Epiphany browser starts quickly but after it opens and you see the page it crashes.
This is seen in xterm after that
get a backtrace
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freemangordon: could easily be out of ram, too
trying to browse the modern web on a n900 is like using a 2004-2005 celeron (which is actually way more powerful) to try and browse the modern web
maybe some super simple thing like dillo can work, but it won't support all the new stuff
yeah. realistically, people should mostly just stop using/obtaining N900 if browsing is a main requirement. there's not a lot that we can do about the web getting bloated, and that trend won't stop
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but still awesome as an irc client! :)
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Wizzup: ping
maemish_: sicelo: yeah even the mapphones are pushing it when used to browse modern webpages
im suprised qtwebrowser manages to dsiplay any page of any complexity on n900
ff just ooms immidatly so its better than that :)
But Maemo 5 with Opera Mobile, Fennec or Micro-b with nginx loads just fine without problems. So it is not just the question of bloated web.
maemish_: right, but none of the 'modern' browsers is optimized for 256 MB of ram
also, which exactly page microb or opera have no issue loading? besides tmo that is
also, do you have swap enabled? also, make sure to disable ramzswap
I have been using Opera just fine for browsing. Or Fennec. And Micro-b with nginx works suprisingly well.
for some reason it is enabled on n900 making things even worse
ok, but lets have one site that loads ok in fremantle and use it as a benchmark
"fine for browsing" is too general
I have not done any tweaks for swap. Thought there is swap by default.
nope, iirc
besides ramzswap and that shall be disabled
so make sure to disable ramzswap and enable emmc swap
and try again
but don;t expect miracles, FF is FUBAR after v78
Is there any info how to? Like to an idiot level?
give me the output of "swapon -s"
Not having device at hand. At work. Will do in the evening. Thanks for bothering to help.
ok, I will be a bit busy in the evening, but in general you need swapon/swapoff commands
and you have to identify emmc swap partition
(s)fdisk -l
Have been active on the forum helping others without using N900 for a year. Lot to remember.
Your info made this idiot to say "Huh?"
why is that
But thanks. Gonna see if I can with that info and with help from my friend go forward. It is no problem.
I mean - maybe ask google how to list enabled swap etc
`blkid -t TYPE=swap` ?
* freemangordon
just learned something new :)
so performance is better if swap is on the device?
for leste, yes
like for fremantle swap has to be on uSD ;)
that's why i wondered.
sixwheeledbeast: on fremantle /opt is on emmc
idk if thats true
uvos__: what is "thats"?
for d4 a modern sdcard is mutch faster with random writes
than its emmc
not for n900
and seqential is mutch faster too
if you enable 100mhz hack
we talk n900 here
n900 can do this hack too
but, swap on emc means 2 io channels
freemangordon: i would not be so sure, i have a sdcard that can saturate the bus at 50Mhz with random writes
one for root and another for swap
ie 25MB/s
on n900 emmc does more than 15MB/s
well thats al lot slower than a good application class sdcard
uvos__: pong
combined with separate channel gives better performance in general
swap io should not wait for rottfs io
freemangordon: sure maybe, but its not that clear cut as you make it out to be
also, you talk about some hacks and special cards
freemangordon: no hacks
freemangordon: for faster random
but yes you need a "special" ie modern application class sdcard
uSD on n900 is 2 lines, IIRC
emmc is 4
but this dosent matter if emmc cant saturate its bus
but emmc on n900 is *very* fast
Wizzup: just wonderning what you wanted
freemangordon: 15 years ago, sure
can;t remember the benchmarks from back then
You guys can't even believe how lucky I feel to follow this conversation.
uvos__: just a sec
Peak behind the scenes to esoteric info.
uvos__: unfortunately google does not give any results for n900 emmc benchmark
freemangordon: ok well we should disable zswap and add a script that asks the user where to place swap maybe
but I can assure you that copy over usb mass storage is done with 16MB/s
zswap on n900 is very bad idea
thats ~seqential then and really slow,
16MB/s is very decent for a 2009 device
compeared to a modern sdcard
not really sequential
someone on tmo claimed 13000Kb/s using flasher3.5 output ?
shoudl be fairly seqentuail, depending on allocations on the card ofc
I'd say it counts as sequential as well yeah
sixwheeledbeast: this is not good benchmark
sixwheeledbeast: I remember running benchmarks locally on the device back then
but neither can remember nor I can find the results :)
uvos__: still, my gut feeling tells me that a separate io channel for swap will be better than even the fastest uSD card, as it is not only the raw speed thet matters
i'd like to stick to my cycling swap defragging method if required, so just interested in performance for leste having all on the card.
maybe provide so benchmarks if possible
it does make sense bandwidth wise i agree
freemangordon: that might be true, is deffinatly true when the sdcard is otherwise loaded, but idk how this presents itself in regular usage
IIRC omap3 runs its mmc bus on max 54MHz, right?
something to play around with
freemangordon: yes, scard spec requires 1.8v trancievers if you want to do more
which we dont have
so, theoretical bus bandwith for uSD is 54/4 = 13.5 MB/s, no?
bus with should be 4 and 8 not 2 and 4
iirc, def true for d4
umm, have to check it, but I think on n900 it is 2 and 4
i thin 2 isent valid for sdhc
does anyone have n900 boot dmesg log around?
kernel tells us the bus width
"mmc1: switch to bus width 1 failed"
maybe, lemme check
hmm, nope, sorry. are you looking for fremantle or leste btw?
well, we are looking for upstream kernel :)
ah, nevermind then
joerg: do you remember uSD vs eMMC bus widhts on n900?
uvos__: right, according to schematic we have MMC_DATA0 to MMC_DATA3 for MMC1 and MMC_DATA0 to MMC_DATA7 for MMC2
so uSD is 4 bits
mmc1 has 4, mmc2 has 8
looks like we're looking at the same pdf :]
joerg: nevermind
bencoh: yeah
uvos__: so, max theoretical transfer is 27MB/s
freemangordon: right so any modern uhs sdcard can massivley outperform emmc
and A class ones with do mutch faster random
I am still not convinced, because those 16MB/s are over USB
if we bench eMMC on the device, I will not be surprised if we see like 25MB/s
maybe I can do that soon
remember back then in HDD times? all the recommendations were to have swap on a separate HDD (and on a separate IDE channel), even if that HDD is slower than rootfs one?
the same here
but on d4 emmc can do about 40MB/s
d4 is another beer
and like 10 random
HW wise those are incomparable
* sixwheeledbeast
still uses spinning disks with two swap partitions on another disk...
so if n900 is same ballpark the increased random speed helps more than io contention hurts
uvos__: afaik eMMC on n900 has very high random speed compared to uSD cards
everything but 256 MB of rootfs is on eMMC
i have a sdcard that can saturate random writes on d4 at 100MHz bus speed
ie about 45MB/s
its not that special even
just a A2 card
may I have a model? I am struggling to find a good uSD card here, no matter the price
*the model
but i dont have it on me rn
no hurry
ill post it later
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>>mmc1 has 4, mmc2 has 8<< just watch out for mmcs getting renamed, at least in fremantle
they swap places/names/numbers
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iirc max speed on uSD in N900 always maxed out at 12.5MB/s, in line with 25MHz@4bit ?
there are faster uSD interfaces but... prolly not for OMP34xx
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joerg: should be 50MHz (max speed of standart sdhc @ 5V) @4bit
practicly about 22MB/s or so with overhead
yeah, but... maybe a signal integrity issue? I don't know
anyway the 12some MB/s I recall quite reliably
it's what mc etc shown me when I copied huge amounts of data to/from uSD
possibly for write though, which must be even slower than read
sure your usd card must be able to saturate the bus ofc
* joerg
idly wonders what uSD if any is in Iron900
hmmm, mount doesn't suggest there's ANY uSD in my IroN900