
<arno11> *btw
<arno11> uvos: sicelo: https://ibb.co/MpBhkRR
<arno11> this is the best result i have ATM
<arno11> still using hbox (vbox is tricky to use with the keypad)
<arno11> but user friendly even with big fingers IMO
<sicelo> this looks good! i think you can bring Recent to the bottom as well, and have three buttons on that bottom row
<sicelo> but i don't see 'Cancel' ;p
<arno11> i removed it lol
<arno11> but i can add it again
<arno11> (if uvos is hangry)
<sicelo> i don't think it'll be approved :p
<arno11> *angry
<arno11> yes indeed :p
<arno11> maybe i can add 'recent' at the bottom row and add 'cancel' on the top one ?
<arno11> *instead of 'recent'
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<sicelo> i'm quite sure they want Cancel to be at the bottom ... presumably to close the application easily, even in portrait mode
<arno11> ok
<uvos> pretty mutch exactly correct
<arno11> so call, contacts, cancel
<uvos> i also really dont like this layout for another reason: its too different to the portrait one
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<uvos> the relative possitioning of buttons should stay the as mutch the same as possible
<uvos> to avoid too mutch user suprise
<arno11> agreed but dealing with vbox columns is tricky
<arno11> *with the keypad
<uvos> hmm
<uvos> the keypad is one widget anyhow
<uvos> so just have a everything in a vbox inside a hbox that contains just the vbox in portait
<uvos> and remove the keypad from the vbox and add it to the hbox where the vbox is also in when switching to landscape
<uvos> or rather when switching to a window that too small for the portrait layout
<arno11> vbox inside a hbox is what i'm trying to use ATM with no success
<arno11> question of time :p
<uvos> ok, not sure what issues would crop up there
<uvos> but its been a whlile since i wrote a gtk2 ui layout
<uvos> oh btw
<uvos> i would recommend "scrot" to take screenshots over ssh
<uvos> mutch less work than makeing a photo
<arno11> thx for the tip
<arno11> question of POV but i think the last example is not so different from the portrait mode: in every cases we have to add buttons on the right/left/bottom/top anyway
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<freemangordon> uvos: yes, and unfortunately I have no idea what the reason could be. However, seems to be process priority/scheduler related, like, on omap4 with proper priority latency is low. Keep in mind the shortest measurable period is ~30us, because system timer is running @ 32kHz, so maybe scheduler has no option when we have 3-4 high-priority tasks but to delay each task re-activation with couple of 30us periods
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<uvos> freemangordon: if you think its related to scheduler behavior maybe we should try a different one than cfs, like pds or bmq or the like, those are mostly more optimized for interactive systems anyhow
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<freemangordon> uvos: if you give me some hints I can try
<freemangordon> but yeah, seems scheduler related
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