phoebos changed the topic of #kisslinux to: Unofficial KISS Linux community channel | | post logs or else | song of the day
ukky has joined #kisslinux
riteo has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
riteo has joined #kisslinux
riteo has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
riteo has joined #kisslinux
sad_plan has joined #kisslinux
<sad_plan> hi
<sewn> hyi sad_plan
<sad_plan> hi sewn
<sewn> how are the holidary
<sad_plan> good
abhi has joined #kisslinux
abhi has quit [Client Quit]
sad_plan has quit [Quit: nyaa~]
chomwitt has joined #kisslinux
A_Dragon has joined #kisslinux
A_Dragon is now known as Festive_Dragon
Festive_Derg has quit [Killed (Festive_Dragon (BEGONE GHOST OF MY PAST))]
Festive_Dragon is now known as Festive_Derg
traidare has joined #kisslinux
traidare has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
chomwitt has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
chomwitt has joined #kisslinux
kiedtl is now known as cot
<sewn> hi cot
<cot> sup
solaare has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
solaare has joined #kisslinux
<sewn> how are you holidary