but i mean there is no usecase for a abook widget to ever open osso-addressbook to handle a url
since osso-addressbook then pops up the "add contact" dialog
and that makes no sense if the user clicked on the link inside the abook in the firstplace
so just filter away the osso-addressbook in every uri_open call in abook
osso-addressbook is just an application
and there is no issue when user clicks link from it (already added filter)
its an application that registers a osso-service
but if it is not osso-addressbook that uses the lib
then we have an issue
i dont see why, every call to libhildonmime from abook-lib simply filters away the osso-addressbook service and everything works fine
no, we can't do that
why not?
I mean - this is ugly hack
i dont think its that ugly really
what about abook applet then?
what about it?
scratch that
a bigger problem i see is the other direction
why should be osso-addressbook any special?
i mean if you dont want it to be special
you can implement something like android intents
no idea what it is
android intents allow handlers to have specific purposes
ie the dispach can give a hint that: this schal be used to communicate
or: this shal be stored in some address book
we have similar already
not same, but similar
well the services dont work that way
hildon-uri actions
they do
afaik libhildonmime has no way of being told to only consider handlers of a certain type
yes, see the second parameter of hildon_uri_get_actions_by_uri()
so there seems to be some idea we can extend
well that
but, I don't really want to go into that
dosent really have that kind of granularity that android intents have at all
like what dose NORMAL and NEUTRAL even supposed to mean
still trying to grok :)
anyhow the clean solution would be to have "open" and "store" be different actions
and xdg-open only responds to "open" (obviously) and osso-addressbook only to "store"
that would be copying android essentally
the sliglty less clean solution (but imo not bad) would be to just hardcode filter away osso-addressbook in abook-lib
dunno, really sounds like a hack to me. that way we say osso-addressbook is the only addressbook on the system, which contradicts to what you are fighting for all the time :p
this is true, and i use gnome contacts some
* freemangordon
puts his devil's advocate hat on
but in the end gnome-contacts dosent use libhildonmime anyhow
so it has no effect
right, but we limit osso addressbook provider
this is another big problem for this whole construction of course, firefox will never choose a osso-service to handle something
it shall never I think
why not?
we could have speical .desktop files for osso-services
dialer shall register with xdg, no?
that call libhildonmime with some parameters
that then are registered with xdg
anyhow not important right now
hmm, I wonder why is not osso-addressbook kalled for emails
probubly modest is just head of it in the list
That'd be really crazy if Nokia counted on that
ok, will check that when I have some time, have to run now. ttyl
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Wizzup: sicelo: i tweaked transition.ini a bit (a lot in fact) and result is crazy: the UI is now really fast (even without overclock)
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apt-worker is a big concern too. must be disabled i think, without overclock n900 is unusable for 5 min at least when apt-worker is running...