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<arno11> sicelo: did you find time to test calls with chrt priorities on your n900 ?
<arno11> i ask because i'm currently looking at stuff we need to finally be ready to integrate calls
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<arno11> (daemon.conf modif, transitions.ini, omap-ssi and cmt-speech on boot, init script for modem, cmt_pulse and sphone, and then correct chrt priorities for PA, sphone and cmt_pulse)
* enyc meows
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: uvos: any objections if we adopt sqlite3 in our repos? mafw-tracker-source hits https://lists.gnome.org/archives/tracker-list/2009-December/msg00106.html
<freemangordon> the other option is to split to several queries
<uvos> the downside to simply changing sqlite here is that anyone who wants to run our stack on a fidderent distro is likely to trip over this
<uvos> *different
<freemangordon> yeah
<freemangordon> well, if I split into subqueries, there will be performance penalty
<freemangordon> but..
<Wizzup> better to split over several queries I think
<freemangordon> ok, just keep in mind I will split the columns ;)
<freemangordon> in the meanwhile :)
<freemangordon> this is with modified sqlite3
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