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ehawkvu has joined #kisslinux
<ehawkvu> Merry Christmas!
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<sad_plan> hi
<sad_plan> wym how sewn
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<abhi> hi
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<sad_plan> hi abhi
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<sewn> sad_plan: how how about
<sad_plan> how about you? how has the holidays been for you so far
<sad_plan> thats what I asked
<sewn> we don't have holidays at this time
<sad_plan> right
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<Guest1196> does anybody here have ANY patch that removes icu dependency from ANY software?
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<sewn> from what
<sewn> you gotta be specific
<sewn> you cant patch icu out of a non-icu software
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<abhi> hi
<sewn> hi abhi
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<riteo> Hi KISS folks, I've got an interesting question. What's the current state of the art in regards to language bootstrapping? That seems to be the biggest issue we're having in regards to building complex software (e.g. JDK), other than the issue of properly caching every build dependency
<riteo> I've been wondering if we could perhaps add be a special bootstrap dependency type (like `make`), that can optionally "pull in" something like a bootstrap payload if needed
<riteo> I see that we already have a package named `go-bootstrap`, but we use that as a make dependency every time the `go` package is built, indepenently of whether we need it or not. Is there a specific reason for that?
<riteo> Uh no wait I think I'm not grasping the full problem space.
<riteo> _why_ do we have the go-bootstrap package in the first place? Is it to avoid building it many times? I'd like to know further context to know how's the situation, becuase it might be me misunderstanding it as a problem, sorry.
<riteo> I'd seriously like to package the JDK because I actually need it for some stuff (yeah, I know that it's bloated, I can't do much regarding that) but I wonder how hard it would be to bootstrap to a modern version, supposing that the dependency fetching problem is solved (it isn't)
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