<Wizzup> I am not sure if they would be willing, but we could try
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<Wizzup> uvos: actually I kind of like it
<Wizzup> I guess they could get the droid4 size easily from a eb41 search
<Wizzup> I asked him
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<freemangordon> uvos__: do we want osso-abook(the library) to do hildon_uri_open()? I guess yes, but just to confirm.
<freemangordon> I know addressbook (the application) should do, albeit using hildon_uri_open_filter()
<freemangordon> hmm, no, lib should not try anything but TP
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<freemangordon> or not?
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<uvos__> why not? the lib is bound to be used in other applications where this is usefull
<uvos__> not least sphone itself
<freemangordon> so you expect abook lib to call sphone back to dial a number?
<freemangordon> I am trying to make the big picture clear to myself
<freemangordon> and more or less agree lib shall do hildon_uri_open() calls
<freemangordon> but that will not work properly without some sane defaults
<freemangordon> or sphone registering itself as osso service
<freemangordon> (in case of sphone)
<freemangordon> imagine:
<freemangordon> we don't tha TP ting account
<freemangordon> user wants to dial a phone through sphone abook lib contacts chooser
<freemangordon> sorry for the typos
<freemangordon> "we don't have TP ring account"
<freemangordon> so, she presses the phone field, lib sees there is no ring account and calls hildon_uri_open()
<freemangordon> this will open osso-addressbook by default :)
<freemangordon> OTOH, I don't think XDG shall be primary and osso fallback
<freemangordon> BTW, I don;t think we shall limit hildon_uri_open() fallback logic to tel/sms only
<freemangordon> we may want to fallback to pidgin (for example) for chats etc
<uvos__> freemangordon: it dose that allready for everthing except tel and sms
<uvos__> pidgen should work ever since we added xdg support to libhildonmime
<freemangordon> umm, where did you see that?
<freemangordon> in abook lib I mean
<uvos__> sec
<uvos__> ok looks like its only for mail which makes sense, yeah chat is tp only
<uvos__> freemangordon: to the above
<freemangordon> mhm
<freemangordon> so no fallback currently
<uvos__> freemangordon: frankly i dont see the usecase of abook-lib ever calling osso-addressbook to handle anything
<freemangordon> hildon_uri_open() will do it
<uvos__> so we can just hardcode abook-lib to ignore osso-addressbook
<freemangordon> no
<uvos__> why not?
<freemangordon> because this might be a valid use-case
<uvos__> i dont see how a hildon_uri_open from abook-lib should ever end up in osso-addressbook
<freemangordon> can't imagine now, but that looks like a huge hack
<freemangordon> because osso-abook is registered as soos service
<freemangordon> sec
<uvos__> i know why it dose it
<uvos__> but i mean there is no usecase for a abook widget to ever open osso-addressbook to handle a url
<uvos__> since osso-addressbook then pops up the "add contact" dialog
<freemangordon> exactly
<uvos__> and that makes no sense if the user clicked on the link inside the abook in the firstplace
<uvos__> so just filter away the osso-addressbook in every uri_open call in abook
<freemangordon> osso-addressbook is just an application
<freemangordon> and there is no issue when user clicks link from it (already added filter)
<uvos__> its an application that registers a osso-service
<freemangordon> but if it is not osso-addressbook that uses the lib
<freemangordon> then we have an issue
<uvos__> i dont see why, every call to libhildonmime from abook-lib simply filters away the osso-addressbook service and everything works fine
<freemangordon> no, we can't do that
<uvos__> why not?
<freemangordon> I mean - this is ugly hack
<uvos__> i dont think its that ugly really
<freemangordon> what about abook applet then?
<freemangordon> umm...
<freemangordon> wait
<uvos__> what about it?
<freemangordon> scratch that
<uvos__> a bigger problem i see is the other direction
<freemangordon> why should be osso-addressbook any special?
<uvos__> i mean if you dont want it to be special
<uvos__> you can implement something like android intents
<freemangordon> no idea what it is
<uvos__> android intents allow handlers to have specific purposes
<uvos__> ie the dispach can give a hint that: this schal be used to communicate
<uvos__> or: this shal be stored in some address book
<uvos__> etc
<freemangordon> we have similar already
<freemangordon> not same, but similar
<uvos__> well the services dont work that way
<freemangordon> hildon-uri actions
<freemangordon> they do
<uvos__> afaik libhildonmime has no way of being told to only consider handlers of a certain type
<freemangordon> yes, see the second parameter of hildon_uri_get_actions_by_uri()
<freemangordon> so there seems to be some idea we can extend
<uvos__> well that
<freemangordon> but, I don't really want to go into that
<uvos__> dosent really have that kind of granularity that android intents have at all
<freemangordon> sure
<uvos__> like what dose NORMAL and NEUTRAL even supposed to mean
<freemangordon> still trying to grok :)
<uvos__> anyhow the clean solution would be to have "open" and "store" be different actions
<uvos__> and xdg-open only responds to "open" (obviously) and osso-addressbook only to "store"
<uvos__> that would be copying android essentally
<uvos__> the sliglty less clean solution (but imo not bad) would be to just hardcode filter away osso-addressbook in abook-lib
<freemangordon> dunno, really sounds like a hack to me. that way we say osso-addressbook is the only addressbook on the system, which contradicts to what you are fighting for all the time :p
<uvos__> this is true, and i use gnome contacts some
* freemangordon puts his devil's advocate hat on
<uvos__> but in the end gnome-contacts dosent use libhildonmime anyhow
<uvos__> so it has no effect
<freemangordon> right, but we limit osso addressbook provider
<uvos__> this is another big problem for this whole construction of course, firefox will never choose a osso-service to handle something
<freemangordon> it shall never I think
<uvos__> why not?
<uvos__> we could have speical .desktop files for osso-services
<freemangordon> dialer shall register with xdg, no?
<uvos__> that call libhildonmime with some parameters
<uvos__> that then are registered with xdg
<uvos__> anyhow not important right now
<freemangordon> right
<freemangordon> hmm, I wonder why is not osso-addressbook kalled for emails
<freemangordon> *called
<uvos__> probubly modest is just head of it in the list
<uvos__> *ahead
<freemangordon> That'd be really crazy if Nokia counted on that
<freemangordon> ok, will check that when I have some time, have to run now. ttyl
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<arno11> Wizzup: sicelo: i tweaked transition.ini a bit (a lot in fact) and result is crazy: the UI is now really fast (even without overclock)
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<arno11> apt-worker is a big concern too. must be disabled i think, without overclock n900 is unusable for 5 min at least when apt-worker is running...
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<Wizzup> arno11: what kind of changes?
<maxwelld> i am sorry for this but why are they writing fremantle under this video? https://invidious.protokolla.fi/watch?v=liaaYHuQmf0
<maxwelld> isn't it the name of the wind?
<maxwelld> omg
<maxwelld> they are writing it under all videos.
<maxwelld> sorry.
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<arno11> Wizzup: almost every 250 ms parameters to 50ms and disabling all zoom and animations (which are already not really working)
<Wizzup> care to share the diff
<Wizzup> ?
<arno11> of course
<Wizzup> well, actually, take your time, I'm going to sleep soon :)
<arno11> ok no probs man :)
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<Guest224> arnoll: how much it would save memory of N900, if there is solid background and only one desktop screen?
<Guest224> *arno11
<Guest224> maybe not much, but even 1 MB counts. I think it is something between from 1,1 to 3,3 MB.
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<arno11> Guest224: yes between 1 and 3MB
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