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<sicelo> power mgmt is good on the qualcomm sdm845 devices, and the hardware support is stellar too (due to many people working on it)
<sicelo> s/people/people and companies (such as linaro)/
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<freemangordon> uvos: could you remind me which patches you want me to review?
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<Wizzup> uvos: if I retry with this third e960 that I have, and somehow make sure I safely remove the clips, I will still need some kind of hotglue or otherwise to make this work sensibly, right? I can't just tape around it a bit.
<uvos> the bms?
<uvos> to hold it against the battery?
<uvos> you want to use some well speced tape
<uvos> kapton tape is the mehtod of choice
<uvos> wrap the bms with kaption, then tape around the end of the battery to keep the bms in
<Wizzup> bms is the pcb?
<uvos> yes
<Wizzup> ok
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<Wizzup> I think I should just do this in a few weeks when I get back and suffer through the weakest battery for a while longer :)
<Wizzup> at least I have a bionic with a factory extended battery
<uvos> above the final kapton tape you can use some firber reenforced tape for some regiditiy
<uvos> thats how the stackup is in a comertial battery
<Wizzup> ok
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<uvos> for some reason (well different chemistry) the bionic extended batteries have survieved mutch better than eb41/hw4x
<uvos> mine has almost rated capacity
<tmlind> uvos: i recall bionic batteries eeprom limits max charge voltage to 4.2 so that explains
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<tmlind> narrowed down the tc358765 myster register bit enabling lcd output last night btw, bit 5 for VPCTRL must be set for tc358765 while tc358775 only supports video event mode and bit 5 is reserved
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<uvos> thats true but not the reason really, the bionic extended battery is a standard li-nmc afair, while the eb41/hw4x is a hvlipo. The cathode alloying materials to increase the galvanic potential generally have mutch poorer lifespan, regarless of how you charge them
<uvos> this is why also the new old stock eb41 battiers that have never been charged are so degraded
<tmlind> uvos: ok, maybe also check the android cpcap charger voltage reg values between hw4x and extended battery just in case :) we know for sure that eb41 with android always connected to a charger will only last some months
<uvos> its reduced
<uvos> the charge enpoint voltage for bw8x (bionic extended) is 4.2 you can check with a dmm
<uvos> so the cpcap regs are clearly also set correctly by android here
<tmlind> ok
<tmlind> android charged eb41 at 4.35 or whatever the voltage was
<uvos> yes
<uvos> again this battery has a different cathod material
<uvos> so this is "ok"
<uvos> but they have poor lifespan in genreal
<uvos> *general
<tmlind> it's not ok for a usable lifespan, it will bloat after a few months if left connected :)
<tmlind> no idea how much short higher voltages wear it down though as discussed numerous times earlier
<uvos> not mutch, the main thing that wares it down is just calendaric ageing, something those hvlipos are terrible at
<uvos> anyhow unfortinatly any new phone battery you buy now will also be hvlipo for the most part
<uvos> idealy soldered and glued into the deive
<tmlind> somebody would have to run a test on a pile of batteries before i'd switch to higher charge voltages
<uvos> yay obsolescence :P
<tmlind> obsolete but still usable :)
* tmlind bbl
<uvos> tmlind: ttyl
<uvos> really excited about mz617 support :)
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<Wizzup> yes yes :)
<Wizzup> uvos: iirc the eu is forcing batteries to be replacable
<maxwelld> will mz617 be able to show youtube videos in more than 144p? (:
<Wizzup> I am never sure if these smileys are passive aggressive or not :D
<Wizzup> but yeah, I'm sure it'll be able to play yt-dlp'd videos at native res
<maxwelld> oh oh oh.
<maxwelld> thank you for saying that.
<maxwelld> with the smile i mean don't take it critically.
<maxwelld> i would like to have a maemo tablet, if it is able to show online videos - that would be its main function.
<Wizzup> yeah, we all want it :D
<Wizzup> I have a bunch of mz617's to send to people too for dev
<maxwelld> good.
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<uvos> d4 can bearly do 480p
<uvos> so mz617 wille be able to do that too
<uvos> (sw decodeing, with hardware presentation)
<uvos> we cant do hw decodeing on omap4 atm
<Wizzup> if I know ahead of time I just convert it to the right res with ffmpeg
<uvos> but all the code is availble for this
<uvos> as is the required propriatary firmware
<uvos> but its going to be a pain to use as they never supported a real api like vaapi
<uvos> but only some propriatary ti crap that no one uses
<Wizzup> yeah, it's not important atm imo
<uvos> would be nice to use the fsp
<uvos> *dsp
<uvos> another funn thing to do, that i will probubly never come around to is to use one of the the cortex m4 procs for various tasks
<uvos> they can access almost anything the cortex a9 can
<uvos> so you could have one decode mp3s and send the audio to cpcap for essentaly zero power usage audio playback
<uvos> stuff like that
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<Wizzup> yeah
<tmlind> heh i remember the 100 hour mp3 playback spec..
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<freemangordon> uvos: why do we nned that ? I mean - it will fallback to xdg-open without anyways, no?
<freemangordon> *need
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<uvos> freemangordon: i use it in a later pr
<uvos> but mainly its just compleating the api
<uvos> as noted by the commit message, an application can choose any osso service
<uvos> but it cant choose xdg
<freemangordon> yes, I saw that later PR
<freemangordon> but just don;t see what we gain if explicitly requesting xdg-open
<uvos> so in the case that we have any number osso serivces and a xdg action the client cant choose the xdg one but can choose any of the osso services
<uvos> freemangordon: in this specific case, abook itself registers as a osso service to handle tel://
<freemangordon> ahaaa
<uvos> freemangordon: we must ofc avoid abook simply calling itself here
<freemangordon> now I see
<freemangordon> so, this is just a workaround
<uvos> well the use - sortof
<uvos> the the pr itself is just compleating the api really
<uvos> but let my justify why this is fine:
<freemangordon> ok, so we expect maemo phone app to either register in TP on with xdg
<freemangordon> *or with
<uvos> in abook this is a fallback path anyhow, any osso aligned dialer is going to be using tp
<uvos> any non osso aligned dialer is not going to use a osso serivce
<uvos> so its either tp or xdg-open anyhow
<freemangordon> I understand that
<freemangordon> it is just that the implementation looks hacky to me :) . gimme some time to chew it.
<uvos> i gues what would be even better would be the ability for abook to tell hildonmime: dont use this action to handle this request
<freemangordon> mhm
<freemangordon> I was thinking about that
<uvos> atm the api only allows the oposit: use this action to hanlde this request
<uvos> the api should allow the caller to specify it wants xgd
<freemangordon> well, the caller should not care about the method
<uvos> well then you might as well remove the whole HildonURIAction parameter
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<freemangordon> uvos: not really
<freemangordon> also, I think osso-abook can achieve the same without requesting xdg-only opening
<freemangordon> there is already hildon_uri_get_actions_by_uri()
<uvos> sure and we should extend that to also return a xdg HildonURIAction when thats whats available
<uvos> but either keep the parameter as is and merge the pr to allow the HildonURIAction parameter to url_open also specify xdg-open, or remove the callers ability to specify what it wants in url_open
<uvos> anything else makes no sense
<uvos> really
<freemangordon> ok, gimme some time to see if I can come up with a better API
<freemangordon> uvos: ok, I will merge that PR, but osso-abook should simply call libhildonmime to open the uri without requesting xdg method. I am tempted to introduce hildon_uri_open_filtered() and call it a day
<freemangordon> also, unless I am missing something, if there is no xdg dialer, osso-abook will call itself with the current code, no?
<uvos> yes, thats slightly jarring, but harmless, it just moves to the contact again
<uvos> hildon_uri_open_filtered would be a fine option too
<freemangordon> well, what I am saying is that osso-abook should somehow tell libhildonmime to not call it. thus hildon_uri_open_filtered()
<freemangordon> mhm
<freemangordon> uvos: hmm you should not try uri_xdg_open() twice
<uvos> i dont,
<uvos> where do i?
<uvos> if xdg-open is specified fails, and osso-serivce also fails then i gues it tires it twice
<uvos> not a big deal or?
<uvos> doing anything else would make the code more complex i think
<freemangordon> just add some bool
<freemangordon> not a biggie, but buggy :)
<uvos> sure i can add that if you want
<freemangordon> because it sound like DBUS is not attempted
<freemangordon> which is not true
<uvos> should be prefered i gues
<uvos> "should be prefered" i gues
<freemangordon> yes, or "tried first"
<freemangordon> please fix those 2 and I'll merge
<freemangordon> hmm
<freemangordon> actually...
<freemangordon> do we want DBUS at all in case of HILDON_URI_ACTION_XDG?
<uvos> well if no xdg handler can be found better to have something handle it instead of dropping it (usually silently)
<uvos> or?
<freemangordon> Return: %TRUE if successfull or %FALSE.
<uvos> sure
<freemangordon> maybe let the application handle that
<freemangordon> like, what to do if XDG fails
<freemangordon> dunno...
<uvos> donno either
<uvos> so one think i was thinking here
<uvos> is that later we can have the default for etach mime also be "xdg" as a special value
<uvos> so it sets this
<uvos> and then tries xdg first
<uvos> but ofc in this case it must fall back to whatever is avaialble if xdg cant serve
<freemangordon> Ah, I see
<freemangordon> ok, lets leave it as it is then
<freemangordon> just fix those 2 issues
<freemangordon> and I'll try to come up with fix for osso-abook, maybe implementing hildon_uri_open_filtered()
<uvos> ok
<freemangordon> uvos: sorry, wait, don't waste time. I'll touch libhildonmime anyways, will fix those
<uvos> too late
<uvos> i just updated the pr
<freemangordon> oh, I just merged :)
<uvos> oh no
<uvos> what version did you get :P
<freemangordon> lemme pull
<freemangordon> the old one :(
<freemangordon> sec
<uvos> eh just git reset and merge my fork
<freemangordon> right
<freemangordon> uvos: ugh, why did you delete gtk-doc.make?
<uvos> ah crap, dpkg-buildpackge dose that on eatch compile
<freemangordon> ok, I'll fix the original PR
<uvos> ok
<freemangordon> don;t waste any more time on that
<uvos> o
<uvos> k
<uvos> note the original pr had an additional issue i fixed
<freemangordon> what it is?
<uvos> this goto was missing
<uvos> when a osso-service was not found but xdg-open was able to hanlde the request
<freemangordon> ok
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