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<sewn> hi
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<sad_plan> hi
<sewn> hi sad_plan
<sad_plan> hi sewn
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<sewn> phoebos: are you in control of the
<sewn> who made the style guides
<sewn> because style guide 0211 doesn't apply in literally every other example under it
<sad_plan> he is. just create a patch for w/e changes you want, or a pr on the kiss-community codeberg. either way, patches has to be applied manually, so it dont matter
<sewn> i would like to know who made it before i do make a patch to make the style guide a little bit more consistent
<sad_plan> dylan did
<sad_plan> initially atleast. its fetched from dylans
<sewn> makes sense
<sad_plan> yeah.
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<sewn> oh god
<sewn> what happened there
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<sad_plan> some server probably stopped
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<sewn> kiedtl is a matrix person
<sewn> could it be???
<sewn> the bridge is coming back??
<sad_plan> maybe, I dunno
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<kiedtl> nop, not a matrix user :)
<kiedtl> guess my host lost connection, idk
<vulpine> sewn: the bridge is gone for good, the matrix people said they dont have time to fix the problems