phoebos changed the topic of #kisslinux to: Unofficial KISS Linux community channel | | post logs or else | song of the day
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<asimovc1> bro
<asimovc1> is even a maintainer in community?
<asimovc1> i have a pr opened 4 days ago and no one see it
<asimovc1> and i just get yt-dlp update now in community
<asimovc1> like what?
<angle> what's the point of being pretentious about dropbear and libressl?
<angle> I've heard openssl sucks, but IDK why exactly.
<angle> also lol gnussl:
<angle> gnussh*
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<phoebos> asimovc1: patience bro
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<sewn> asimovc1: fyi a maintainer named ioraff isn't here and doesn't seem to look at PRs at all
<testuser[m]> hi
<testuser[m]> Hi
<sewn> hi tet
<sewn> user
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<asimovc> hi
<asimovc> is there any kinda of ritual to join the community maintainance?
<asimovc> i like to join if possible
<asimovc> i think i have free time to look at community and make the prs faster
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<midfavila> asimovc you have to sacrifice your firstborn under the light of the full moon after dousing yourself in the blood of virgins mixed with elderberry juice and the dust of pyrite
<midfavila> then the ghost of dylan araps will appear before you if you are worthy
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<asimovc> got it
<asimovc> will do it tonight
<sewn> asimovc: just do prs
<sewn> address issues
<sewn> look at proposals
<sewn> you don't get access just by asking
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<asimovc> sewn: i've been doing some prs and issues correction from times
<asimovc> is just that now i can get a work system with kiss so no leaving anymore
<asimovc> but i not a computer cientist to do certain things
<asimovc> but i like to contribute when possible
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<sewn> ehhh
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