atm its not even powering on, but i think its symbian yeah
must be, i had a e71i iirc
or e61i ? hm
and a e51 iirc
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buZz: yeah like Wizzup sais xt610 is a better device if you want to expierament with linux in this formfactor
ooo, didnt notice that xt610 mentioning
half a gb ram! such abundance
Wizzup: yeah bring it on, its a omap too?
i have some of those weird Archos omaps too btw
its a sholes device
almost a omap3 ti referance system
the 5" gen8 , and the 8" 4:3 gen9
(like n900)
i think gen9 is the same soc as droid4
sholes is a codename?
like maserati?
sholes was the code name for the droid 1, leter all the droid 1 based devices are referanced as sholes type (in moto source)
so xt610 is sholes type
ah ok
so what preceeded "mapphones"
buZz: quite a bit of current draw there. 1.14A?
yeah 'just turned screen back on'
it spikes sometimes, also it updates once every ... minute?
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freemangordon: on the subject of N950, whenever you boot a recent linux on it, please test if bluetooth still works
I want to play with it on N900, but driver doesn't work on it, but was last reported to work on N950. Knowing how it is in your device will be helpful to know how far back we are with n900