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<Wizzup> dsc: arno: this is known until we merge tp module
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: I'm getting more music and videos in OMP now :)
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<tmlind> got the mz617 usb modem flakeyness sorted out, will try to push out updated branch over the weekend. will take a look at enabling mz609 lcd next, then i guess it's time to rebase the n_gsm pathes for gps :) hmm maybe uvos already rebased the n_gsm stuff to v6.6-rc series?
<tmlind> i only really care about wlan + lcd + touch + gps on these devices to use with maps with m-l fyi.. most of the other devices should be similar to d4 though
<tmlind> presumably the gps is still on the modem
<Wizzup> tmlind: this is super great
<Wizzup> I am at openfest not this weekend but next weekend and want to see if I can show off mz617 with m-l
<Wizzup> I think uvos tried to rebase but he said something was missing
<Wizzup> I don't remember what
<tmlind> ok, mz609 has different backlight and touchscreen so no idea how long that might take
<tmlind> with mz617 i noticed that i could just mkfs ext4 on the big vfat partition, then reboot to android and it gets still mounted an reinitialized with the default directories
<tmlind> so that can be used both by anrdoid and m-l if anybody cares about the stock android support still
<tmlind> it's not mkfs.ext4 on the android root though, i think it's mke2fs where ext4 needs to be specified to reformat (and lose all the user data naturally)
<Wizzup> yes, that makes sense
<tmlind> hmm i think it was make_ext4fs on the stock android partition i used to reformat userdata partition mmcblk1p20
<Wizzup> freemangordon: I'm thinking of quickly adding support for the menu arrow in qt5, I think we can just decide whether to render it or not in QXcbWindow::show ?
<Wizzup> there is an old ifdef 0'd version in qmenu_bar.cpp that just needs to be adapter for xcb mostly
<Wizzup> adapted
<Wizzup> I don't know if the xgetwmprotocols hackery is really necessary
<Wizzup> It might just need to set the property
<Wizzup> I don't know what we need the _NET_WM_CONTEXT_CUSTOM for
<freemangordon> Wizzup: yes, now the tracker does not crash...
<freemangordon> sorry, just woke up, need some coffee first
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<uvos__> tmlind: i did not rebase the gps or modem patches, i rebased all of my/leste stuff, noticed the broken omap dai and gave up
<uvos__> iic omap-dai should work again now so ill continue when i have the time
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<uvos__> tmlind: ^^^
<tmlind> uvos__: ok i'll take a look at rebasing the modem patches, i think audio might need that wip mcbsp patch, maybe it's only needed with some configurations though
<uvos__> tmlind: ok great yeah only the modem is still needed
<uvos__> everything else is rebased
<tmlind> nice
<tmlind> did you rebase the pvr stuff too?
<tmlind> it will be interesting to see if the ants are still there on mz619 as it's a video mode panel..
* tmlind needs some lunch bbl
<uvos__> tmlind: yeah i have pvr
<uvos__> tmlind: there was just some minor drm api changes
<Wizzup> uvos__: tmlind: ok, good to hear
<Wizzup> I have the mz619 on my desk here, brought it to asia :)
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<tmlind> ok great less stuff for me to rebase
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<uvos__> i was pretty suprised how pvr rebased with almost no fuss
<uvos__> and worked too
<uvos__> the pvr code is pretty scary
<uvos__> btw we should probubly update our usermode binaries and move the omap3/4 onto mesa-amber
<uvos__> atm we cant futher update mesa (for the pp for instance)
<uvos__> since any further mesa updates would permanenly break pvr
<dsc_> walking antssss
<uvos__> since the ants are in textures its more like ants in amber :P
<uvos__> the ants situation is no different in 6,6 unfortinatly
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<Wizzup> uvos__: please lmk if you have a kernel for the mz617, would love to try
<uvos__> i mean this should boot all the way to accelerated hildon on m617, but i have not tried it on the tablet besides checking if it boots to console
<uvos__> on d4 it works fine, besides the modem and sound
<freemangordon> new definition of 'boots fine' :p
<freemangordon> sorry, "works fine"
<freemangordon> BTW, it seems omapdrm driver does not support color keying and alpha blending :(
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<freemangordon> or rather, the code is in the driver, but userspace cannot reach it
<freemangordon> omapfb supports it, but not omapdrm
<uvos__> why would we want color keying? we dont need accelerated overlays in a compositing window manager
<freemangordon> so we want compositing to happen during fullscreen video playback?
<freemangordon> like, 'pause', 'play' etc buttons?
<freemangordon> or, I am missing somthign
<freemangordon> uvos__: like, how am I supposed to put button over XV playback?
<Wizzup> uvos__: hm, no modem and sound, I guess that is what you said was fixed now?
<uvos__> Wizzup: modem ist just not rebased yet, sound is probably fixed with the patch tmlind posted
<uvos__> freemangordon: you dont
<freemangordon> hmm?
<uvos__> freemangordon: with xv you either do wat mpv dose (insert the widget into the stream)
<Wizzup> ok
<uvos__> or you forget about xv and use gl (wich is what everyone has doen
<uvos__> )
<freemangordon> or, use color keying
<uvos__> except everyhone is dropping support
<uvos__> (incl xv in the first place)
<freemangordon> IIRC, this does not mean overlay
<uvos__> so its not really a sollution
<freemangordon> ok, but we don;t have glimagesink that work with gles2 :(
<freemangordon> *works
<uvos__> hm ok :(
<freemangordon> also, I don;t see what is the issue with using DSS HW to do what we want at no cost, but have to write shaders and whatnot
<freemangordon> that's suboptimal
<freemangordon> BTW, drm subsystem has support for color keying
<uvos__> no issue, its just how everyone else in the stack is railroading you too
<freemangordon> not ,really
<freemangordon> kernel has support
<uvos__> sure the kernel
<freemangordon> it is that particular driver that does not have
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<freemangordon> uvos__: see, "Existing KMS Properties"
<freemangordon> armada, nv and radeon support it
<freemangordon> BTW, qt somehow manages to draw on top of the video
<freemangordon> it is just that we are missing transparency
<uvos__> qt is gl accelerated internally, presumably it just renders the video to a texure and composes its own window
<uvos__> or do you mean it manages while using xv
<freemangordon> yes
<uvos__> hmm
<freemangordon> video playback in openmediaplayer is done by mafw-gst-renderer (separate process), which uses xvimagesink
<freemangordon> so omp passes playback widget window xid to mafw
<uvos__> hmm ok
<dsc_> did someone say qt
<freemangordon> and mafw-gst-renderer gets 'embeded'
<freemangordon> yes, I am in love with it :)
<uvos__> xembed yeah
<uvos__> but thow it renders over xv
<uvos__> no idea
<freemangordon> me neither
<uvos__> without hw overlay
<freemangordon> but it works fine
<freemangordon> besides the buttons that are in the middle (play, pause, etc) that have funny backgrounds
<freemangordon> maybe xorg does something sane, dunno
<freemangordon> and no, qt does not use gl for QWidget, afaik
<uvos__> it sure dose for qmultimedia surfaces
<uvos__> which you arnt using
<freemangordon> yeah
<freemangordon> maybe somehow the clipping region is correct
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<uvos__> these things are fundamentally impossible in wayland btw, jfyi
<uvos__> so porting of that will be fun
<uvos__> (or rather you would just ditch this for qmulitmedia)
<freemangordon> yeah
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