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<Guest59> yo
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<ehawkvu> ilt: gdb bump to 14.1 ~
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<ilt> ehawkvu: pushed!
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<sewn> ilt: unsure if relevant, but has the usage of install(1) been discussed anywhere?
<ilt> yes many times. we came to conclusion that mkdir+cp should be preferred to install
<ilt> same thing with sed -i, btw. long gone are days when it was used even in kiss itself
<sewn> ok i guess i have to update the style guide
<sewn> becasue god theres so many in community that still usei t
<sewn> i've also noticed theres no style guide for sed -i
<ilt> perhaps worth to add
<sewn> >Use temporary shell file redirection for...
<sewn> i'm not sure if this is a good description
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<ilt> i don't think that redirection part is so important to mention. just say "always use sed and mv to edit existing files. do not use sed -i"
<ilt> then good and bad examples
<ilt> maybe we should also say that sed should be used only for simple changes
<ilt> hmm, i think it warrants a separate rule, so don't bother if you don't want to
<ilt> not exactly how i would do it, but lgtm nonetheless. thanks!
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<asimovsh> hi guys
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<asimovsh> can someone accept my rtorrent pull request?
<asimovsh> i need to make other request for clean the house
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<sewn> clean the house?
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